
Different types of Yuanjing Cannons are inscribed with different rune types of Yuanjing Cannons, which leads to this Yuanjing Cannon having different attribute attacks. However, there is no doubt that these ten The magic crystal cannon only fired 1st Strike, and more than a hundred corpses were killed alone.

“The formidable power of the Yuanjing Cannon is really powerful!”

Everyone watched this scene in shock, but then they saw the ten on the city wall The door Yuan Jing Cannon lit up again.

“bang! ”“bang! ”“bang! ”……

Ten Yuanjing Cannons flashed out with light ball strikes almost at the same time. Those demons, or were The flame burned to death, or it was penetrated by ice arrows, or was killed by the cannonballs of Dark Element rune corroding the bones, or was killed by lightning…

A thick black mist suddenly filled the air. Upon seeing this, Long Bufan directly summoned the Hundred Sects jade token, like a powerful vacuum cleaner, sucking up all the black mist.

These black mists are just the demonic energy emitted by the demon corpses that were bombarded to death by Yuanjing.

However, most of those killed by the Yuanjing Cannon are low-level corpses, and the demonic energy is not a lot. The demonic energy of one hundred corpses is equivalent to one intermediate corpse. , And the defensive power of the intermediate corpse is relatively strong, the shells only cause some damage to them, and they cannot really kill them!

Chapter 1024 Advanced Demon Corpse

Looking at Long Bufan’s Hundred Sects jade token, the Hundred Sects jade token is madly absorbing demonic energy, and many sectarian disciplines on the city wall flicker, all with a single face Envy, but no one dared to take out Hundred Sects jade token to fight for the demonic energy, so he could only look at it with eyesight.

“roar roar roar!”

However, when Yuanjing Cannon frantically strikes the wave of monsters in front, among the group of monsters behind, it suddenly burst out One after another angry roar, and then, the one after another strange black silhouette, there was a commotion.

Long Bufan’s eyes also narrowed slightly, looking far away, looking at the place where the commotion was spreading, and immediately his pupils shrank, because he felt a very powerful aura from those places.

These auras are much stronger than those of the surrounding intermediate-level demon corpses. According to Long Bufan’s guess, these demon corpses are undoubtedly advanced ones!

Everyone looked over and saw that those black silhouettes were moving towards the city wall at an astonishing speed, and the gravitational formation seemed to have no effect on them, blinking It flew to the front front, so that everyone could see their appearance more clearly, and they couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air!

It was five tall corpses full of muscles, ferocious-looking, scarlet eyes full of bloodthirsty and hideous colors, full of rich and amazing baleful qi, and so on. The momentum makes many people feel a little trembling.

Obviously, these five muscular corpses are all advanced corpses whose cultivation base has reached the half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer!

“peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!!!”

As soon as these five advanced corpses appeared, a terrifying black glow burst out of the palms. The light group that came from the bombardment was quickly resisted, causing the low- and middle-level demon corpse army in the rear to finally rush to the city wall unimpeded.

The attack on the five advanced corpses also changed the face of Long Bufan and the others.


Long Bufan looked down at the tide of corpses attacking the city wall, and immediately let out a deep cry, holding the evil spirit sword in his hand. The vigorous Origin Force within the body burst out suddenly.

At the same time, the hundreds of sectarian disciplines around have experienced more than two months of fighting, and they have also honed their ability to react and combat, and suddenly they are condense one after another fierce martial arts. The offensive directly exploded the demon corpse rushing forward.

“peng peng peng!”

Suddenly, thunder-like loud noises one after another, one after another black silhouette, was exploded by the fierce martial arts offensive, burst into A cloud of black mist then melted into the demonic energy like a black ocean.

Although the strength of the demon corpses has been greatly improved at night, when these demon corpses were on the city wall, they were immediately shot out by Yuanjing Cannon.

“Everyone fights against the devil on the city wall, don’t charge ahead.”

Long Bufan also discovered this, shouted in a deep voice, the voice is in the true yuan Under the package, it echoed in everyone’s ears.

Everyone was nodded, some of the sectarian disciplines that rushed a little ahead, also immediately flew back to the city wall, full of true essence, and the weapons in their hands displayed one after another fierce offensive, ruthless strikes The body of the demon corpses exploded those demon corpses.

“xiu xiu xiu! ”

Although the offensive of Long Bufan and the others is extremely fierce, there are too many demons, and they are all fierce and unafraid of death The impact of black came, and the demonic energy of black became more and more crazy when it surged!

With just a few ten breaths, there are already many demon corpses. They climbed up the city wall and fought fiercely with many sectarian disciplines on the city wall.

Chapter 1025 The fierce offensive and defensive battle

“bang bang bang!”

one after another The powerful Origin Force offensive broke out, violent wind The ripples swept across like a storm, and every sect’s discipline, under the impact of the devil’s corpse, used all its strength to resist.

This is an extremely tragic attack and defensive battle. Looking at the silhouette of the black demon corpse that is almost hiding the sky and covering the earth, everyone’s breathing becomes hurried, and there is a touch in their eyes Crazy cruel.

All kinds of powerful martial arts are unfolded, fiercely moved towards fiercely moved towards the violent corpse strikes.

However, the tide of corpses rushed as if endlessly, almost in the blink of an eye, each corpse hit the city wall, and the deep sound of dong dong, It was like hitting everyone’s heart, causing people’s breathing to stop.

The whole Wuling City was caught in a fierce battle, and there were constant screams and crackling sounds, which seemed particularly stern on this night.

“bang! bang! bang! bang! !!!”

On the east gate city wall, Long Bufan controls the magic Shadow Clone to turn ten Yuanjing cannons, madly suppressing that Five high-level demon corpses, and then looked at the surrounding battle with a facial expression grave. Under the impact of fierce and unafraid of death, many people suffered injuries of varying degrees.

These fierce battles also made Long Bufan feel a little naive for the idea that he was able to resist until dawn. With the power of hundreds of people, they want to resist thousands of demons. The corpse’s offensive, coupled with the five powerful advanced demon corpses, even with the impact speed of the gravitational Formation containing the demon corpse army, and the crazy bombardment of 40 yuan crystal cannons, are still more and more difficult.

“puff puff puff!!!”

Soon, some of the less powerful sects were torn apart by a group of demons, and the sky was full of blood. Mist, flying around, broken limbs and debris, scattered all over the place, the scene is abnormally bloody.

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