Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1646: Doomsday

Longchen was covered with endless black ice, and he wanted to break through the ice for the first time, but he found that this endless black ice not only frozen his body, but also sealed all his strengths. Unable to use within time.

Even if he tried hard to break through the ice seal, it would take a short time to do it. During this time, the situation has changed greatly in the whole world.

Taking advantage of Longchen and others, all of them were frozen and sealed by the ice, including the swallowing sacred Lord, and the four great saints and the scorpion wolf incarnation of Mo Xiaolang successively rushed out from the cracks in the world barrier. .

The four great saints, plus the devotees of the Japanese wolf, and the five powerful terrorists, began to destroy in the world!

"Swallowing the waves!"

The swallowing sacred Lord is a translucent ice-carved giant bird. After coming out of the cracks in the world's barriers, the wings will show up, and there will be infinite chills, like the overlapping waves, and will roll toward the farther away. This cold wave overlaps with each other, one wave is higher than one wave!

The Dragon Lord’s Lord was injured by two powerful moves of Longchen. At this time, it was an extremely angry moment. After coming out of the cracks in the world’s barriers, it broke into two worlds of origin, just a mouth. The two worlds of the original level have been swallowed up in the belly, and countless souls and gods are swallowed up by the Lord of the Dragon!

Bloody Lord, it is not so rude, I saw this **** lord as a combination of blood prison and black beast, the huge body came to the original battleship world where the original ancestor was, and the original battleship was shattered with just one punch. Guarding the map, and then taking a big breath, sucking countless creatures and flesh in the original battleship world into the mouth.

The **** lord, who specializes in swallowing flesh and blood, especially the flesh and blood essence of the strong, is very attractive to him.

It is only the world where the original battleship is located. It is not enough to satisfy the desire of the Bloody Lord to devour the essence of flesh and blood. He once again travels to the next world, wanting to swallow all the flesh and blood of the world, leaving only one empty shell of the world...

In the end, the sacred Lord appeared from the cracks in the world, but the most calm one, not as crazy as it was, but also went to a world, forcing all the creatures in the world to control, and then he was swallowed up. In the abdomen.

Devouring hundreds of millions of creatures, the spirit of the sorcerer's lord is stronger than before, and the sunburst that he controls is even more handy.

One after another, the world is destroyed and swallowed under the sacred sacred lord, this is the **** of the world, the end of the world!

This scene makes Long Chen angry and attacking the heart. He can hardly be protected by these guys.

"Absolutely not!"

In the endless black ice, Longchen burns infinite anger and killing in the eyes, and the rules of killing are integrated into the bloodstained sword in his hands, and a violent **** river Jianguang suddenly collapses!

The **** sword light finally smashed the endless black ice, and Long Chen took it out of the ice seal.

However, when Long Chen came out from the ice seal, the first thing he faced was the Mo Xiaolang who turned into a wolf. The wolf did not hesitate and directly attacked Longchen. The fire condenses into an ancestral fire storm, and it is surrounded by the dragon-throwing!

At the same time, I felt the action of Longchen breaking the seal. Under the greeting of the swallowing Lord, the four great swallowing lords who were being destroyed in the outside world also rushed back here.

For the swallowing lord, the most important thing is to defeat Longchen. If Longchen does not die, even if they swallow the entire world, it is not a real victory.

Therefore, now they have turned back and attacked Longchen, and wanted to kill Longchen.

"Long Chen, don't you admit defeat?"

The voice of the swallowing lord and the sinister voice came, followed by a trick of "swallowing the yin and wave" toward the dragon and smashing it. The coldness is like a wave of overlap, a wave is higher than a wave, and it is rushing toward Longchen!

The endless black chill, the overlapping wave of the formation, rushed to the end, forcing Longchen had to find a way to deal with it.

"Chaotic universe collapses!"

The means that Longchen now possesses is of course the strongest of the Yuanshi Festival Dragon and the Taixu Zhoulong. In the face of the powerful offensive of the sacred lord, he can only cope with the strongest means.

The chaotic universe disintegrates, condenses the power of the infinite chaotic rules of the Yuanshi sacrifice dragon, constructs a universe of chaotic states, and then shrouds the heavily swallowed and sinister waves in this chaotic universe.

Along with the collapse of the entire chaotic universe, this overlapping swallowing and swelling waves have also been disintegrated, leaving nothing left.

However, this is just the beginning.

The swallowing sacred master failed to deal with Longchen, but there were three other sacred lords, and the singer-in-law who controlled the swallowing sacred master was attacking Longchen.

"All the dragons in the world are my bait food! Longchen, eat me a trick, 寰宇吞龙!"

At this time, the Lord of the Dragon swallows came out of nowhere, and the shadow of the giant body appeared from the void, and the power of the devastating rules of the swallows condensed into a huge dragonfly!

This huge mouth of the dragon swallows the dragon's legs in an instant, and the horrible rules of engulfing are added to it, so that his legs seem to be no longer his own at this moment.

"Hongmen billions of prison!"

Long Chen gnawed his teeth and finally became the Yuanshi sacrifice dragon. He was condensed into hundreds of millions of prisons by the rules of Hongmeng, and divided the vast mouth of the dragon into a billions of parts, all of which were plunged into the billions of prisons. .

However, Hongmeng billions of prisoners have not been able to completely annihilate the giant mouth of the dragon, and the attack of the **** Lord has come.

"Magic blood corruption!"

The devour power of the **** Lord is broken and the void comes. ~www.novelmtl.com~ The tail part of Longchen Hualong is all enveloped in a **** magic blood.

The tail of Longchen turned into a dragon after the beginning of the dragon, in this **** magical blood, was constantly invaded and corroded, and suffered extremely serious trauma!

The swallowing of the Holy Lord and the swallowing of the Holy Lord are also not idle, each shot, all released all the power of devouring, biting the various parts of the body of the Yuan Shi sacrifice dragon of Longchen, and began to swallow up the whole body!

Under the power of endless engulfing rules, Longchen did not have any resistance. After all, it was an enemy five. The gap was too great and was directly suppressed by the other side.

Then, Mo Xiaolang's devastating Japanese demon wolf, toward the dragon, with the celestial wolf, smashed, and there is no meaning of mercy!

Long Chen felt the attack of Mo Xiaolang, and he bit his teeth. His eyes contained an angry look. He did not hate Mo Xiaolang, but hated the swallowing of the Holy Lord. His brother came to him!

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