Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1625: trust

The fateful star ancestor, and the founding demon ancestor, have no way to withstand the dragon's **** swallowing rules, the **** blade storms come, and instantly devour the souls of the two great gods and the world. ()

The two groups of black air, flew out of the body of these two great ancestors, is part of the body of the gods and devils, used to control the parts of the two great gods, these two groups of black gas also want to enter other ancestors, but Longchen Don't give him any chance at all.

"killing and killing, violent blood swallowing souls, kill me!"

In the eyes of Longchen, there is infinite killing, and the blood-killing sword is constantly exploding in the hands. The storms that swept out a burst of blood and swallowed the swords, and swept the past three ancestors.

The ancestors of the past, originally exhausted because of the successive use of the bipolar world, were unable to resist at this time, swallowed by the **** blade storm, the soul and the world's origin, all swallowed into the time of Longchen. In the market.

The blood demon ancestor also wants to turn into a billion-dollar bloodstain to escape, but the blood-stained blade of the bloodsucking devours everything, smashes everything, envelops his hundreds of millions of blood demons, and the next moment will It is completely killed and annihilated!

In the end, the Taoist ancestor did not have any means. Although the handprint was sacrificed, the big handprint containing the rules of the era was suddenly destroyed by the bloodshed, and then he was also swept by the blade storm and could not escape. The soul and the world's origins are all swallowed up to the market of time.

The last five great ancestors, all died under the dragon-killing blood sword, and the black qi of the five great ancestors, there is no place to be possessed, and the original form of the gods and monsters can only be condensed in the distance. Like the huge body of the starry sky, it will occupy the void, and even the time passing by it will become slow!

The demon monster, after finally swallowing the wolf, once again showed the body.

"Little wolf, you have to hold on."

Long Chen stared at the demon monster, thinking in his heart, Mo Xiaolang is not weak after all, although it was swallowed by the gods and monsters, but in such a fierce battle, the gods and monsters can not have time to go Digest the Mo Xiaolang.

Originally, Mo Xiaowo was paying for his life to win time for Longchen.

Now, Long Chen wants to drag the gods and monsters for Mo Xiaolang, and not let the gods and monsters have the opportunity to completely digest Mo Xiaolang. As long as this, Longchen can defeat the demon monsters?

"God and Lord, your life, I want it."

Longchen is constantly approaching the gods and monsters, and the avatar is too ancient and **** dragon. Compared with the giant body of the gods and monsters, there is absolutely no weakness. It is obvious that the momentum is more magnificent, the atmosphere of killing is high, and the whole void is filled. !

"Alright, I can see and see, how powerful is the inheritance of Zulong?? Now you, and the Taikoo Xueling Dragon before the epoch is not much worse, good, good!" Evil smile, the body suddenly swelled, and a burst of black air emerged from the surrounding air.

"Swallow the beast, give me up to him!"

The demon monsters control the eight heads of the swallowing beasts, attacking them at the same time, and display the rules of engulfing in the direction of Longchen. As one of the powerful saints of the swallowing genius, the devouring rules of the demon monsters It has already reached its peak and can kill everything and swallow it. He wants to try it. Can he swallow up the dragon that is transformed into the ancient blood dragon!

"Blood hell??"

Long Chen is not bothered, but after all, he is unable to start the swallowing beast. He can only continue to display the **** hell, trapping the eight heads of the beasts into a killing hell, temporarily controlling them.

"The blood of the river!"

Then, Longchen held a **** sword, and the red-breasted sword was clenched in the hand, condensing a **** river, breaking the void, breaking the time, breaking the rules of the demon monsters.

"You have not fully restored your strength, you want to kill me, it is your biggest mistake!" Long Chen eyes red, **** pupils reflected in the huge body of the demon monster.

"Even if you don't fully recover, but you want to kill me, it's not that easy??" The demon monster is stunned and wants to use other means to attack Longchen.

But at this time, suddenly there was a rush of rules in his belly, which instantly became a swallowing vortex, and shocked the gods and monsters from the inside!

"Little wolf!"

Long Chen's face is a joy, I can't think of the wolf being swallowed by the gods and monsters, but also attacking the gods and monsters. Although the attack is much weaker than when it is outside, it is enough to make the gods and monsters God.

"Blood swallowing soul?? Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Longchen killed the **** sword and violently screamed at the wonderful opportunity that Mo Xiaolang created for him. He waved a **** blade storm and descended to the demon monster!

The demon monster is trying to suppress the Mo Xiao wolf in the abdomen. After all, the Mo Xiao wolf has been swallowed by him, and the 10% of the power can't be squandered, which does not pose too much threat to him.

But just at this time, Longchen's killings came, the body of the ancient **** dragon, and the world of the **** sword, brought a **** sword light, pierced the belly of the demon monster!

The power of the tyrannical killing rule instantly smashed the belly of the demon monster, accompanied by a swallowing of whirlpools, and the wolf wolf that the little wolf had turned out broke through the belly and finally rushed out. .

At this time, the demon wolf has become very weak, but in comparison, the abdomen of the demon monster is broken by Longchen, and the injury is heavier. There is no longer the strength against Longchen from the front.

"Ah?? Longchen, count your life!"

The demon monsters screamed and screamed, and then swallowed the eight heads of the swallowing beast back into the belly.

Just as Longchen wants to continue to go forward and destroy the gods and monsters, after the demon monster swallows eight heads of swallowing beasts, the entire giant body once again disappears and disappears into infinite endless life particles. , scattered into the entire Wan Jie space.

Long Chen carrying the **** sword ~www.novelmtl.com~ The sword did not know where to swing, a bit of a loss.

The demon monster, ran again.

Although Mo Mou was rescued, the lives of so many other ancestors were hard to come back, and the millions of chaotic protoss in the chaotic world have all been destroyed.

"Long Chen, this battle is over."

Li Yu sighed in Longchen’s Kingdom of God and said to Long Chen.

The gods and monsters have turned into life particles. For the time being, there is still no way to completely solve them, which has caused Longchen to be very dull.

The thing he hates most is that he has hatred but can't take revenge. This **** monster has brought so many disasters to the world. In the end, he still can't kill the other side, which makes him intolerable.

"Big brother, since he ran, what we have in the future is an opportunity. Now, let's get better, chaotic gods??"

Mo Xiaolang came close and persuaded Longchen.

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