Therefore, for the four-player match, and it is still one-to-three, there are still many people who want to see whether Long Bufan is in the three and a half steps of the Divine Sea 6th-layer powerhouse. How can you resist it?

“In that case.” Qin Hao’s dark face gave a grinning grin, and suddenly she shouted in a rough voice: “Start!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!!!”

this atmosphere of tension with swords drawn and bows bent, not at all last long, as the sound had just fallen, Qin Hao, Chen shark, white willow their three people is the first to skimming out, at the same time, forceful The Origin Force fluctuated and exploded in their hands.

When these three people started their hands, the remaining one hundred people also rushed out with grim faces!


looked at the storm surge came from all directions numerous powerhouse, Long Bufan eyes of a cold, immediately Li He is loud, then Juzhen dragon wings, The figure suddenly turned into a black shadow rushing out!

“whiz whiz whiz…”

At the same time as his body rushed out, his body quickly split into more than a dozen magic Shadow Clones.

In the form of dragon’s blood demonic weapon’s, Long Bufan strength increases rose to the point where Divine Sea 6th-layer, and he split out these magic Shadow Clone, naturally, are the same appearance with him, Even if the cultivation base is lower than the body, only the 5th layer of Divine Sea is a powerful force!

see Long Bufan out, feather ginger, black rock, and a backward channel Silhouette more than two, but also to follow the lower and the upper Yisha without hysteresis, in a flagrant fear posture, TV drama The enemy who is stronger than them rushes away!

“kill ah !!!”

in midair, as one after another filled with rich sound Lihou killing intent of the air, both men quickly to a flame, Dayton Over time, the dazzling sword glow collided with the blade light, making a violent metal crash, causing the Origin Force of this world to boil.

” peng!”

forceful Origin Force, in the central area of the raging battle circle broke off, white willow, Qin Hao and Chen shark them three half-step Divine Sea The 6th-layer powerhouse shot almost at the same time, with a fierce offensive, covering Long Bufan’s vitals, and the nearby air exploded in an instant.

Facing the powerful offensive of their three people, a cold light surged on Long Bufan’s face, and immediately, a bright fire burst out.

” weng!”

fire storm surge, that Ding Heavenly Fire burning furnace, in front of the towering from Long Bufan emerge soon he stretched out his arms, went so far as to seize the furnace of life and life Feet, and then brazenly shook the stove, fiercely sweeping toward the three people who came violently.

“Boom -!”

grabbing, Qin Hao their three people sharp martial arts moves, heavy bombers over the stove burning days, issued a dull bang , A trace of cracks loomed, but the imaginary rupture not at all appeared, and then the expressions of the three people changed drastically at almost the same time, and their tightening pupils suddenly reflected a hot flame.

” pu!!”

I saw was an extremely frightening scarlet-red flame, like a volcanic eruption in general, that the fire suddenly from among manic jet out against them The body burst out. At this point over

1006 Chapter an enemy three

, Wuling City, with both men flame ball, instant murderous-looking, saw blade light and sword shadows Flying diagonally, blood splashed all over.

In an empty area of ​​the battle circle, the four silhouettes fought fiercely together, boiling between Heaven and Earth Origin Force.

These four silhouettes are Long Bufan, Liu Bai, Qin Hao, and Chen Sha. The four of them are extremely powerful, and every offensive shot by them is enough to kill a Divine Sea 5th. The martial artist below the layer, so other people dare not approach this area, forming an empty battlefield.

” hu hu -!”

in midair, Long Bufan portable Heavenly Fire burning furnace, the operation of the wind turbine movable sturdy as if waving general, scarlet-red flames with a surging The scorching wind spread in midair and blasted fiercely towards the three Chen Sharks.

“earth element shield!”

Liu white and the others looking upheaval, Qin Hao immediately Lihou cry, and soon his hands real dollars violence Chung, suddenly propped defense shield, rays of light In the rush, I saw a thick earth-yellow shield, which suddenly lit up in front of their three people.

” peng!”

that the molten metal instantly scarlet-red flame is in an instant, the impact on the earth-yellow shield, the loud noise dull , Sparks bloom, bursts of bright radiance burst out.

Until the flames dissipated, the Origin Force shield still appeared in front of Qin Hao’s three people. The true essence of the shield surface was flowing, flashing with solid earthy yellow rays of light.

Looking at the flame being completely resisted by his own soil element shield, Qin Hao’s dark face flashed a stern smile. This kind of smile was confidence in their Innate Body Sect’s defense against martial arts. You attack the violent storm, and I stand still in defense!

“Burn the Heavenly Fire furnace!”

When the rays of light disperse, Liu Bai and their three people can also see the Heavenly Fire furnace in Long Bufan’s hands. This kind of heavenly continent How could they not know the first treasure furnace.

According to rumors, the Heavenly Fire furnace can not only produce top grade medicine pill with nine patterns, but also a powerful formidable power killer. The furnace is equipped with Fire Element Killing Formation. A demon-level strange demon was suppressed in this furnace.

The magician of the different demon, that is the equivalent to human martial cultivator’s star powerhouse!

Fortunately, the current cultivation base of Long Bufan is not enough to spur the real formidable power of the Heavenly Fire furnace. Otherwise, their three people are really unable to withstand the jet of flame.

“This kid, there are endless Spirit Treasures on his body, no wonder his luck is so strong.”

Staring at Long Bufan, Chen Sha’s eyes flickered, and a trace of coldness passed through his eyebrows, and he was jealous. Besides, the color of greed is stronger. If you want to inherit Long Bufan’s luck, the only way is to kill him and take his luck!

At this time, in the spectacular melee scene of hundreds of sectarian geniuses, there are many onlookers watching Long Bufan and their extremely fierce fight, without blinking their eyes. Staring closely, lest he miss the wonderful scene.

“Long Bufan, with that perverted Body Refining Martial Art, is indeed the capital to challenge the Divine Sea 6th-layer expert in half a step. However, it is a bit reluctant to face three at the same time. He should first It is wiser to defeat the opponents one by one.”

“Not necessarily. Long Bufan’s strength and speed have some advantages. If it is not possible, you can choose the way of fighting. Even if you can’t win their three people, there are The method is invincible.”

“hmph, according to your statement, it’s just running away that’s all, what a tie.”

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