This young man , with a handsome face and a purple robe, is the Jinyun of Wind Thunder Sect. After two months of getting along, his views on Long Bufan are no longer as hostile as before.

He looked at Long Bufan and asked the facial expression grave: “Brother Long, have you found anything?”

“Sou sou!!!”

Next, There are two figures, one black and one yellow.

These two people are Hei Yan and Jiang Yu, and they look at Long Bufan with the same solemn expression.

Long Bufan looked far away for a while, and then slightly hesitated, looked at their three people, and said: “Be careful tonight. I feel that the demonic energy fluctuation between this Heaven and Earth seems to be stronger than usual. It’s a lot stronger, let’s watch the changes first, even if there are demons siege the city, so many of us, we are not as easy to be chewed down.”


Hearing what Long Bufan said, the three of Heiyan were also slightly nodded, and then looked at the outside of the city guardedly. Their Hundred Sects jade token also sensed some demonic energy fluctuations, and their expressions were slightly more rigorous. After all, the night The demonic energy is the strongest moment, which makes the power of the demon corpse much more fierce.


Just when the voices of Long Bufan’s voices just fell, in the silent night, there was suddenly one after another heaven-shaking, earth-shattering The roar of, like thunder, came from outside Wuling City, and it sounded clearly in everyone’s ears.

The sound of one after another roar was filled with extremely ferocious and violent scents. At the same time, it spread out at the same time, and suddenly the time, as if it turned into a substantial sound wave, made the entire city of Wuling It was because of this kind of sound that some trembling slightly, shaking everyone’s eardrums, humming!

That is the roar of many demons!

Immediately, the faces of many people in the city were full of pale colors. Then, they broke out in various places in Wuling City, silhouetted and swept, and finally all appeared on the city wall. Above.

Chapter 1020 Best candidate

However, when everyone’s sights and the distance moved towards the city wall are seen, the pupils in their eyes shrank sharply, full of thick look of shock, staring at that dark place.

On the far plain, densely packed black silhouettes are approaching fast, under the dim moonlight, the pitch-black as ink clusters of demonic energy, from those black silhouettes It spreads above, like a black fog and big waves, rolling in.

These terrifying and huge demonic energy fluctuations have at least thousands of demons gathered. Even if Long Bufan is far away from them, they still have a breathless feel.

“The tide of corpses!”

On the city wall, almost everyone swept up. When looking at the tide of corpses that did not see the end, they couldn’t help but fall. Sucking in a cold breath of air, at the moment, everyone’s complexion has become extremely difficult to look at.

The so-called tide of corpses is exactly the discoloration of the Hundred Sects battlefield. It is a terrifying scene. In the night, countless corpses gather together and pass by like locusts. Wherever it goes, any creatures will be swept away brutally.

“These demon corpses seem to have been premeditated!” Jin Yun frowned, said in a low voice. It’s no wonder that these demon corpses always hid during the day, thinking that they are waiting for Ye Mingzhu to break, and then the whole nest will be sent out to surround them!

However, all of the sectarian disciplines that can come to the Hundred Sects battlefield are innate talents with different talents and strengths. When you see such a large number of corpses, even if they have thick Shocked and shocked, but not at all scared to make the scene chaotic, or scared witless fled and left, and pulled out their strongest weapons from the storage bag.

Hovering in mid-air, Long Bufan felt the monstrous ferocity in the distance, and between his eyebrows, he wrinkled slowly with an unusually solemn emotion.

Perhaps because of the night, the demonic energy fluctuations emitted by the corpses are extremely powerful. The intermediate corpses in the day have the Divine Sea 3rd-layer cultivation base, but at night, they reach the Divine. At the level of Sea 4th layer Peak, as for those high-level corpses, I am afraid that they have reached the half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer level.

Long Bufan felt a little relieved that he found that among these corpses, the demonic energy of high-level corpses did not fluctuate much.

Moreover, the people in Wuling City are all geniuses of the younger generation of their own sect. They are not general generations. As long as they persist until dawn, the devil’s corpse can automatically retreat. In this situation, they It must be united. If they flee for battle or abandon the city, don’t say that they want to hunt down the corpses and be promoted to the Hundred Sects jade token.

As soon as his mind turned his mind, Long Bufan immediately swept his body to the city wall, within the body’s powerful aura bursting open, and the majestic deep shout, also suddenly spread under the package of true essence, echoing In everyone’s ears: “Everyone, the situation is urgent at the moment. Although the number of demons is huge, as long as you work with a common purpose and believe that it is not difficult to persist until dawn. Now, please follow my instructions to resist the tide of demons. !” After hearing Long Bufan this remark, everyone seemed to have taken a reassurance pill. They were all nodded. At this time, someone really needs to stand up and command and lead everyone to resist this tide of demons. The invasion, and the prestige established by Long Bufan in Wuling City, as well as his own powerful strength, are naturally the best candidates in their hearts.

Chapter 1021 Giant Gravity Formation

“We are willing to obey the command of Brother Dragon!”

“Please lead us against the corpse!”

Immediately, one after another agitated voices sounded one after another.

Standing on the city wall, Long Bufan looked around all around silhouette sharply, not talking nonsense, turned around, looked towards Heiyan, Jiang Yu and Jinyun their three people with a cold face, voice Qinglang Shen shouted: “Now this Wuling city is our camp, we must hold on firmly, Jinyun, you lead two hundred people to guard the north gate of the city, Heiyan leads two hundred people to guard the south gate, and Jiang Yu leads two hundred people to guard the east gate. The rest, guard this west gate with me!”

Long Bufan was a captain of special forces in his previous life. He has always been swift and decisive in his work, and he immediately issued a combat strategy.

However, regarding Long Bufan’s command, Heiyan and their three people were slightly confused. Heiyan immediately stood up and asked, “Dragon, it’s right to guard the city, but the corpses are all He can fly, who will guard the sky?”

Hearing Heiyan’s words, Jin Yun, Jiang Yu, and others were also confused and looked towards Long Bufan, thinking that he was missing something. A little bit.

However, the corner of Long Bufan’s mouth was filled with a full smile, and said: “I have my own way.”

As soon as the voice fell, it was not waiting for everyone to respond. When he came over, Long Bufan’s hands and ten fingers quickly changed into one after another obscure and complicated rune seal.

“Gravity rune array, come on!”

Then, as Long Bufan coldly shouted, the rune seal with rays of light floating in front of him waved in the palm of his hand Sweeping down, one after another burst out, all directions flew away from the city!


Suddenly, several dozen li outside of Wuling City, shining earth-yellow rays of light burst out, and in the rays of light, the tadpole-sized Xuan’ao rune looms , Under the shocking eyes of everyone, a huge array of light suddenly gathered, surrounding the city!

And when the giant light array emerged, the corpses that flew into the Formation area fell to the ground one by one under the gravity of the Earth Element rune formation, only on the ground. run.

Under the control of gravitational Formation, the demon corpses are still rushing towards Wuling City with hideous madness, but this has slowed their forward speed, which is a distance of several dozen li, According to the speed of the devil’s running, it is estimated that it will take a few minutes.

And these precious few minutes are enough for Long Bufan in the city to arrange all preparations for combat.

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