Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1624: Kill all

The four-polar sanctuary, the boundary of the four sacred lands, rushed to the end, swallowed up the tornado of the world, completely devours the whirlpool of terror, destroys all the space and time nearby, annihilates, forming a time and space completely A chaotic area. ☆→,

Even if the chaotic goddom has not been destroyed, it will be swallowed up by this time and space chaos, completely dying and annihilated.

"Blood swallowing!"

Long Chen exhibited the four-pole sanctuary, and resisted the joint attack of the eight heads of the swallowing beast, but then did not relax, but the first time, launched the attack and violence against the ancestors of the ancestors and the ancestors. The blood-red blade of the blood condensed by the soul swallows the storm, instantly bursts, breaks the void, engulfs the ancestors and the ancestors!

"You got Fooled!"

The voice of the gods and lords of Senran came out. Then, the ancestors of the past and the blood ancestors, the ancestors of the dynasty, the ancestors of the ancestors, the founding demon ancestors, and the five great ancestors of the Quaternary, attacked the place where Longchen was at the same time.

The demon Lord, deliberately let the ancestors and the sacred gods reveal the flaws, attract Longchen’s attack, and then let the five great ancestors launch the offensive together and want to completely annihilate Longchen!

Longchen's **** swallowing, **** blade storm, indeed kills the two great ancestors of the ancestors and the ancestors, and swallows their souls and the world's origins into the market of time.

But at this moment, he has not yet reacted. The five great ancestors of the past, the ancestors of the past, have already come down to him.

"The bipolar world!"

The ancestor of the past, the left hand holds the world of the past, the right hand holds the world of the future, and the two poles of the world once again shoot, even though the overdraft force to vomit blood, but there is no hesitation to display it, the world of the two poles will come, and the dragon will be completely destroyed. Kill in the long river of the past and the future!

"Bloodmy is forbidden to kill!"

The blood-devil ancestor also showed the strongest means at this moment. A scarlet-colored squad was summoned by him and shrouded in Longchen. In the battle of the blood-killing ban, Longchen’s action It has become extremely slow, and it has been too late to respond to the two great ancestors. Now the action is slower and it is more difficult to resist the next offensive.

"The era of the era!"

The ancestor of the dynasty, the arrogant force that condenses a period of epoch rules, exerts the destructive power that can destroy the era, turns into a huge handprint, descending from the sky, and the rules of the epoch of the era are stronger than the previous handprints. Several times!

"The original light!"


The founding demon ancestor and the destiny star ancestor, the two great Quaternary ancestors turned out the ontology, displayed their strongest means, and launched an offensive toward Longchen. The five rules and means, from five different spaces, shrouded the dragon , avoiding inevitable, can't escape!

"Long Chen, see how you should respond this time!"

The sound of the sacred voice of the Lord of the Devils sounded. The next moment, the five rules and means fell on Longchen!

The demon Lord, full of hope that the five great ancestors will join forces to kill Long Chen completely, otherwise his situation is still not very good.

But soon the demon Lord found that the five major rules of the five great ancestors broke out in the center, and suddenly there was an hourglass filled with **** colors. This hourglass is similar to the fate hourglass that Longchen used to display. The place is that this hourglass, which is loaded with **** killing rules.

"The ultimate fate hourglass!"

Longchen combines killing, fate and time rules to create such a **** hourglass in the void around him. As the killing rules in the hourglass continue to flow, the scarlet color is rendered in the surrounding space and time, allowing the whole space. And time is full of rules of killing.

The bipolar world from the ancestors of the past is infiltrated by the rules of killing in the ultimate fate hourglass. With the passage of the fate hourglass, the power of the bipolar world is slowly wiped out by the rules of killing!

In this process, the time around Longchen four is like a stagnation. Due to the speed of the fate hourglass, the time around Longchen has changed greatly.

The rule power that could have been blasted to Longchen in an instant, but now it is involved in the ultimate fate of the hourglass, and the power is lost as the fate of the hourglass disappears.

After incorporating the killing rules of the Quaternary ancestor's realm, the power of the fate hourglass becomes unimaginable. The killing rules in this hourglass seem to be able to annihilate any existence beyond the infinite space and time!

The powerful rule of the blood demon ancestor, the blood magic banned the air, originally let Long Chen be imprisoned, but at this moment, the blood magic bans the squad, but it is controlled by the ultimate fate hourglass, with the fate of the hourglass Passing away, the power of the blood-killing ban is gradually disappearing into the void, and it can no longer affect Longchen.

The era of the era is destroyed; the huge handprint from the ancestors of the dynasty, from the emptiness of the sky, but also by the ultimate fate of the hourglass to absorb, the rule of killing in the fate of the hourglass, constantly annihilating the era of the era Power, dissipate it into invisible.

"Forbidden surgery and the original light, the same means, have no use for me!"

Long Chen finally looked at the rule means of the fate star ancestor and the founding demon ancestor. The fateful star tower was to be suppressed from the sky, but it was also adsorbed by the ultimate fate hourglass. It could not be suppressed to Longchen, and the power was also hourglass. Quickly annihilated,

The original light, the same as the forbidden technique, was not able to get close to Longchen, and was absorbed by the ultimate fate hourglass, and was swallowed up by the killing rules.

With the death rules of Longchen elevated to the realm of the Quaternary Yuanzu gods, his all-round means have been improved ~www.novelmtl.com~ fate hourglass, has also been able to withstand the tyrannical attack of the five great ancestors!

However, the performance of this ultimate fate hourglass, Long Chen's physical strength also consumed a lot, then, he did not hesitate, directly to the fate star ancestor and the founding demon 祖 ready to launch an attack!

"Give me a burst!"

Perhaps it is the threat. The demon Lord is no longer so calm and calm, suddenly urging the fateful ancestor and the founding demon ancestor, and offering their respective world ancestors, they want to try to detonate their world origin!

"Time entangled!"

Long Chen looked in his eyes, and his heart was tight. He knew that he could never let him truly explode the world. The time chain was extended and the two great gods were trapped and blocked.


"Blood swallowing!"

The violent blood swallowed into two blood-colored blade storms, and it was just a moment, descending on the fateful star ancestor and the founding demon ancestor, and instantly killing the two great ancestors.

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