Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1576: Deep in the cave


It’s safe.

Among the kingdoms of God, the four ancestors of Shenwu were also relieved.

At this time, Longchen was separated from them by a barrier.

Although it is said that it is difficult for Longchen to win the world's origins, it is at least temporarily safe.

The two sides are facing each other here.

Honestly, let Longchen enter the area, just like the meat that is running, and everyone can only watch and be anxious.

"Long Chen, don't think how to hide in this place, tell you, or that sentence, we have time, just wait here until the old days can be? We have countless years to accompany you." Calm, road.

Long Chen smiled and said: "That's the same, I have countless hours, but it seems that your ancestor's life, without the ancestral heart, will be ruined, I have to look at it, you have been holding on for a long time, Or I have been insisting for a long time. You still have to compete with the heart of the ancestors. I don’t believe it. Can you really unite? Don’t forget, there are only five sources of my ancestors. How can you divide them?”

Long Chen saw the blood and raised their two questions.

In fact, he is very anxious in his heart. He doesn't have much time to stale with them. He has to get the world's origin as soon as possible. What needs to be as soon as possible is to get away from this ancestor world. After all, On the other side of Wanjie, you need Longchen. If God discovers that Longchen is gone, it will surely cause great trouble.

"Then wait, in addition, we can never have twenty-six ancestors' lives together, we don't believe it, we all get together, not as good as the barrier established by Long Yi, the dragon left early, can't How long does it last!"

Having said that, they seem to have agreed, all the ancestors' lives together, ready to attack!

For a time, the overwhelming rules bombarded the barrier, and the barrier swayed. Longchen was actually worried that they would break themselves. They might not have the power.

However, a closer look, it seems that this barrier is really no problem, no matter how they attack can not be broken, at least in a short period of time can remain stable.

"This time, enough for me to explore, the old nest left by the ancestors."

Therefore, even if the barrier fluttered away, Longchen’s face remained unchanged. He focused his attention on the huge hive below. There were countless caves on the gray hive. Standing on top of it, Longchen first saw it. Nine caves, the nine caves are huge, and they add up to almost half of the entire hive. One of the largest caves is located in the center of the nest, surrounded by eight gossips, arranged around. Between the nine, there are countless small caves.

The nine caves are the most visible!

"These nine caves should be the nests of the nine-headed ancestors. Other small caves should be empty."

Therefore, Long Chen focused on nine huge caves, the most central of which was the largest cave, which attracted Long Chen's attention. He thought: "This should be the first ancestral dragon's lair!"

What Long Chen wants to go in is here.

He instantly reached the top of the central cave.

When he was about to enter, he suddenly changed his face and stopped. Because...he found that there is a barrier at the entrance of this cave, and this barrier is thicker than the outside, seemingly calm, in fact, there are endless changes in the interior, endless storms!

This barrier is painted black, so it is difficult for Longchen to see what is inside.

"This place, I can't get in."

This is Long Chen's intuition, because he feels that the barrier has a certain hostility to himself. If he is forced to break into, he will be attacked by a huge and strong attack. It is likely to be the end of his body. After all, it seems to be the first. Zu Long is particularly valued here, so it will set up such a terrible barrier.

"How can it be!"

This central cave is like this. Longchen went to see the other eight huge caves. He found that these eight huge caves were completely banned by the ancestors like the central caves, and it seems that even Longchen could not enter. .

"This is troublesome..."

The most important nine caves could not be entered.

Of course, it is not absolutely impossible. This is definitely a need to try, but now Longchen is still hesitant, whether to try to attack, this time he has a kind of resistance in his heart, reminding him not to destroy this ban.

Looking up, the twenty-sixth ancestor life, is insane attack, once the outermost barrier is broken, and he is surrounded by it, it is really dead and dead!

Everything that I have left will make these ancestors' lives divided.

“How to choose?”

Without destroying these barriers and entering deeper places, I am afraid that I will be dead.

However, a serious instinct is preventing him from doing so.

"Right, there are these little caves!"

Long Chen has neglected these small, although small, but the diameter is also hundreds of meters or more. In this ancestor world, even the ancestor life is only a hundred meters in size, the diameter of hundreds of meters, is quite large, in Wannian, It is simply beyond the level of the world of origin.

There are about a few thousand caves in the hundreds of meters.

There are big and small, big and even reach kilometers.

It’s just that there’s no way to compare with the nine biggest ones. The nine biggest ones, at least there are more than 10,000 meters.

The largest cave in the center, with a diameter of more than 100,000 meters.

Longchen was close to one of the caves, which was about a kilometer in diameter. He found that there was a barrier at the mouth of the cave, but the difference was that the barrier was the same as the barrier outside the nest of the ancestral dragon. Long Chen can cross the outside, of course, can cross the inside, there is no interception of his meaning.

"So, in time, they destroyed the outside, I have a barrier to protect me, but if they get inside, they broke two, then I am even more difficult to escape!"

After all, it is in the cave.

However, ~www.novelmtl.com~ this is not easy.

"I am still advanced to see and talk."

Long Chen said nothing, directly penetrated a layer of barriers and entered the deep cave house. When he first entered, he noticed a taste that made him extremely repulsive!

The taste of blood!

He does not reject blood, but this **** taste is really unpleasant.


Long Chen went deep into the tens of meters, and suddenly, the depths of the cave trembled, and then, almost in an instant, Longchen saw millions of eyes open at the same time! The swaying moments in front of me turned into a scarlet ocean!

Long Chen remembered a place.

Kill the Dragon City, kill the dragon tomb, the blood of hell!

There, there was once a creature with countless eyes, that is the swallowing of the heavens, the blood of the beast.

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