Chapter 1011 war situation reversed

“Shua!” < / p>

saw Qin Hao bombers flying, countless line of sight, almost teleportation, is frozen in that A silhouette that flew out of the body, I saw that silhouette finally fell on a stone house below.

terrifying impact directly to the roof crack, crash-bang lot of gravel rolled down, Qin Hao instant body is submerged in the gravel which, for a long time did not see movement. front

However, do not be kind to everyone Spiritual Consciousness probe swept past, Qin Hao breath to see if there is a sudden, a blood glow sprang from the ruins, quickly flew to Long Bufan, and around him the rotation of the body, after a few interest rate, cemented a strange scarlet blood imprint, there was a blood imprint on the black lines, emitting waves of blood-reeking qi interest!

Long Bufan looking at the whole body of rotation that road scarlet blood imprint, white willow eyes sank, his face dignified said: “! Demon Race cultivation technique”

Long Bufan mind a move this road blood imprint immediately drilled into him within the body, a surge of cold blood-reeking qi information is instantly spread throughout the body, with the breath rising, between Long Bufan speak good heart until now pressed kill the idea has flourished and become Be even more fierce.

The blood sacrifice of Xuanmo Jue belongs to the way of killing. Every time a person is killed, the blood essence of his life is condensed into the mark of blood evil. The stronger the strength of the person who is killed, the stronger the blood evil. The seal will be stronger!

Long Bufan Qin Hao just punched in the chest, take advantage of the evil blood India invaded its within the body, taking advantage of Qin Hao Yuan Jin was seriously injured shock and disturb his moment within the body of real dollars flow Then, madly absorb it within the body blood essence.

So at this time, what was submerged in the rubble ruins was just a shriveled corpse, without the slightest Life Aura.

This is Long Bufan beheaded first half step Divine Sea 6th-layer powerhouse, blood essence absorption, but also those who absorption than conventional blood essence condensate more thick, strong strength of Blood made him feel a refreshing sensation.

“Qin Hao is dead!”

At the moment, whether it is the people in battle, the crowd watching, or the two of Liu Bai and Chen Sha, they are all drawn down air-conditioning, and no one did not expect, from the mysterious Innate Body Sect of Qin Hao so powerful defensive power, Long Bufan actually be broken so quickly, and with thunderbolt potential instant spike!

“Run away!”

With Qin Hao’s defeat, those groups of forces who followed the Xuan Innate Body Sect suddenly lost their morale, dozens of After the silhouette complexion changed a few times, they fled in a hurry and escaped from this battle circle.

Their escape means that their team suddenly reduced the battle strength of one third.

For a time, the situation on the entire battlefield also reversed abruptly. The morale of Heiyan, Jiang Yu, and the others immediately took advantage of the situation to launch a more violent attack, and the remaining holy light sect and the Devouring Soul Sect This group of forces was firmly suppressed, and the enemy lineup was defeated steadily, and soon they were forced to the city gate.

“bastard!” Looking at this scene, Chen shark looking very ugly, immediately turned to just absorb the Long Bufan Qin Hao blood essence, the sound gloomy: “The human martial artist, even cultivation Demon Race cultivation technique!”

Now Qin Hao is dead. He and Liu Bai are both attacking martial artists. Although one close attack and one long attack, Long Bufan’s terrifying attack power is better than They are much stronger. Without Qin Hao’s strong defensive support, they are as fragile as a piece of paper under Long Bufan’s attack with their defense.

Chen Shark’s eyes flickered and clenched the teeth fiercely. Apart from anything else, he turned around and fled.

The only remaining Liu Bai saw this scene, and the next moment his eyes were slightly startled, he also turned abruptly to escape, but chose the completely opposite direction to Chen Sha.

Obviously, under the strong battle strength of Long Bufan, the so-called face is no longer taken into consideration. Now, for them, life preservation is the most important!

“Since the choice of life and death Crue, why run away, gave me leave it.”

Long Bufan Senleng mouth formed a smile, faint smile murderous intention, Immediately flicked the fingers, one purple and one red, two streams of light suddenly burst out from the fingertips.

Chapter 1012 All kills

One red and one purple, two streams of light moved towards two different directions, blasting out at a speed like lightning, In the blink of an eye.

It’s red, it is mysterious magic formula blood sacrifice of an evolution, blood Fiend Demon India, and purple, it is surrounded by purple electric lightning rod circle of Thunder Strength!

” pu!”

That red blood Fiend Demon India, at breakneck speed to catch up with that holy light cases of white willow, carrying rich blood-reeking qi, Like a poisonous snake, it penetrates the body protection vitality shield and drills directly behind him.

Liu suddenly shuddered white pupil in both eyes is suddenly tightening, shocked my heart more than when he react when you want to mobilize resistance to real dollars, Blood Fiend Demon India is already infiltrated into him The bloodline of his whole body, flowing around, directly absorbs the blood essence of his within the body.

After a few breaths, everyone noticed in horror that Liu Bai’s body was shrinking quickly at a speed visible to naked eye. Then, the terrifying red seal was also from him within the The body drilled out, and the complicated black patterns in the original blood imprint, weirdly derived an extra Dao Mark road, and the blood-reeking qi contained in it became more and more intense.

This is the way to kill the blood sacrifice of the mysterious magic formula. With the martial artist blood essence as a repair, the blood Fiend Demon seal can increase unlimitedly, slaughter thousands of creatures, and continuously devour blood in the killing. The essence of Qi, every time an additional magic line increases, one more blood evil seal can be split.

Today, in Long Bufan’s blood Fiend Demon seal, 150 six magic patterns have been derived, which are split into the blood evil seal, and the number is also 150 six blood evil marks corresponding to the magic pattern.

However, Long Bufan prefers to fuse the marks of blood fiend with each other to condense a stronger blood Fiend Demon mark, and with more and more killings, its formidable power will also increase Big, if it can condense into the super blood Fiend Demon seal of tens of thousands of magic patterns, even the Sect Master Ying Yuanzi of the Black Tortoise Mansion will only be killed by him.


Long Bufan stretched out beckoned, and the blood of the red blood glow Fiend Demon mark suddenly flew back to his fingertips, sinking into his body, and this At the same time, Purple Lightning Needle also caught up with the Chen Sha of Devouring Soul Sect.

The reason why he did not attack Chen Shark with the blood Fiend Demon seal and released the purple lightning bolt is because this person is a martial artist of cultivation spirit strength. Thunder can not only destroy evil, but also for spirit strength. Has the effect of restraint.

“Go to death!”

I noticed the Thunder Strength surging behind him. Under the influence of the electric field, Chen Sha’s hair stood up all over his body, and his face sternly roared , Suddenly pulled out a gray skeleton scepter from the storage bag, filled with terrifying spirit strength fluctuations, turned around and pierced the purple lightning needle!

“bang! ”

The skeleton scepter pierced on the purple lightning needle, but it was like a bomb. The highly compressed Thunder Strength burst out in an instant. , Chen Sha let out a miserable cry in the horrible electric current, and then, only the disheveled hair flew out.

“Pu chi!”

While flying upside down, Chen Shark’s throat was blocked and he spits out mouthful of blood. The blood was also mixed with silk Wire purple surge flow.

“xiu ――!”

Under the control of Long Bufan’s Spiritual Consciousness, the purple lightning needle turned into a purple light, ruthless into the center of his eyebrows!

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