a sword slashed on the earth element shield, Qin Hao groaned, and suddenly felt a huge shock within the body internal organs. Qi and blood surged, but the slightest Thunder Strength was under strong pressure. It actually penetrated into the Earth Element Shield, and then quickly penetrated into Qin Hao’s body like a poisonous snake. Thunder Strength instantly numbed him all over his body.


Qin Hao teeth desperately pushed within the body of the Earth Element powerful real dollars, thickening earth element defense shield, and then looked at the distant migraine is Liu Bai and Chen Sha, both of whom were restrained by more than a dozen Demon Shadow Clone, couldn’t help but screamed.

Two swords!

Three swords!

Four swords!

Five Swords…

“peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!!!”

In just a few breaths, Long Bufan’s attack It was constantly smashed down like squally storms, but Qin Hao’s True Essence Shield was violently beaten and deformed under such a fierce attack, but the strange thing was that it never broke.

“This guy’s brute force could be so tough!”

Qin Hao hearts secretly surprised his condition at this time, can be said to be miserable in the face of mad Long Bufan He was already a little bit about to be unable to hold it, but if he didn’t hold it so hard, once Tu Yuandun was breached, his fate would be extremely miserable!

In fact, this is their mysterious earth element shield Innate Body Sect most proud of Defense Martial Skill, not form a separate, but real dollars Qin Hao maintained by the body, as long as real dollars continue, they Won’t break.

However, to keep the shield is not broken, but it is to be crazy overdraft within the body at the expense of real dollars, not only that, Qin Hao, while maintaining the shield, but also withstood the Thunder from Long Bufan A double attack of Strength and Yuanjin shock.

So, facing Long Bufan’s offensive at this moment, Alone can only defend and struggle.

Long Bufan, on the other hand, is a lively dragon and animated tiger. One shot is faster than one with energetic shots, and one shot is harder than one shot, and the pace is tight!

“Boom -!”

Seeing the Long Bufan is shot down Zala, Qin Hao just feel heart are shivering, which is where the low-level sectarian from People, they are like ominous beasts!

He originally wanted their teeth white and Chen Liu and so that they get rid of those shark Avatar Long Bufan, and then the three together again, with his defense, Long Bufan even strength again strong, can not Maintaining such a high-intensity offensive will undoubtedly be defeated as long as it lasts.

But in this short of a dozen interest rate, Long Bufan attack speed fast as lightning, holding a seven-color long spear crazy punched over a hundred times, Qin Hao is already feeling barely , The blood turbulent in his chest almost couldn’t be pressed down, and the internal organs seemed to be vomited out of the mouth.

And this spear also instantly made Qin Hao look pale, his heart trembled, he simply couldn’t stop it!

” surnamed Long , and if you think I only defense, then you are wrong!”

Seeing Long Bufan imposing manner surging to attack, Qin Hao seems to have been Urgently roared with a sudden flush, and violently drew a long stick from the storage bag.

This long stick is quite peculiar. It is not made of metal. It is a stone stick made of stone. It has a thick and round arm. On the stone stick, it is covered with obscure golden patterns. , Faintly, there is a thick Earth Element Origin Qi fluctuation spreading out.

Obviously, this stone stick is a very powerful Earth Element Spirit Treasure.

Chapter 1010 Blasting the Air

“Bang!” At the moment when the stone root was drawn out, the Tu Yuan shield outside Qin Hao’s body also burst open under his mind, violently The strong wind directly defuses Long Bufan’s offensive and shook him back.

“Cracking the stone stick!”

While Long Bufan’s stature was shaking and retreating, his violent hands clasped the stone stick tightly and slammed it directly towards Long. Bufan smashed his head!

“Woo–!” The stone stick carried a harsh and low howling sound, and the surrounding vitality was arbitrarily twisted. The stone stick with the original thickness of the arm suddenly swelled and became larger, turning into a five The huge stone stick with the thickness of a foot, like a stone pillar, brought an arc full of power, and slammed Long Bufan’s head heavily, dancing in a violent wind, and its momentum was not weak.

Obviously, if this stick is hit, even if Long Bufan is now in the form of dragon’s blood demonic weapon, it will definitely cause its skull to burst and completely lose its battle strength.

However, in the face of the powerful cudgel, Long Bufan’s eyes became cold. In a flash, when his figure was not stable, his arms were raised, fiercely. One of the shots swept out, directly and fiercely colliding with the thick stone stick!

“bang! ”

The guns intersect, and suddenly there is a fierce wind wave swept out, sparks burst, Long Bufan’s colorful Fire Phoenix gun is also in this Under the arrogant force, it turned out to be bent into a full moon, and the gun body was almost about to break. Due to this hasty resistance, Long Bufan’s arm tendons were also strained, and some trembled slightly.

Obviously, this subtle movement of Long Bufan was also noticed by Qin Hao. A smirk flashed across his eyes, and his hand shook, and the stone stick was filled with one after another. The weird earth-yellow rays of light, these rays of light are like boa constrictors, directly wrapped around the colorful Fire Phoenix gun and swept away at Long Bufan.

“chi chi!”

This kind of earth-yellow rays of light is quite peculiar. When the colorful Fire Phoenix gun is contaminated, its tip actually starts to have a The layer is similar to the surface layer of rock and soil, and it spreads up quickly, as if being petrified.

This scene made Long Bufan’s eyes a touch of surprise. The stone stick in this guy’s hand was a bit powerful, and it was able to spur this kind of petrified erosion power.


However, this erosion may be effective for other weapons, but for the colorful Fire Phoenix guns of the holy class, it is useless, and it can only be seen as Long. Bufan’s hand shook, and the long spear burst into bright rays of light fiercely, and then it seemed that there was a clear howling sound from the Fire Phoenix resounding from the gun body, and the stone layer covering it was instantly burned into The ashes.

“How is it possible!” Upon seeing this, Qin Hao’s dark face flashed with surprise.

“Dragon scales dark fist!”

While the opponent was in a daze, Long Bufan abandoned the colorful Fire Phoenix gun that supported Qin Hao’s stone stick offensive, and vacated his figure. Suddenly rushed to the front, full of fists of dragon scales, blasting the air, single fist smashed out!

The change in this instant also caused Qin Hao at this time to come back to his senses. His pupils tightened, and he watched Long Bufan hit his chest with a fist in disbelief.


Suddenly, Qin Hao only felt that his chest was hit by an iron ball from a violent shot, and his breastbone didn’t know how many pieces were broken, almost Suffocating, even before the screams were made, there was a blood spurt out, and then the eyes went dark, and the whole person was shot directly backwards like a cannonball.

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