Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1647: Little wolf wakes up

Long Chen stared at the indulgent wolf wolf in the incarnation of Mo Xiaolang. Seeing his eyes, there was nothing but killing. The consciousness of the Mo Xiao wolf itself has been completely suppressed by the swallowing Lord. .

The day of the demon wolf, with the rules of the celestial wolf, the condensed light column, turned into the body of the dragon, and slammed it over, and together with the other four great saints, the whole dragon will be swallowed up.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared from the gods of Longchen, and in this moment, stopped in front of Longchen, not let Mo Xiaolang attack Longchen.

This person is the person

At the moment, Su Shi, the beautiful pair of scorpions, is only the shadow of the demon wolf. She has an unspeakable emotion in her eyes, looking at the wolf.

"Little Wolf, wake up"

This sentence, screaming and exhausted, Susie used the greatest strength to shout out this sentence, because she knew that this is probably the last sentence she said in this world.

She didn't know if she could wake up the soul of Mo Xiaolang. Once she failed, she would be swallowed up by the celestial wolf.

But now, the only way she can do this is to protect Long Chen from the catastrophic fatal blow. Once Long Chen is dead, the entire Wanjie will be destroyed. Only in a short period of time, the four great swallows The Lord is in chaos in the world, and the damage brought to the world is hard to count.

Needless to say, once Longchen is killed, the four great saints are even more unscrupulous, and it is possible to release the remaining three sacred sacred lords. As a result, Wanjie is really finished.

Therefore, Su Shi did not want to, at this critical moment, emerged from the **** country of Longchen, trying to wake up the Mo Xiaolang controlled by the Holy Spirit.

The four great saints, each of them swallowed a part of the great body of the dragon that was transformed by the dragon, but they did not shoot to deal with Su Shi, and they were somewhat surprised. I don’t think there would be such an insignificant figure at this time.

"Reassured, my swallowing of the Lord's control of the swallowing of the heavens is completely unsolvable. This woman appears, it is difficult to affect us... I will devour the woman."

The sorrow of the Holy Lord Sensen said.

Long Chen’s eyes saw Su that he appeared in front of him and stopped Mo Xiaolang. He was also a little surprised. For Mo Xiaolang, Su Shi is definitely one of the most important people.

But now, Su Shi, there is no resistance in the face of the Japanese wolf wolf, as long as Mo Xiaolang can not be awakened, then Su Shi only has a dead end.

"Little wolf, wake me up"

At this time, Long Chen also screamed out loudly, staring at the pair of gray eyes of the demon wolf.

The action of the Japanese wolf wolf, because of the appearance of Su Shi, and paused a bit, and in his eyes, it seems that there are some of the charms of the past.

However, the pause of his movements was only a moment, and then, the day when the wolf was swallowed up, he continued to rush into the direction of Longchen, and he was looking at it.

Suddenly did not move, her firm eyes looked at the day demon wolf, together with Long Chen, the two with the most sincere eyes, concentrated in the day of the demon wolf.

"Desperate, this war is almost over."

The smoldering sound of the sacred lord of the sacred voice, in the endless chills, through countless space time, conveyed to the entire sphere of the world, so that the entire world is in a greater panic.

But at this time, the situation in the field suddenly changed, and I saw that the Sirius, which was displayed by the Japanese demon wolf, was stunned by the light. Even when it was about to cover the prime, it suddenly changed its direction and swallowed toward the side. The Lord of the Celestials, swallowing the Holy Lord and rushing away.

That swallowed the light column, and in a moment it slammed into the swallowing sacred Lord. The ruthless rules of engulfing swept the power of the sacred lord, and the ice-carved giant bird was directly blasted into a large space.

The Sirius smashed into a hit, the space trembled, and completely changed the situation in the field.

"My best brother..."

"my favorite person……"

"I am a little wolf, how could I shoot them?"

The roar of the Japanese demon wolf suddenly sounded, and then it ignited a violent storm. The nine ancestral fire rules suddenly condensed into a storm, and the other side of the swallow dragon, the same as the swallowing lord.

The Lord of the Dragon, surrounded by nine ancestral rules, refining and refining, the rules of the whole body can only be used to defend themselves, and then continue to devour the blood of Longchen, and suddenly flew to the distance.

"Swallow the Holy Lord, what is your guarantee?"

Under the refining and refining of the nine ancestral fire rules, the sacred dragon Lord suffered a little injury. At this time, he was extremely angry. He did not expect that at this critical moment, he would soon succeed in his eyes, and he would wake up the consciousness of the devastating wolf. Come over

"This guy... The willpower is too strong, and I am too big. I always thought that he didn't have any resistance. Now it seems that he has been refueling and has been breaking through my control."

The voice of the sacred Lord is also extremely gloomy, but at this moment, they still have a great advantage in swallowing the sacred Lord, and they will deal with two in four. There will be no problem if there is no accident.

"Big brother, I will help you drag those two, you must be careful."

The Japanese demon wolf erupted, and with nine ancestral fires and engulfing rules, they respectively repelled the swallowing lord and the swallow dragon lord, then nodded to Longchen and quickly killed the two swallowing sacred lords. In the past, it was necessary to delay the time for Longchen.

Long Chen knows that it is not polite now, he is very surprised by the recovery of Mo Xiaolang~www.novelmtl.com~ I don’t think of this last moment, because of Su Shi and his sincere eyes, moving with emotion, plus Mo Xiao The wolf was thick and thin, and suddenly broke out, so that the swallowing Lord did not continue to control him.

Next, the pressure of Longchen is greatly reduced, and it is much better than the enemy.

"Okay, let's fight side by side"

Long Chen said firmly, and then he took the first step back to the Kingdom of God.

In this level of fighting, it is too dangerous for Su Shi, and she can't let her stay alone. This battle is the battle of the peaks in the Wanjie, even if the former Quaternary ancestors still exist. They are not eligible to participate in this battle.

Even, even the little wolf is a little stubborn, but now there is no way for Longchen, he can only trust Mo Xiaolang first, let Mo Xiaolang delay the two heads of the sacred lord, otherwise, Longchen has no chance of winning.

And the terrible thing is that even if there is Mo Xiaolang's help to contain, Long Chen wants to deal with these swallowing lords, the difficulty is still very high.


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