Jin Yun and the others also felt a sinking heart at the moment when they saw so many silhouettes surrounding them, their expressions became dignified and quite tense. They absolutely believed that as long as Long Bufan gave an order, these People will inevitably attack them.

In this situation, it may not be easy to get out of it. If you resist, the final result will be reduced to Chen Sha and the others. Recalling those three and a half steps Divine Sea 6th- The layer powerhouse, under the fight against Long Bufan, almost all were in a state of tragic death, and there was a horror in their hearts.

Jin Yun frowned, like everyone else, slightly lifts the head, staring fearfully at the silhouette of the young man at the top of the stone tower. It looks like a prisoner waiting for the sentence.

Long Bufan stood on top of the stone tower, looking down at the fearful and admiring gazes below. Between the expressions, there was no complacency. His gaze swept, and his faint voice was clear. ‘S sounded in everyone’s ears: “This Wuling City was originally a refuge set by the Temple Pavilion on the battlefield of Hundred Sects. It is also a place of freedom. However, some people intend to forcibly occupy them. Now they are dead or fleeing. This is also thanks to the unity and fighting of all the friends, so that freedom is restored here again.”

While speaking, Long Bufan’s sweeping eyes fell on the Wind Thunder Sect Jin Yun and dozens of other people with broad faces. He smiled without hostility, and said calmly: “As for those who just chose to be neutral, you don’t need to think too much. I, Long Bufan, are not barbarians. Since you did not choose to be an enemy, I will not embarrass you. Wuling City, stay if you like it, and leave if you don’t like it.

Of course, you don’t need to hand in any Hundred Sects jade tokens or storage bags. We are all human beings on the sky continent, and we can’t leave alien demons remaining The evils that come down continue to spread wild in our hometown, so I hope that everyone will play fair, fight and kill the corpses, and restore this battlefield that was eroded by the aliens into a pure land!”

Long At the end of the conversation, Bufan cast a solemn look in his eyes and a sonorous voice. Under the blessing of the True Essence, it clearly echoed in everyone’s ears, like still water, ripples in the hearts of everyone, refreshing.

Jin Yun and those neutral people were taken aback when they heard this, and then they suddenly showed surprise in their eyes. Except for Jin Yun of Wind Thunder Sect, most of them are from small sects. Pie, the reason for relying on the geniuses of Big Sect, is to have more survivability in the Hundred Sects battlefield.

But now, because of the appearance of Long Bufan, they have controlled their survivability. At this time, it is night again, and the demon corpses outside are in all directions. They dare not leave Wuling City at will, because with their strength, Once you meet the tide of corpses in the dark night, most of them are bode ill rather than well, so they can only stay here.

Now Long Bufan has not driven them out of the city, or plundered any resources, for them, it is undoubtedly a great gift.

Chapter 1016 Conquer the hearts of the people

As Long Bufan’s voice echoed, after the huge city fell into a short period of silence and feelings, the crowd suddenly spread a piece of excitement “To restore the Hundred Sects battlefield to a pure land, Brother Long said very good.”

“Yes, we must unite and leave the alien monsters behind.”

All the demon corpses in this area are wiped out!”

“Yes, compared to everyone killing each other badly, this kind of sectarian competition is more meaningful”


For a while, those fearful gazes that were originally looked towards Long Bufan gradually, seem to have subtle changes in the faint, which is a kind of awe, not purely a kind of strength for Long Bufan Fear is more of admiration.

After Jin Yun’s complexion changed a few times, he felt quite touched by Long Bufan’s words just now. This Hundred Sects tournament was originally intended to let all the sectarian geniuses in the sky continent personally. After experiencing the historical status quo that the aliens have caused in their homeland, they have a deeper understanding of the terrifying side of the aliens, and the competition of hunting and killing the corpses to promote the Hundred Sects jade token level has restored this space to its original state.

However, everyone is fighting each other here in order to win the Hundred Sects competition, completely forgetting the original intention.

Thinking of this, not only Jin Yun, many people lower their heads in silence, with shame in their eyes.

For the subtle change in their eyes, Long Bufan’s mouth has a meaningful smile.

