“A group of rice buckets!” Jin Yun frowned and glanced at the dozens of sectarian geniuses who were drawn from below. In the case of an advantage in the number of people, they were actually killed by Long Bufan’s dozen or so demons. Shadow Clone, Jiang Yu and Heiyan were completely restrained, obviously unable to subdue them in a short time.

Chapter 992 Thunder Knife

Looking at this scene, Jin Yun squinted his eyes slightly, passing a violent cold glow, and then stared at Long Bufan, the said with a sullen face. a sneer: “Since the formation of forces in Wuling City, no one has dared to be wild in front of us. If today, if you don’t kill the chicken to warn the monkey, then I won’t be able to stand in Wuling City!” /p>

“If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability!”

Long Bufan smiled proudly, and immediately within the body Thunder Strength flowed crazily and violently Out, a kind of violent thunderbolt energy fluctuations spread out suddenly!

He wants to try, without the use of dragon’s blood demonic weapon and dark Power of Flames, can he compete with the half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer powerhouse with the qualitative energy of Thunder Spirit Physique alone , I also took this opportunity to run into the Thunder Spirit body that was just tempering.

“Killing you is no different from slaughtering a dog.”

Jin Yun’s eyes slightly narrowed, his voice said coldly, and he stepped out into the void immediately, holding his palm. , A long knife with blue and purple luster appeared in his hand.

Only on the blade, it is covered with complicated and peculiar patterns. These patterns intersect to form a beast pattern similar to a thunder and Flood Dragon, which is faintly with a violent thunderbolt fluctuation. Diffuse and open.

Obviously, this long knife is a Thunder Attribute Spirit Treasure of not low grade.

“en? Thunder Element weapon.” Long Bufan’s gaze condensed, and he noticed the powerful Thunder Strength emerging from the long knife, and his eyes also inadvertently passed a touch of covetousness.

Because, he just lacked a handy Thunder Attribute weapon.


Along with Thunder Knife, Jin Yun did not give Long Bufan any more opportunity to speak. His figure suddenly rushed out, and the air behind him was suddenly distorted. There was a blast, and the thunder knife was in his hand, and the sharp shadow of the knife danced. Under the power of wind and thunder, with terrifying energy fluctuations, hiding the sky and covering the earth facing Long Bufan Shrouded away.

peng peng peng!

The shadow of the knife swept away without touching Long Bufan’s body. The thunder and lightning in the shadow of the knife swept away directly. The surrounding houses shattered, and the wind was surging, and the momentum was extremely powerful.

“The really strong Thunder Strength is indeed a good knife. If I’m not mistaken, there should be a refining head of the Flood Dragon demon spirit fused inside this knife!”

However, facing such a fierce offensive, Long Bufan’s complexion was delighted, and immediately his palm was also a grip. The rich Thunder Strength quickly condensed in his palm, and in a flash, it was a gun-shaped condensed energy body. arms.

Long Bufan today possesses Thunder Spirit Physique, which is different from ordinary Thunder Spirit, and can transform Thunder Strength into various shapes at will.

“chi chi chi!!!!”

Long Bufan held a long spear in his hand, his arm flicked, and suddenly, one after another spear flashed out with electric light.

Boom–! ! !

The shadow of the sword touched the guns at in midair, and the fierce wind wave swept out, and the lightning burst out.

When seeing Long Bufan dare to use an energy body weapon to hit his real thunder knife, Jin Yun suddenly sneered at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of disdain, and then he held it in his hand. With a fierce flick of the long knife–

For a moment, I saw that a dazzling and thick arc filled the blade. This purple arc was like a poisonous snake, directly entwining the thunderbolt energy. The condensed long spear, and then swiftly moved towards Long Bufan’s body swept away.

Chapter 993 Lei Jiao Crazy Blade

“sou sou!!!”

This arc is mixed with Wind Element Origin Force, which is quite peculiar. When it was contaminated with thunderbolt long spear, a whistling sound like tornado burst out, the violent vigor, faintly, as if it could wipe out the energy.

“The Origin Force, where the wind and thunder are blended, has such a peculiar power!”

Long Bufan was a little surprised to see this scene. This guy was cultivation. Fenglei martial arts is a bit powerful, and it can spur such a peculiar energy offensive.


However, this kind of erosion may be effective for ordinary weapons, but it has no effect on the long spear of the energy body. Only the Long Bufan’s gun body was shaken. , Is to see the thunderbolt long spear in that hand suddenly and quickly split into fragments, turning into countless horrible lightning, directly dispersing the entangled wind wave arc arbitrarily!

And the thunderbolt is even more unabated. Under the sprint of the gun body, it turns into a rolling sound wave and attacks Jinyun.

“Thunder Spirit Physique?!”

Seeing that Long Bufan easily resisted such an offensive like this, Jin Yun’s eyes slightly shrink in his eyes, and while he was surprised, he clearly understood After coming over, there was a dignified appearance on that face immediately, and the small look in his heart was also reduced.

Immediately, he took a deep breath and slowly raised the blue purple sword in his hands with both hands, his complexion, but a trace of paleness appeared quietly.

weng weng!

When his face appeared pale, the thunder knife in his hand trembled violently, and the electric light began to converge strangely, and the beast lines on the blade suddenly The dazzling rays of light flashed, and at an astonishing speed, it condensed into a Demonic beast full of terrifying thunderbolt energy in midair.


This Demonic beast looks like a Thunder Flood Dragon, and as the Thunder Flood Dragon emerges, a deafening beast roars Suddenly, it turned into an extremely violent sound wave, constantly sweeping out.

“Lei Jiao Crazy Blade!”

Jin Yun suddenly made a coldly shouted sound, and then the long knife in his hand suddenly swelled and turned into a huge sword light.

The blade is extremely strong, about the size of a hundred zhang or so, and the Flood Dragon is instantly coiled on the blade, and the two are perfectly integrated.

“Boy, it is honorable to die by my knife!” Jin Yun stared at Long Bufan with cold eyes, said with a sneer, and then turned to Long Bufan ruthless. The rage went down.

“Really strong offensive!”

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