Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1623: storm

The big dream heart ancestors, swallowed by the storm of the **** swallowing soul, was finally killed by Longchen. 『≤,

The killing of Longchen will not stop until it is to kill the gods and gods!

"Natural storm!"

The ancestors of nature came from the side and brought up a storm of natural rules, trying to involve Longchen and blocking his progress.

Long Chen is now shooting, there is no mercy, with a **** sword of the rules of killing, directly smashed the storm of natural rules, and then again violently devour the soul, swallowing the ancestors of nature.

"And, chaos ancestors!"

Longchen saw the chaos of the ancestors, and there was a trace of unbearableness in his eyes. Not long ago, the Chaos ancestors also acted as relatives and friends, and together with Longchen, they learned the rules of the move, but now they are controlled by the gods and the Lord, and lost their own. The will can only be reduced to the victim of the Lord of the Devil.

In the face of chaotic ancestors, Longchen had to shoot and continue to display **** swallows. In any case, he could not continue, even if he killed these ancestors? He must also go to the demon of the demon, The Lord is killing!

This is what Long Chen must do now. If he hesitates again, he will fall into the trap of the demon Lord and will never escape.

"Long Chen, I am a chaotic ancestor, do you want to kill me?"

Chaos ancestors face, revealing a sad look!

"You are the Lord of the Devil, you can't deceive me. If it is a chaotic ancestor, in this case, it is impossible to ask for mercy with me."

Long Chen said calmly, the **** sword in his hand tightened tightly, the blood rushed to swallow the soul, the **** blade storm surged out, and the chaotic ancestors were all enveloped, and their souls and the world's origins were swallowed up!

From Longchen’s rules of killing, after breaking through the Quaternary, he has swallowed up six ancestral ancestors, and there are still eight ancestral gods and eight ancestors. Swallowing the beast!

Longchen's killing rules surround, gradually forming a **** killing chain, the **** swallowing blade storm, anytime, anywhere can be swept away from the chain of killing!

In the face of the swallowing beast, Longchen combines the rules of killing and changing, and displays the rules of the **** hell, temporarily trapping the swallowing beast. If faced with the ancestors of the fourth era, Longchen can only swallow the soul with blood. Kill.

In this way, the dragon servant in the swallowing beast will not suffer any damage, and the ancestors of the fourth era, because they retain the world's origins and souls in the market of time, there is also the possibility of eventual resurrection.

However, even if these ancestors have the opportunity to resurrection, the difficulty must be very large, and the strength of Longchen is limited, it is impossible to trap all opponents with **** hell, so there is only a choice to control the swallowing beast, and then All other ancestors were killed.

Long Chen stepped into the realm of the ancestors of the fourth era, and the rules of killing soared, killing the gods and devils, and the situation was like a broken bamboo.

In the body of the ancestors killed by Longchen, part of the gods and devils who existed, escaped and gathered in the remaining ancestors.

Soon, only the last seven ancestors of the fourth era, including the ancestors of the past, the blood ancestors, the ancestors of the dynasty, plus the fateful ancestor and the founding demon ancestor, were the first to besiege the dragon. The five ancestors of the fourth epoch, together with a ancestral god, a ancestral god.

The seven ancestors finally gathered together, and the demon Lord now attached themselves to their seven bodies, encircling Longchen in the middle. At the same time, the last eight heads of the swallowing beast finally broke through the dragon’s violence. Blood Hell's killing illusion bound, re-emerged, and surrounded by seven ancestors of the fourth era, Longchen.

A total of fifteen strong men, surrounded by Longchen regiment, it is impossible to escape. The thing that Longchen can do is to kill and kill, and kill all these gods!

If you do not kill these ancestors, the body of the demon Lord is hidden in these ancestors, and Long Chen can never kill him.

The demon Lord is incarnate as a demon monster. After swallowing Mo Xiaolang into the abdomen, he returns to the body of the ancestors and spreads out, so that Longchen can't start for a time.

"He must be successful, the demon Lord, can not be his opponent."

Li Yan is at the heart of his hand. Although he is very confident in Longchen, at this moment, he is extremely nervous and can't relax.

In addition to Lingbi and Li Wei, among the Wanjie, there are endless creatures, countless gods, and honors, watching this battle that determines the survival of all circles, everyone, Pray for Longchen!

Originally, all the creatures in Wanjie thought that this time was dead, but when Longchen broke through to the realm of the ancestors of the Quaternary, they all saw hope from it, and Longchen, or the opportunity to kill the **** of the Holy Lord!

Wanjieshengling, hundreds of millions of gods and gods, all are cheering for Longchen, pray!

Fifteen to one, eight head swallowing beasts and seven fourth-generation ancestors, surrounded by Longchen, did not intend to give Longchen any chance. Obviously, the gods and monsters also felt enough from the explosion of Longchen. Threat.

"Swallowing the beast, the ancestors, all the power to show me, killing Longchen!" The demon Lord, hiding in the body of the seven ancestors, and then screaming out the instructions.

At the same time, the eight-headed swallowing beast opened a huge mouth and spurted a spurting rule toward Longchen. However, Sen was horrible, and the eight swallowed the rules, forming a swallowing tornado and rushing toward Longchen.

Under the control of the demon Lord, ~www.novelmtl.com~ Eight-headed swallowing beast at the same time, a burst of horror tornado, this powerful tyrannical tornado with a sense of scent, as if to swallow the entire world Going down, the Wanjie space was in this tornado and began to tremble.

"The four poles sanctuary!"

At this time, Longchen's heart has become somewhat calm. As soon as he raises his hand, killing, time, cause and effect, and life, the forces of the four rules converge and merge into the boundaries of the four sacred sanctuaries!

As the rules of killing have been raised to the realm of the ancestors of the fourth era, the power of Longchen’s four-pole sanctuary has also been attacked, even if it is attacked by eight heads, and the tornado of the world is engulfed. Shangdu has been suppressed by the four-pole sanctuary.


Long Chen screamed, the four sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred dragons The dragons of Wanjie are offset each other!


The night is not updated.

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