“Dragon, this is the array you arranged earlier?!” Jiang Yu was taken aback, looked towards Long Bufan in surprise, and asked in surprise.

Hei Yan, Jin Yun and the others also looked at Long Bufan with amazement. With so many giant Formations, in such a short time, even the Array Master can’t do it. The only possibility is to arrange in advance. it is good.

Long Bufan Dan nodded with a smile said: “I found that the number of corpses in the day was greatly reduced. It feels a bit abnormal, and it is still okay. To prevent any accidents, I arranged it in the all around city in advance. Some gravitational formulations, didn’t expect to be useful tonight. The rune prints just now are the backbone of the opening array.”

Listening to what Long Bufan said, everyone was surprised. The strange color was gradually replaced by strong admiration. In sight, the silhouette of the young man standing on the city wall was not so tall and burly, but at this moment, in their hearts, it was extremely tall and majestic!

Chapter 1022 dispatches the Yuanjing Cannon

“It’s no wonder that you always saw you walking around outside the city. I thought that you guy was comprehending what profound martial arts. It turned out to be setting up Formation, haha…”

Heiyan’s gaze said with a smile, and he couldn’t help being solemn in his heart for Long Bufan’s actions that could predict the enemy’s chances and take precautions. Sincerely. Without the buffer of these gravitational formations and the flying ability to contain those corpses, I am afraid that Wuling City would be overwhelmed by the huge wave of corpses in an instant.

And now, with the aid of Gravity Formation, they only need to stick to the level on the city wall!

Under many admiring eyes, Long Bufan’s face was calm, not at all showing a little bit of pride and contentment, immediately vision freezes, looking around the hundreds of silhouettes present, Shen shouted: “I am happy now It’s early, and the real hard fight will come next. I hope everyone can unite and resist the devil!”

While speaking, Long Bufan reached out and touched the storage bag in his sleeves, facing the city wall I waved my hand in an empty place–

In a flash, a beam of light suddenly appeared on the city wall out of thin air while the rays of light were surging. The black muzzle was nearly in diameter. About half a meter wide, the thick body of the cannon was covered with one after another complicated rune. Under the moonlight, the body of the Yuanjing Cannon reflected a palpable cold luster.

These Yuanjing cannons are arranged in four rows. Each row has ten Yuanjing Cannons. Each Yuanjing Cannon is about three meters long. The four rows add up to 40 Yuanjing Cannons.

“So many crystal cannons!” Heiyan and the others swallowed secretly, staring straight at the dozens of crystal cannons in front of them, and all of them belonged to large crystal cannons. The diameter of the muzzle and the complex rune engraved on the barrel can show the level of the crystal cannon.

This level of Yuanjing Cannon, the energy that bursts out is comparable to the full attack of the 5th layer powerhouse in the Divine Sea, but the powerhouse in the Divine Sea has a full offensive, and it can be used up to four or five times. Powerless.

But this Yuanjing Cannon, as long as there is sufficient supply of Yuan Crystal Stone, it will be like a war machine and can continuously attack. In the battlefield, especially the crowded battlefield, its lethality The most remarkable!

Because of the formidable power of the Yuanjing Cannon, it is generally speaking. The Great Sect will not sell such weapons to some secular empires or dynasties.

“It should not be too late, Heiyan, Jinyun, and Jiang Yu, each of you three team will immediately guard the three city gates with ten Yuanjing Cannons until dawn!” Immediately, Long Bufan’s face turned Ling Ran, as if a general on the battlefield issued an order, coldly shouted.

The demon corpse also relied on the rich demonic energy of the Hundred Sects battlefield at night, and dared to come out to besiege Wuling City. As long as they persisted until dawn, the power of the demon corpse was weakened, and this battle naturally collapsed.


The army of the demon corpses is about to be killed, and their three people didn’t have the slightest drag. They nodded in reply, and immediately flew out with the people and horses. All the Yuanjing Cannons were transported to the tower, and they waited rigorously one by one, waiting for the corpse army to enter the Yuanjing Cannon shooting range.

On the tower of the West City, Long Bufan led the remaining more than one hundred sectarian disciplines standing here. On the wide and long city wall passage, the number of them, more than a hundred people, seems a little bit rare.

Long Bufan looked at the distance, the army of corpses in all directions, like densely packed locusts, covered the earth and formed an encirclement, and they were constantly rushing towards Wuling City, and the distance was rapidly shrinking. , A piece of darkness, exuding a monstrous baleful qi.

Heart trembling!

Even Long Bufan felt the heavy depression.

Chapter 1023 formidable power is powerful

“This battle, I don’t know how many people will die.”

Long Bufan sighed in his heart, and there was a little more in his eyes Slumping, looking at the Heaven’s Chosen of these sects on the city wall, whose number is very different from that of the army of devil corpses, after the war, these people don’t know how many days they have fallen here.

At the same time as my heart moved, the ten demon dao shadow Avatar suddenly split from Long Bufan’s body, and guarded the ten Yuanjing Cannons. These Yuanjing Cannons were lethal. Huge, when the time comes, the number of corpses hunted must be a considerable achievement, he is not willing to be possessed by others.

Three 1000 meters!

Two 1000 meters!

1000 meters!

500 metres ……

Looking at the army of demon corpses getting closer, and when they rushed into the Yuanjing Cannon’s strongest 300-meter range of formidable power, Long Bufan’s eyes were cold, and his voice suddenly shouted: “Fire the cannon!”

On the city wall, ten yuan crystal cannons, under the control of the magic Shadow Clone, the dense rune on the cannon body lights up almost at the same time After getting up, immediately, the vigorous Origin Qi fluctuation frantically condensed at the muzzle, as if some terrifying energy was brewing.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang…”

When the rays of light of the gun body were so strong, in that instant, deafening shells blew up in the sky , One after another brilliant light group, is like the ancient ominous beast, banged out from the dark muzzle, and screamed into the army of demons 500 metres below the city wall.

“bang! ”

The first thing to bear was a fire red light ball. After crashing down, several low-level corpses that were hit were instantly blown up all split up and in pieces!

As for the burst of fire red light, it suddenly turned into a circular flame, swept out with fiery waves, and expanded at an astonishing speed, as if a rock hit the ripples on the water The same, surging away towards all directions.

In an instant, all the surrounding corpses were swallowed into the circle of flames, and burned raging!

Obviously, the energy contained in this falling cannonball represents Fire Element rune-a ring of burning firework!

With just one shot, more than a dozen demon corpses were killed instantly.

Followingly, a ball of icy blue light smashed down, suddenly exploding a large piece of ice, and the surrounding demon corpses were immediately frozen, then shattered and burst open suddenly. , Turned into thousands of terrifying sharp ice bolts, and shot towards all directions.

“Chi DD” the heads of many demon corpses were directly penetrated, and the roar sounded around after this shot.

This is ice attribute rune DD burst ice rain!

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