whispers spread among those who chose to be neutral below. Obviously, Long Bufan is one against three, and they are not very optimistic.

Chapter 1007 tough battle

below, cross-legged healing Jin Yun, also has been concerned about the fierce fighting over the Long Bufan and the others, and for this war, if alone, he I must think that Long Bufan is confident of winning, but now it is a one-to-three situation, and he can’t really see through which side wins or loses.

First, the Xuan Innate Body Sect martial arts cultivated by Qin Hao is the main defense. The defense is similar to a tortoise shell. If the attack power is not enough, the defense cannot be broken.

Secondly, Liu Bai of the holy light sect is a martial arts who specializes in killing moves. Not only is his speed strange, his attack power is also extremely powerful.

Third, Devouring Soul Sect Chen shark, is the toughest guy he appear and disappear unpredictably of spirit strength sneak attack, even if it is a timely response Long Bufan also be some awkward.

“The three men, dressed in an attack on defense, Long Bufan if the defense can not break Qin Hao, even if his strength to be slightly stronger, a long time will inevitably lose.” Jin cloud rise Staring at the four silhouettes in the sky, faintly analyzed, he did not pay attention to the fighting of the rest of the people at all. He was proud of the temperament, and only the powerhouse was qualified to attract his attention.

“Om -!”

over this time, it is trying again in Long Bufan pushed the burning furnace of Heavenly Fire Fire Element Killing Formation offensive, its heart is There was a sudden chill, and immediately, the spirit strength that wasn’t vigorous in the Long Bufan Soul Consciousness Sea suddenly merged to the top of the head, quickly forming a thick spirit strength defense around the Tianling Cavern.

” xiu -!”

As Long Bufan spirit days covering pockets spirit strength instant defense shield formed, piercing wailing, is rapidly came, although naked eye can not see, but Long Bufan of Spiritual Consciousness was able to detect the faint, a dark gray spirit strength, like a transparent blade, carrying an extremely sharp murderous aura, came strange.

However, this energy sharp blade in contact with the Long Bufan defense fortification in the spirit strength-day spiritual pockets, as if suddenly the stone into the mire, suddenly speed is slow some, but still moved Slowly pierce into the Tianling hole.

Long Bufan’s eyes narrowed slightly. He didn’t expect his spirit strength to be able to withstand it completely, but it was with this slow moment that his figure suddenly flashed, that spirit strength sword blade It swept down with a biting chill, and flew past Long Bufan’s head in a thrilling manner.

“It’s almost!” The soul attack failed, and Chen Shark, who hovered behind Qin Hao’s earth-yellow shield, narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Long Bufan with dark eyes like a poisonous snake.

At this time, Long Bufan won’t wait for the slightest breathing time. Liu Bai also waved it out. The paper fan was obviously not a normal paper fan. The white radiance waved from the wind and waves. Suddenly formed a sky full of blade shadows, whizzing out.

Faced with such a fierce light blade hiding the sky and covering the earth, the Heavenly Fire furnace in Long Bufan’s hand has been replaced with the evil spirit devouring sword, and it was directly pierced out with a sword. The sword contained 10,000 vibrations of true essence, and the dark black vibrations suddenly rushed out like a tide.

“puff puff puff!!!”

Under such a tide, the blade shadows were shattered arbitrarily and suddenly turned into a white star point, just like rain Generally bright and gorgeous.

In the light and rain, Long Bufan flashed in front of Liu Bai under the teleportation cast, a sword pierced his lower abdomen.

“en?” Liu Bai complexion slightly changed. Obviously he did not expect Long Bufan to arrive in front of him so quickly!

Chapter 1008 Amazing Defense

“Rock Barrier!”

As a defense-oriented Qin Hao, naturally he has been paying attention to Long Bufan’s attack routines. , When he saw Long Bufan appear in front of Liu Bai, he immediately waved his hand, and a thick soil wall was condensed in front of Liu Bai, and Long Bufan’s sword fell on the soil wall without any suspense. Above, the rock condensed by the vigorous shock fell sternly!

Seeing that Long Bufan’s sword strength was successfully blocked, Qin Hao smiled complacently. He has sufficient confidence in his Defense Martial Skill.

Looking at the rock wall in front of him, Long Bufan quickly retreated, frowning and looking at the three people opposite, a trace of dignity appeared in his eyes, three and a half steps Divine Sea 6th-layer With the collaboration of martial artists, formidable power cannot be underestimated.

Especially the tall robust man with dark complexion, that is, Qin Hao of the Xuan Innate Body Sect, his Earth Element defends against martial arts, one after another blocked his offensive, and his defensive power is amazing.

As for Liu Bai’s offensive, he can easily break through, but the most annoying is the Chen Sha of Devouring Soul Sect. The guy relies on Qin Hao’s defense and has been hiding in the dark using a soul attack sneak attack .

In this short match, Long Bufan has already suffered several soul attacks one after another. If he hadn’t been wary of it, his soul would have been traumatized long ago! If you don’t pay attention a little, I’m afraid it will usher in a fatal blow.

Even more how, this time a group of riots resisted. As a leader, Long Bufan, once injured, his morale will inevitably drop.

So, this situation is not suitable for fighting!

“They must disperse their strength!”

When he turned his mind, Long Bufan’s eyes flickered, and his complexion suddenly became cold and severe. It was actually scattered in the group battle below. The number of demon dao shadow Avatars was recalled at all, and rushed towards Liu Bai and Chen Sha from all directions.

Long Bufan does not expect Shadow Clone alone to be able to kill two and a half steps Divine Sea 6th-layer powerhouse, just use it as a check.

Immediately, Long Bufan had no longer paid attention to that Liu Bai and Chen Sha, the two of them, the majestic essence poured into the Evil Spirit Sword, and the black glow suddenly surged, and the sword body actually expanded. Then the dragon’s wings vibrated, and the figure turned into a black lightning and rushed out, carrying an unmatched sword glow, violently stabbing at the alone Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was also shocked when he saw this scene. However, at the terrifying speed of Long Bufan, there was no time to avoid it. A cruel color flashed in his eyes, and he simply mobilized the Earth Element within the body. Zhenyuan, with both palms protruding forward, an earth-yellow shield suddenly appeared.


And when the earth element shield was condensed, Long Bufan was already carrying a heavy violent stabbing with a sword, and immediately burst out an astonishing giant Qin Hao’s face changed a bit, he felt that what was stabbing in front of his eyes was not a sword, but a mountain that slammed into it, and his arms were shaking!

The power of horror was transmitted to the body along the arms, and immediately the figure was shaken down and withdrew from the several feet, only to stabilize the body embarrassedly in midair.

“Very powerful!”

Qin Hao was inexplicably horrified, and saw a surge of vitality and blood within the body. It was very uncomfortable. If he hadn’t been born with a profound body, fleshy Strong body, coupled with Upper Sect’s Defense Martial Skill, this blow might really make his arms fractured.

“Oh? You actually resisted it?”

Long Bufan frowned, just now he used the limit of tens of thousands of vibrating energy in the assassination, but didn’t expect Still resisted by Qin Hao, these amazing defenses indeed have several points of pride.

Chapter 1009 Spirit Treasure of Stone Stick

“Even if your defense is strong, I will smash your tortoise shell!” Long Bufan shouted coldly, his stature was fierce again It rushed out, and at the same time, within the body Thunder Strength erupted, the sword body suddenly flashed a blazing purple light, carrying the might of the billowing thunderbolt!

“bang! ”

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