Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1575: barrier

"Why don't you say it early!"

This thing that Shen San suddenly remembered was a great piece of good news for Longchen!

Perhaps it is possible, the only turn.

Judging from the words of Shen San, it should be a place where the ancestors could not enter, and Longchen may not be able to enter, but it is always an opportunity.

Compared to being in this ancestor world, he has been chasing and has been escaping much better.

"The place has been abandoned for a long time. If we didn't see you, we basically forgot."

"You talk about direction, I am going there."

"it is good."

In this chase, Long Chen quickly changed direction and went to the old nest of the ancestors.

"This may be the most crucial place for me, the entire ancestral world!" Longchen has great confidence. He came to the interior of the Zulong Cave to explore it. And this ancestor world is empty, and it is possible that the secret of this ancestor world will be in the world left by the ancestors.

With the goal, you will try your best!

"Is it in vain? This ancestor world is so big, when are you going to escape?"

"We, some are endless hours, and consume it with you."

Behind him, it is simply a huge chasing team, gathered together, entangled in Longchen, they are scattered, surrounded by gestures, with their ability, as long as the limit of Longchen, you can slam When it is time to kill Longchen, it will be an instant!

Not to mention the origins of the five worlds, that is, dozens, and can not stand so many opponents to kill!

“It’s thrilling!”

Just look back and you will feel a scalp tingling.

The number of the other party is really too much.

Spread out, it’s all over the place!

Every one of them, I can’t wait to make Long Chen a thousand!

“How far is it?”

"Stand up, there is still a long time!"

"I rely!"

This is already the level of patience and patience. At the same time, we must be careful of the rules that come from time to time. The life of the 26 ancestors, they have many ways, not just chasing so simple.

The fierce pursuit, in this ancestral world for many days!

Long Chen has been faced with great danger several times.

Fortunately, he is alone, still flexible, and the other side has been left behind from time to time, and in the end is still hanging behind, not a lot. There are about fifteen or so.

There are more than a dozen, scattered in this ancestor world, but still can catch up.

The closest to Longchen is the first ancestral unicorn, and all the ancestors' lives, he has ancestors.

This is actually a bait.

"If I can't help it, go back and deal with him, try to get all the ancestors, other ancestor life, will be suppressed at this time, as long as one locks me, others can kill me..."

For Longchen, this is still very depressed.

The world's origins of the ravages of the universe are in front of their own eyes, but they cannot touch them.

Fortunately, for Longchen, the most crucial moment has come, and after a long period of chasing, finally in the depths of the dark world of the ancestral world, he saw the existence of that light!

"That is the old nest of the ancestors!"

God San said excitedly.

"it is good!"

If you find a place, it will be easier. Next, I have to look at the place where all the ancestors could not enter, whether they can go in.

Looking from a distance, the 'old nest' is getting closer.

"He actually fled here!"

"Here, it is the old nest of the ancestors."

"We don't seem to be able to get in this place, but he is likely to go in!"

"Absolutely not let him in!"

The life of the twenty-six ancestors was also in a hurry.

However, Longchen still retains some parts. At this time, while leaving the restrictions and power of the rules in front, the speed is further accelerated, and the life of the ancestors behind him is intercepted by layers. It will not be long before.

The old nest in front of the eyes is very clear. What makes Longchen a bit surprised is that it is a gray hive, far less than the universe of the Wannian, but its mysterious degree and primitive level far exceed the universe's hive. . This is probably as long as the entire ancestral world! The first Zulong should also be the first ancestor of life, the earliest birth!

However, outside the gray hive, you can feel it faintly, with a layer of nothingness, an invisible barrier, seemingly simple, even a barrier that does not exist, in fact, for all ancestor life, it is quite Headache.

Because they actually tried countless times, they could not penetrate this barrier and reach the inside of the old nest.

The nests left by the ancestors, they are still very willing to occupy them. When the ancestor Shenlong dominated here, it was their forbidden place.

"Between our first ancestors, we fought each other, so each of them would build a lot of protection around the nest, especially the ancestor Shenlong, which was established by Longyi. Since its establishment, we have not crossed this barrier. ”

When God talked about them, Long Chen had already come to the front of the nest. He clearly felt the existence of this barrier, and the attraction of the hive cave below.

"As long as you go through, your life will be worry-free." Long Chen thought.

"Long Chen, when you have not tried, it is best not to directly rush into it, the barrier attack is the ancestral soul, with your speed collision, the ancestral soul may collapse." God reminded.

"Time is running out."

If you stop and try, the other party can stop yourself during this time.

"That can only be risked by life." God said solemnly.

After all, Long Chen also said it was good, and now there is no time.

"This guy is really not afraid of death! We watched, he will crush his own ancestors and leave the source of the ancestors to us!"

As soon as they settled down, they said ~www.novelmtl.com~ At this time, Longchen was desperate and directly hit the empty barrier!


There is no danger.

Perhaps it is the role of the blood, as the dragon of the ancestor of the dragon, easy to enter the barrier, the ripples on the barrier, it is like the water.

In fact, Long Chen has a lot of confidence in his heart. This is the place where the ancestral dragon can enter and exit, and he is the ancestor of the dragon, naturally able to come in.

Long Chen stopped his foot in an instant.

When he turned back, it was true that the life of the twenty-six ancestors had arrived, one by one stunned, looking at the dragon in the old nest, for a time, can only be dumbfounded.

Every one of them tried this barrier, but no one has ever entered.


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