Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1645: Time reversal column

The time of the chain of time formed by the eternal needle, the cracks in the world's barriers that were torn by the sacred sacred lords stopped expanding, but it was difficult to narrow them down.

"Oh, the pressure is suddenly a little smaller."

Long Chen suddenly felt that it seemed to swallow the heavenly Lord, and the strength of tearing the world barrier was weakened. It was a little strange, but he did not hesitate, immediately seized the time and took the world with the eternal needle of time. The needles are threaded through the needles, and the drums are completely repaired!

"carry out……"

Long Chen just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly it was not far away. Before the first crack of the world's barrier cracked by the heavenly lords, it was suddenly enlarged!

This scene has caused many people in the world to be shocked.

Three months ago, the swallowing celestial lord broke a crack in the world's barriers, but it was repaired by Longchen's timeless chain of time.

Now, once again, the other party broke the world barrier. Longchen could only take out the time chain to fill the latest tears from the other side. The original world barrier crack, only a little gap left, no threat.

But now, Long Chen found that the other party suddenly withdrew from here, and actually went all out to attack the first world barrier crack.

"Must stop them!"

Long Chen could not imagine the scene of the disaster after the five saints broke into the world, so he immediately went to the first world barrier crack.

At this time, many people, including the coffin, have been extremely worried about the cracks in the world's barriers.

With the arrival of Longchen, the tensions and worries are not diminished, because they have already seen that the shadow of a horrible swallowing giant beast has appeared in the cracks of the world's barriers and is coming towards Wanjie!

"It is the Lord of the Dragon!"

When Long Chen saw the huge and round body, there were no limbs at all, only huge eyes and mouth, and he knew that the first thing that wanted to rush out was the Lord of the Dragon.

The sacred dragon lord is the swallowing sacred lord who has swallowed up the most dragons, and its power of engulfing rules has a special effect on the dragon.

Now, the Dragon Lord is at the forefront, wanting to break into the world from the ancestral world, come over to deal with Longchen, and swallow the world!

As the cracks in the world's barriers have been widened, it is difficult for Longchen to repair it now. Only certain rules can be used to prevent the other party from entering the world.

"Swallow the Lord, you are looking for death."

Long Chen screamed and screamed, the power of the whole body time rule condensed in his hands. At this moment, he has cultivated the seventh world origin of Taixu Zhoulong, and stepped into the third era in terms of time rules. The realm of the ancestors, the succession of the inheritance of the Taixu Zhoulong.

Longchen turned into a tyrannical dragon, and the rules of time were surging, moving directly toward the cracks in the world's barriers, and rushing away!

"Reverse the time column!"

The Taixu Zhoulong swims in the void, roaring, and the time rules are turned into the ten pillars of the anti-corruption time. It instantly falls to the gap of the world's barrier, and completely suppresses the Lord of the Dragon!

The regular forces contained in the ten Panlong columns are all completely different, time acceleration, time deceleration, time vortex, time stillness, time turmoil, etc., together form a field of time reversal, will want to pass The swallow dragon Lord of the world's barrier cracks was completely suppressed in the crack!

The Lord of the Dragon swallowed in the realm of time rebellion, suddenly roared, the power of engulfing rules broke out, and wanted to break through the repression of the time column and the **** of the world's barriers.

He has not yet completely passed the world's barriers, so his actions are not free, especially after being dragged into the field of rebellion by the time column of rebellion.

The outbreak of the engulfing rule caused a trace of fissure on all the ten dragon pillars. However, the ten dragon pillars were still heavily crushed on the body of the swallow dragon.

This is the attack of the Taixu Zhoulong in the peak state!

The cracks on the ten dragon pillars did not affect their power. The force of the time rule of the majestic stalwart, as if the eternal river was in disorder, spread the various parts of the sacred dragon's body in the anti-disorder area to different times. In the middle of the disorder.

In the field of anti-disorder, the body and flesh of the swallow dragons were torn by the power of time, and suddenly suffered heavy losses!

"Give me back! Make a big break and destroy the **** fist!"

Long Chen then condensed the power of the rule of creation from the Yuan Shi sacrifice dragon in his hand. Incarnation was the Yuan Shi sacrifice dragon. The Yuan Shi Tong Tower borrowed power from the top of the head. With a strong cross posture, a fist hit the swallow dragon and the flesh and blood was torn. On top of the cracked body.

This punch is integrated into the power of the rule of the Yuan Dynasty. The shock wave of terror erupts, and the punch will be swept back by the Lord of the Dragon, disappearing directly from the cracks in the world's barriers!

The body of the Lord of the Dragon was directly smashed by this punch, and suffered heavy losses and returned to the world of the ancestors.

Seeing such a scene, all the people around the world burst out with a burst of cheers, one of the most horrible swallowing sacred lords, the sacred dragon lord, even by Long Chen to counter the time column, plus the creation of horror Punch back!

"You, it seems too happy too soon?"

A gloomy voice came from the cracks of the world's barriers at this time, and then a piece of coldness spread from it, as if the temperature in the world was swallowed up into the ancestral world. .

"I am the sacred Lord, don't mind playing with you!" The murmurous voice came, and the speed of the cold spread became faster and faster.

"It's really not too happy to be too early~www.novelmtl.com~ The crack in the world's barriers is difficult to repair in a short time."

Longchen’s face changed slightly and he just wanted to take measures to prevent the swallowing lord from coming out of the cracks in the world’s barriers. At this time, the chill from the ancestral world instantly increased tenfold. The child spread to a small half of the world!

And Long Chen, the first to bear the brunt, was covered by a layer of endless black ice, the whole person was trapped in the ice, and it was difficult to do anything at a time.

Long Chen is still like this, not to mention other people, but fortunately, when the coldness of the dragon is subconscious, the people around the coffin and other people are gathered into the kingdom of God, and they are spared.

However, the small half of the world that was spread by the cold was ravaged, and the coldness was overwhelming, covering many worlds. The millions of people in those worlds were all alive and dead in such an amazing cold!


Long Chen saw the situation in Wanjie in his eyes. He did not think that the swallowing lord had such a terrible strength, and he was frozen with the small half of the world. From the 17K network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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