However, because of the strength of the Star Pill, many martial artists in the Divine Sea realm are afraid to absorb all of it, because their fleshy body has not yet reached the level of withstanding a large amount of star energy. Therefore, they can only refining and absorb in a small amount, and more are stored within the body for use when they impact the realm.

However, this kind of scruples, for Long Bufan, is not at all a big problem. With dragon’s blood demonic weapon and powerful fleshy body, he dares to swallow any energy, even the energy of stars. !

“chi chi… ”

A faint starburst flashes on the surface of Long Bufan’s body. With the refining of energy, faintly, as if there is a subtle sound coming out, then It is because the energy of these stars shuttles through Long Bufan’s epithelial muscles. The pure energy contained in it is like a transformation, which makes Long Bufan’s strength grow little by little.

According to this growth rate, Long Bufan may not be too long before he will step into the 6th-layer Divine Sea realm, plus dragon’s blood demonic weapon can instantly increase its strength. When the time comes, under Divine Sea Realm Seventh Layer, I’m afraid it’s hard to find a rival.

Chapter 1018 Ye Mingzhu bursts into pieces

In this cultivation state of refining star pill, Long Bufan lasted about two hours, and the surrounding Origin Qi fluctuation gradually subsided. , His closed eyes slowly opened.

For a moment, in the dim stone building, two scarlet rays of light rushed out of Long Bufan’s eyes, as if the darkness in front of him was torn apart by life.


Long Bufan opened his mouth lightly, and slowly exhaled a slightly turbid white breath, feeling the power of growth within the body, delicate and pretty face There was a smile on his face.

“Half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer, if you can get a star pill, you can truly enter the Divine Sea 6th-layer level.” Long Bufan whispered in excitement. Talk to himself.

“I feel that the energy of Ye Mingzhu seems to be weakened.”

Then, Long Bufan stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the Ye Mingzhu guarding Wuling City. There were a few grave expressions in his eyes. He could feel that compared to two months ago, the rays of light seemed to be faintly discernible on this night pearl. The guardian light curtain covering the city was also somewhat faintly discernible, as if anytime. Will disappear.

“It seems that the energy of the Pearl of the Night will not last long. It is necessary to advance the Hundred Sects jade token to the eighth level black.” Long Bufan frowned slightly, muttered.

He flipped the palm of his hand and took out his Hundred Sects jade token from the storage bag, and looked down at the jade token in his palm with a light purple halo.

Experienced After more than two months of hunting and killing the corpse, madly absorbing demonic energy, his Hundred Sects jade token has reached the seventh-order purple level. Today, he only needs to complete the final stage before he can stand out from this competition, go to the Divine Stage, compete with many powerful sectarian geniuses, and win the Hundred Sects list.

However, every time the Hundred Sects jade token is promoted to the first level, the demonic energy required is also extremely large as it progresses. Long Bufan reached the seventh level purple level as early as ten days ago. Long Bufan was not very satisfied with the promotion speed that many contestants looked up to. He shook the head with a secretly sighed.

Because in the past ten days, the number of corpses in the Hundred Sects battlefield has dropped sharply. After searching for a long time, four or five corpses were found. Unlike before, they can be encountered immediately after leaving the city.

Gradually, this situation where there are too many monks and few porridges has caused many sectarian geniuses to fight for the hunting of the corpses. These days, more than a dozen humans are fighting for the right to hunt the corpses. The scene of fierce battle is not uncommon.

And just when everyone thought it was hunting that caused the number of devil corpses to decrease drastically, they were surprised to find that every time night fell, a large number of devil corpses continued to emerge. Thousands of thousands converge into a terrifying wave of corpses.

Because of the light shield guarding from the Ye Mingzhu, those demon corpses can only be the same as before, staring coldly all around the city, making one after another low roar sound from time to time.

Obviously, after more than two months, the only superficial spiritual wisdom of the demon corpses on the Hundred Sects battlefield has also learned the human set. When Bai Heavenly Demon Qi is weakened, he hides and waits until the night When demonic energy is tyrannical, it comes out and hunts humans.

Apparently, most of the corpses in the Hundred Sects battlefield have become smarter.

However, this change has caused headaches for many sectarian geniuses, especially those who are about to complete the last step, who are more anxious and hesitant. There are no corpses to kill during the day, but corpses at night. Too many, if you leave the city, it will inevitably be torn to pieces by many demons.

For example, the current Long Bufan is in this mood, especially depressed.

“Tonight, it seems to be a bit abnormally quiet?”

Standing at the window, Long Bufan looked at the dim Ye Mingzhu, with a grave expression in his tone.

The night before, around Wuling City, there were constant roar sounds with devil corpses. I don’t know why tonight, those sounds disappeared without a trace and fell into a strange silence. in.

This silence is absolutely abnormal!

“pa ――!”

However, just as he tone barely fell, the Ye Mingzhu above the city suddenly converged, and began to appear one after another crack. It spread at an astonishing speed, and finally burst into pieces in a clear sound!

Chapter 1019 The Devil’s Corpse Strikes


In midair, when the cracks spread to the limit, Ye Mingzhu is in the city one after Another shocked gaze, burst into pieces!

As the Ye Mingzhu shattered, the light mask that shrouded the city instantly dissipated and was completely exposed to darkness.

“The major event is not good!”

Long Bufan’s face changed drastically when he saw this scene. He frowned and muttered, his eyes filled with grave expression.

Before, because of the strange fluctuations that the Ye Mingzhu exudes, it has a restraining effect for the devil corpse. Therefore, the demon corpse generally avoids this kind of city protected by the night pearl regardless of day and night. And far away, dare not approach.

However, at this moment, Ye Mingzhu broke and the guardian mask disappeared, which means that this Wuling city will no longer have the demonic energy to restrain and let the demon corpse trample on it!

“What’s the matter, how could Ye Mingzhu suddenly break?”

“Without Ye Mingzhu’s guardianship, will the devil’s corpse invade!”

Silhouettes constantly appeared in the streets, and countless line of sight stared at the sky in shock, only to see pieces of the night pearl falling down. For a while, the entire city seemed to be in an atmosphere of panic.


Long Bufan flew out from the window, his eyes swept, all around outside the city was pitch black, there was no movement, but he felt Hundred Sects The jade token trembles faintly. Obviously, there may be a lot of demons lurking around this city.

At this time, a purple silhouette also flew up from the crowd below and appeared beside Long Bufan.

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