Sometimes, violence or military force is often unable to truly conquer people’s hearts, because even if they conquer others, if such people are dissatisfied, once they have a chance, they will definitely seize the opportunity to bite you. Only by allowing them to change their thinking, including the way of thinking about problems, and benevolent, can they truly conquer it.

And this point, at the beginning was the Black Tortoise Imperial Palace Disciple, Long Bufan assisted the Heavenly Flame Empire Fourth Prince Yang Baiyu to ascend the throne, he learned the emperor “management art” from him. .

In Long Bufan’s view, the so-called “Emperor’s Way” is actually equivalent to the “brainwashing” of the 21st century in the previous life. It is to instill special thoughts into others to make them inherent An act of changing your mind. He remembers the world in his previous life, the MLM organization that often made headlines, and various superb methods of brainwashing can be said to be vividly and thoroughly used.

However, Long Bufan does not think that his brainwashing is the same as MLM. He is a kind of well-intentioned brainwashing. MLM is aimed at defrauding money and harming the masses of the society. A big difference.

However, Long Bufan does not have any special attention to whether he can conquer the hearts of those people. As long as these people do not come to provoke him, he is also happy to spend this Hundred Sects tournament fairly. .

Of course, if someone who doesn’t open their eyes really dare to step on his head, then Long Bufan doesn’t mind letting them know what it’s like to step on a bomb!

Then, after greeted the two of Heiyan and Jiang Yu, Long Bufan was the body moved and swept directly towards the center of the city.

In the center of Wudou City, there are six stone towers. It is one of the most attractive places in the city, and it is also the closest place to the huge bead that looks like a pearl in the sky.

Furthermore, what surprised Long Bufan most was that the most central one of the six stone buildings contained a strong Origin Qi fluctuation, which was obviously the best practice field in the city.

It was originally a cultivation place occupied by Chen Shark and the others, but now they are all killed in Long Bufan’s hands. This is the best Practice Field site in Wuling City. Naturally, Long Bufan has taken a fancy to it. .

As for Long Bufan’s actions, no one has the slightest disagreement. It feels that this is normal.

Because, in their opinion, Long Bufan is now the most powerful and prestigious great character in the city. The best Practice Field site, apart from Long Bufan, has no choice.

Chapter 1017 Refining Star Dan

Darkness envelops the Hundred Sects battlefield, this wild land, the night is extremely gloomy and oppressive, one after another low roar sound, one after another The sound spreads in the dark night, and the roar is full of thick killing and violent.

On this perilous land, with the many sects Heaven’s Chosen Child returning from sunrise and night to hunt and kill the corpses, unconsciously, more than two months have been quietly spent.

In other words, after three months of competition, only half a month is left. Within these ten days, any Hundred Sects jade token that does not reach the eighth black level is considered defeated and eliminated.

The dark night of the Hundred Sects battlefield is a time when humans are forbidden to appear.

Tonight is another full moon night, and the hazy moonlight falls down, shining on the city of Wuling, giving this ancient city a faint white gauze.

At this time, in the most central stone building of Wuling City, Long Bufan sits quietly in the stone chamber, with a star-like pill floating in front of him, following the pill. Rotating, faintly, there is an unusually majestic and pure vitality, which is also slowly diffused!

Looking at the pill floating in front of him, Long Bufan held a smile at the corner of his mouth. This is a star pill he got when he went out to hunt the corpse today. He also sighed in his heart. The star pill obtained this time has been a month old, obviously, there are not many demon corpses hiding the star pill.

Then, Long Bufan opened his mouth lightly, his eyes flickered, and he saw the star pill slowly drifting to the tip of his tongue, and the touch was slightly warm.

Immediately, as the star pill on the tip of the tongue swallowed, it instantly turned into a billowing Power of Stars, pouring into the stomach like a torrent, and at the same time, the mysterious magic art was quietly operating, black The dragon scales quickly spread all over the skin, suddenly transforming into a dragon’s blood demonic weapon.

Under the operation of the mysterious magic formula, the dark vitality between Heaven and Earth around, as if receiving a kind of traction, continuously poured into Long Bufan’s body, Then the energy torrent that guided the star pill spread to the limbs and five skeletons.

From a certain perspective, compared to entering Divine Pill, Star Pill is obviously more complicated and profound. This kind of star energy has tempering Origin Force, washing muscles and bones and many other miraculous effects.

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