“Too many!”

At this time, the Western District Gate of Wuling was also caught in a fierce battle. Heiyan, who took the lead, showed a solemn frowns saying and his eyes were not far away. There were some gaps in the defense line, and dozens of demons were climbing up.

“peng!” At the moment, Heiyan suddenly waved the iron rod in his hand and stomped the ground heavily. The hard stone slab on the city wall under his feet was shaken into cracks, and Heiyan’s figure was also abruptly Raised in situ.


In the next moment, the black iron rod in his hand dances the fierce and hot stick shadow, hiding the sky and covering the earth facing the climbing ten Several demon corpses swept away wildly.

peng peng peng!

The shadow of the stick spreads out, and the wind is dancing. All the bones of the devil that are affected are all shattered and burst. The momentum is extremely powerful. Not weak.

However, after displaying such a powerful martial arts, he gasping for breath immediately took out a medicine pill from the storage bag and swallowed it into his mouth, replenishing the rapidly consumed Origin Force and physical energy!

On the other side, the teams led by Jiang Yu and Jin Yun are also very dangerous and guarding the north and south city wall they are responsible for. Although facing the impact of such a large wave of demons, many People were a little panicked at first, but fortunately, the people here are peak genius of their respective denominations, relying on mutual cooperation and fighting, with the passage of time, they actually defended the city wall as hard as gold.

After all, demon corpses are ferocious and cruel, but they don’t have the wisdom of humans.

Furthermore, in this torn killing, with the continuous killing of the corpses, the color levels of all the Hundred Sects jade tokens are rapidly rising, making them extremely excited, as if Full of strength, murderous-looking courageous resistance!

Chapter 1026 Outrageously not afraid


Long Bufan grabbed a middle-level demon corpse that leaped on the city wall with one palm, his palm dark Jin urged, and directly squeezed the head of this demon corpse arrogantly, and when he was about to discard it, he suddenly felt a wave of energy, and immediately sucked in his palm, a black crystal. The thing is shot from the head of the demon corpse.

This is exactly the magic crystals condensed from the residual energy of the fleshy body after the death of the alien demon. It contains rich and pure demonic energy. These magic crystals are of no benefit to the human martial cultivator. If you are accidentally eroded by the demonic energy, you may be enchanted and lose your spiritual wisdom.

But for the Long Bufan of the cultivation cultivation technique, these magic crystals are of great benefit. In his storage bag, there are more than a dozen devil corpses that have been killed a while ago. The magic crystal obtained.

As for the magic crystals obtained by hunting and killing the corpses for more than two months, he did not use them at all, but they were all used for the absorption of his senior armored soldiers, Hei Ming, Hei Ming The body is a rune armor made from the corpse of a different demon. Therefore, the magic crystal is almost an item of great nourishment to enhance the cultivation.

Today’s Hei Ming, after more than two months of crazy absorption of magic crystals, its power has already caught up with and surpassed Long Bufan, reaching the seventh level of Divine Sea.

However, what made Long Bufan a bit of a headache is that as the power of the rune armour Hei Ming increases, the Yuan Crystal Stone that is activated each time is a lot more than before, at least 1,000,000 yuan. Yuan Crystal Stone.

Although Long Bufan looted a lot of storage bags after entering the Hundred Sects battlefield, he still couldn’t stand the urging of Heiming every time, and the amount of Yuan Crystal Stone needed was extremely large. .

But even so, Long Bufan still wants to obtain more magic crystals, and vowed to evolve Hei Ming to a power that can compete with guys at the level of the Demon King!

“My Hundred Sects jade token is about to be promoted to the final stage of black!” Realizing that the Hundred Sects jade token is half black covered, Long Bufan suppressed the surprise in his heart and said solemnly.

As long as the Hundred Sects jade token completes the eight stages of promotion of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and black, it can stand out from this battlefield in advance.

“In order to suppress the five advanced corpses, the Yuanjing Cannon is a bit slow to hunt down the corpses.”

Long Bufan’s eyes flickered, even when he saw his silhouette. Suddenly, he swept down from the city wall in the eyes of everyone’s stupefaction. At the same time, the evil spirit devouring sword in his hand emerged, and a strong and unparalleled aura suddenly swept out.

“What does he want to do?!”

Everyone on the city wall, looking at this scene, many people’s expressions changed, and they naturally knew that the devil’s corpse was within With the demonic energy in the body, the hunter can be absorbed by his own Hundred Sects jade token to advance to the level.

But they dare not directly break into the tide of corpses like Long Bufan. After all, they do not have the strength of Long Bufan, and they are in the tide of corpses. , Inevitably will be immediately overwhelmed by a large number of demons, and in the end even a piece of bone will not be left, so they can only stay away from Long Bufan’s bold behavior.

Long Bufan holding the Black Sword, the whole person’s breath became sharp in vain, he lifted his sword, countless sword cry suddenly resounded, and the bright black glow carried the sword intent torn apart nothingness.

Then, the majestic true essence exploded from within the body, and every time the sword body dances, it bursts out astonishing Origin Force fluctuations, a fierce corpse, but no one is close to him. When it reaches the range of one meter, it is exploded by the powerful sword energy.

Blocks of magic crystals whizzed out, and finally they were swept into the storage bag by Long Bufan, and the dense demonic energy that diffused out was swallowed by Hundred Sects jade token in an instant, and then turned into Gradually spread the whole jade token for a trace of black air!

At this speed of hunting, it makes people stunned!

Chapter 1027 Summoning Hei Ming

As Long Bufan swept to the foot of the city wall and fell into the tide of demons on the ground, his silhouette was like falling into the black ocean Like a beast on the ground, constantly surging, sword energy sweeps away.

Under Long Bufan’s fierce offensive, the corpse within a radius of more than 100 feet was almost instantly beheaded by his sword energy.


Seeing humans plundering the city wall, most of the demons’ eyes with scarlet rays of light locked in Long in an instant Bufan.

Immediately, more corpses moved towards Long Bufan rushed towards Long Bufan.

Looking at the devil’s corpse swept around like a wave, Long Bufan took a deep breath. Instead of a little bit of fear on his face, he appeared to be increasingly crazy and fierce, with the devouring spirit in his hands. The sword, bursts of fierce sword glow, and immediately the Spiritual Consciousness sinks into the Primordial Spirit of dantian, secretly said in one’s heart: “Dragonization!”

The deep voice sounded in the heart, amazing energy The fluctuations rushed out of Long Bufan’s body, carrying a kind of Ominous Fiend Qi, and spread to Long Bufan’s muscles and veins. At the same time, the dense black dragon scales were also covered while the skin was squirming rapidly…


Long Bufan’s eyes turned blood red in an instant, and after they were completely dragon’s blood demonic weapon form, a terrifying baleful qi suddenly swept out .

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

In the tide of black corpses, Long Bufan is like a fierce and violent Dragon Beast, the sword shadow whistling, one after another powerful and unmatched Origin Force erupts, and in this powerful force Below, even if the whole body and bones of these demon corpses are as hard as steel, but at the moment of contact with the sword body, they are without exception being shocked and exploded by the invading power within the body!

At this time, his aura is stronger than before, and the Origin Force surging around his body is also a lot stronger. Obviously, this battle is for him who had a rapid breakthrough cultivation base before. The body is running more perfectly, and I feel extremely refreshing.

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