Looking at the Flood Dragon with huge sword beams in the sky above, many powerhouses whose cultivation base reached the 5th layer of Divine Sea realm changed drastically. Under shock, they couldn’t help but swallowed secretly. Slobber, they knew that if they were to face Jin Yun’s ultimate move, they thought they couldn’t resist it.

In this scene, even Liu Bai of the Holy Light Sect and Qin Hao of the Xuan Innate Body Sect, expressions are all slightly condensed, and they estimate how many hole cards they need to use in order to accept this powerful offensive.

“This kind of strength is worthy of the genius of Rank Four Sect!”

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the blade light hovering Thunder Jiao, Long Bufan’s eyes are also Quite dignified, such formidable power is indeed extremely horrible to see.

But for this, Long Bufan not at all had the slightest retreat, his mind moved, and he hurriedly opened the Lei Ling Celestial Body!


In an instant, a strong vitality that seemed to have been suppressed for a long time, revealing the energy fluctuations of the Thunder Element rune law, burst out from Long Bufan within the body almost instantly!

Chapter 994 Thunderbolt Dragon Spirit

“chi chi chi! !!!”

one after another purple Lei Yuanqi, constantly from Long Bufan within the body Gushing out, and finally these Thunder Element vitality slowly receded, actually on the surface of his body, it condensed into one after another Thunder Strength, glowing with a violent cold glow, and his skin gradually transformed into a weird amethyst The color quickly spread throughout the body.

These changes seem to be complicated, but they are all done in a flash, and at the same time that the Thunder Spirit Physique has changed, the breath of Long Bufan is also in the eyes of many shocked eyes. Climbing!

Finally, this violent thunderbolt breath is fixed on the Divine Sea 5th layer Peak, faintly approaching the half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer realm!

Looking at the impending Thunder Dragon Blade, Long Bufan’s pupils shrank slightly, and his Spiritual Consciousness moved, and his body immediately retreated like a bolt of lightning.

While his body retreated, Long Bufan’s Thunder Strength surged out unreservedly. With his body as the center, countless flashing purple arcs condensed into a few ten zhang. Long thunderbolt giant dragon form.

Different from the spirit of the Flood Dragon entrenched on Jinyun’s sword, the purple dragon that Long Bufan condensed with the energy of thunderbolt is actually in the shape of a giant dragon with five claws. The body is the spirit, and it has more flexible and powerful formidable power than ordinary energy forms.


With an amazing dragon roar resounding through the sky, the thunderbolt giant dragon opened the dragon’s eyes, and a strong Ominous Fiend Qi filled the sky like lightning. Below, there was also a sudden rush of anger, and thick electric arcs lingered above the huge body, a violent force radiating away.

“This guy is actually a Thunderbolt celestial body. No wonder I dared to speak to Jin Yun just now!”

When Long Bufan transformed into a Thunderbolt celestial body state, and controlled the thunderbolt quickly When it turned into Thunder Dragon, the crowd of onlookers in the street below also suddenly heard some exclamations, apparently amazed by Long Bufan’s cards.

At the time when everyone was surprised, the purple Thunder Dragon and the huge sword light that roared from fiercely stood together!


At the moment of impact, a loud thunderous noise suddenly resounded in the sky, follow closely from behind, a wave of extreme violence The energy shock was also swept away from that in midair.

“Hhoo!” The extremely tyrannical wind, mixed with terrifying currents, is directly like ripples exploding on the surface of the water, swept open with a ring of ripples, and the surrounding houses are also Under this fierce wind, they suffered devastating damage and all collapsed.

When the martial artists who were close around saw this, they hurriedly retreated. One after another rays of light, the gorgeous protective shield flickered from below, resisting the surging purple current. Strong wind of energy coming.

At the time of resisting, everyone’s eyes were tightly locked in the mid-air center of contact.

‘Lei Jiao Mad Blade’ is a kind of inheritance martial arts of Wind Thunder Sect which is quite domineering and aggressive. It is used to mobilize the sealed demon spirit in the weapon, combined with the sword move, and merged. Kind of killer move.

Now that Jin Yun’s half-step Divine Sea realm 6th-layer strength is displayed, the power is not weak!

Long Bufan, on the other hand, has the Thunder Spirit Physique qualities that ordinary people can hardly reach, and can manipulate various forms of Thunderbolt at will, but there is no trace of martial arts, plus the gap in the cultivation base, think It might not be possible to resist this powerful offensive of Xia Jin Yun.

Chapter 995 can you stand it?

chi chi!

Under the gaze of countless line of sight without blinking, entrenched the huge thunderbolt demon sword The sword light slashed heavily on the dragon head of the Purple Thunder Dragon. The unique wind and thunder aura eroded away from the thunderbolt that flickered on the dragon body madly. Those original rays of light dazzling dragon scales, Also under the erosion of that wind and thunder, it quickly became dimmed.

“Even if you have a Thunderbolt celestial body, this kind of dragon spirit transformed with the energy of thunderbolt is not a True Dragon demon spirit after all, die!”

Feeling that the dragon spirit condensed by the thunderbolt energy is faintly weakened by the erosion of the wind and thunder in the blade light, a sneer of arrogance immediately rises from the corner of the mouth, and then my heart moves, and the thunderbolt demon entrenched above the blade light suddenly The spirit, roaring and soaring, the baring fangs and brandishing claws slammed into the thunderbolt dragon spirit.

ka ka ka!

Because of the brutal heavy blow this time, under the thunderbolt dragon spirit, one after another crack burst open unexpectedly.

“The thunderbolt dragon spirit can’t bear it anymore.”

Everyone looked at this scene and suddenly shook their heads secretly. It seems that Long Bufan has condensed the dragon spirit with thunderbolt energy. , It should be overwhelming.

“Can Long Bufan stand it?”

Below the battle circle, Black Rock suddenly smashed the spine of a martial artist, and then he retreated suddenly. I couldn’t help but glanced at the condition of in midair, frowns saying.

Long Bufan is almost the battle strength strongest person in their small team. If he loses today, then he and Jiang Yu will not be better off.

“Don’t worry, that guy Along can’t be cleaned up so easily, don’t forget, his true strength is not these thunderbolts.” Jiang Yudan said with a smile, the man who controls the blood evil puppet He doesn’t need to fight personally, just avoid the enemy’s siege.

When Jiang Yu said this, Heiyan was suddenly stunned. He also grinned with a knowing smile, and immediately the iron rod in his hand danced madly, hiding the sky and covering the earth. Blasted away at the surrounding enemies!

In their while speaking, in the sky, the huge thunderbolt dragon spirit body has already begun to crack every inch, the thunderbolt is dissipated, and the electric light is dim, obviously it has reached its limit.

“Let me just say, how could that kid beat Jinyun.”

Seeing this scene, most people have the same idea in their hearts, but Many people have some taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, and provoking a martial artist who is stronger than themselves will eventually pay a price.

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