Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1577: King of blood prison


Swallow the heavens!

In the time of the eternal life, Longchen knew that the blood **** of the day was the swallowing of the heavenly family.

Its real name is 'blood prisoner'.

For Longchen, this is extremely shocking! After all, here is the old nest of the ancestor Shenlong, the ancestors of the outside life can not come in, these swallowing celestial, blood prison beast, how come here?

For a time, Long Chen’s heart flashed a lot of thoughts.

His heart is still in deep shock, and for a while, it is completely blank. Because there is something that is the least likely to happen here.

"How can there be a swallowing of the heavens, and it seems to be relatively weak, in the midst of sleep, because of your arrival, awakened them."

Li Wei was calm and calmed down.

When Long Chen settled here, staring at the countless eyes below, the countless eyes of the masters, this time also woke up and stared at Longchen. The feeling of being stared at by countless eyes naturally makes the scalp numb!

"How can they be here... Is it true that the swallowing tyranians control this place and capture it? It is unlikely that they are so weak, and as far as I know, in addition to the gods and monsters, other swallowing geniuses should be in the seal. ......"

When Long Chen thought of it, there was a fairly clear judgment in his heart!

This surprised and excited him.

() "It is very likely that the ancestor's old nest is the place where the first ancestor seals all the swallowing celestial beings! No wonder the Wanjie has been unable to find this place. It was originally in this ancestor world. It turned out to be..."

Long Chen also thought of another point.

That is, there are nine huge caves outside, and the ban on the nine caves is many times stronger than others. From this point of view, the place that used to be the ancestral ancestral dragon is now banned. The Lord of the Celestials!

There are countless small caves around, and all but the Holy Lord, except the Holy Lord, such as the Blood Prison, are in the cave where Longchen comes in.

"So, I can explain why I can't enter the nine caves. The reason is that the nine caves are used to block the sacred lord. If I can easily go in, I will not break the first ancestor. The ban of the dragon?"

Long Chen figured it out.


The first Zulong is to ban all the swallowing celestial beings except for the remains of the gods and monsters.

Long Chen, or the whole Wanjie, and the swallowing of the heavens, it is a **** hatred!

Destroy the enemy, destroy the world!

These are the participants of the year.

Today, Long Chen and them face to face here, and countless scarlet eyes.

It’s just a moment of stillness!

These swallowing people have been imprisoned for 100 million years. After 100 million years, they suddenly saw this, and there was the existence of life, and it was still a dragon, they naturally want to be crazy!


Not much to say, all the blood prison beasts, shocked for a time, in the endless end, swarming toward Longchen! In this ancestor world, these blood prisons are not huge, and some are only a few meters in diameter.

Of course, the eyes on it are still countless.

In the face of this enemy who has been chasing countless years, until today, finally meeting these swallowing celestial beings, Long Chen’s heart is even more cold, and by his side, five kinds of world origins are flying around him, and the fate necklace is around his neck. The life ring is on the finger, the time chain is wrapped around the body, the left hand is the **** sword, and the right hand is the cause and effect battle!

"He actually has five kinds of ancestors!"

Among the kingdoms of God, the ancestors were even more surprised. However, they estimate that this should be the limit of Longchen. After all, the ancestors of the past are only ten.

In the heart of Longchen, there is actually a word left, that is: kill!

Kill all!

The **** sea is enmity, the hatred of the genocide, I am afraid that only the blood will be smothered here, and the hatred of Longchen can be lifted!

But this is not all. If it is said that all of them are swallowing the heavens, although the biggest nine caves can not enter, but other caves, he has to kill them!

Moreover, when it is banned, it is still time to swallow the celestial beings. If they are out of trouble, it will take some time to recover themselves!


Long Chen manipulates five kinds of world origins. At this time, he has already entered the ranks of the blood prison beast. These blood prison beasts, only a small part of the gods are capable, of course, not the opponent of Longchen, and some are equivalent to the ancestors, but that It is only the ninth era, even the eighth ancestor of the ancestors, and it is not the enemy of Longchen!

Even, it is obvious that most of them can be destroyed, but Longchen did not do this. He went down close and rushed to the side of the blood prisoner. He used the sword and the trenches to smash the blood prisoners. !

"The most terrible of the swallowing ancestors is the Lords. These little soldiers are afraid that only the first ancestors will not have time to externate such a large amount!"

"Today, I will be the **** of my gods, revenge and hate!"

"Blood beast, how much to come, how much to destroy!"

Long Chen all the way, the blood of the sea flying, countless swallowing the blood of the beasts of the Tianzu, issued a harsh squeak, let Long Chen tear and smash, even the powder is not left, it is completely shattered.

The harsh squeaking sounded a great movement in the depths of the cave, but outside the cave, it was still the ancient well, showing the power of the ancestor's dragon's nest, indicating that the seal of the first ancestral dragon actually had a large part. It is necessary to use this nest to complete.

Tear off!

Countless flesh and blood, blasting around Longchen!

A lot of death!

However, the blood prisoners are still not afraid of death, a total of hundreds of blood prison beasts, died in the Longchen murder, and soon after, about a hundred or so left, only to escape!

There are countless eyes ~www.novelmtl.com~ even when they are fleeing, they are sluggish and godless.


At this time, the deepest part of the cave made a lot of movements, and Long Chen went deep into the depths. By chance, he saw that there was a huge blood shadow in the depths, which was covered with Scarlet eyes, inside the eyes, there are countless bloodshots twisting like a deer.

This blood prisoner, with a diameter of more than 100 meters, can have such a huge body in this ancestor world. The only possibility is that... he has a strong strength!

Most of the blood prisoners here are far from him.

Obviously, this is the king of the blood prison.

This is also normal, and there are always one ancestor among so many blood prisoners.


When Longchen saw this blood prisoner, all the blood beasts around him were annihilated in their anger and turned into pieces.

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