“This kid should be closed.” holy light Zong Liubai looked at the sky indifferently, although Long Bufan forced Jin Yun to display inheritance martial arts, which made him very I was surprised, but this battle should end here.

“Die!” Jin Yun narrowed his eyes, looking at the thunderbolt dragon spirit that was about to collapse, his hands holding Thunderbolt tightened even more, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

However, before the smile was completely widened, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank.

The next moment–


I saw the cracked Thunderbolt Dragon Spirit, but at this moment it suddenly burst like a cannonball. Open, in the wanton flying electric arc, there is a black light, which rushes out from the thunder mans opened by Self-destruction.


The black light at an extremely alarming speed, as fast as a flash of thunder, it dodges the sword light and thunder dragon The impulse suddenly appeared in front of Jin Yun.

“How is it possible!”

With the help of the bursting lightning, everyone can clearly see that the dark shadow is actually a Winged Dragon with a dragon tail. And a monster with fire rune black dragon scales all over!

“Is this monster the kid from the Black Tortoise Mansion?!” Liu Bai, Qin Hao and the others floating on the roof watching the show, saw the shape of Long Bufan’s dragon’s blood demonic weapon. This is also a sudden change!

“Dragon scales dark punch!”

The baleful qi diffused Long Bufan’s eyes were cold, and there was a sharp low roar in his throat, which immediately covered the right arm muscles of dragon scales It swelled and squirmed in an instant, and in a short time, a terrifying force burst out, and the 20,000 vibrating true essence actually shook the space slightly and distorted it in a fierce and unmatched posture. cloud.

The air exploded under his fist, and the power of terrifying surged out like the essence. Even with Jinyun’s half-step Divine Sea realm 6th-layer protective shield, I felt the fleshy The body’s pores tightened, and his eyes immediately became extremely solemn. Long Bufan’s seemingly non-fancy punch was enough to make him feel threatened.

The sudden scene finally made De Jinyun have an astonished expression in his eyes. This kind of punch speed, this kind of distance, even if his speed is fast, I am afraid he can’t avoid it, but Jin Yun’s combat response was not bad, he immediately raised his knife and slashed without delay, fiercely slashed at Long Bufan’s fist.

“I want to see if it’s your fist is hard or my knife is sharp!”

Jin Yun’s face was filled with a hideous smile, and a wait came to his mind , This arm was cut off by his thunder knife, and a bloody pleasure surged in his heart.

However, when he completely cleaved out this blade, his eyes seemed to have inadvertently noticed a flash of mockery in Long Bufan’s scarlet eyes.

I didn’t even think about the mocking meaning in Long Bufan’s eyes. The metal-like dragon scales punches had already hit his blade heavily!


A harsh and low muffled sound resounded in the city, and in the next instant, a wave of terrifying power suddenly swept in midair like a ring And open.

Seeing this, even if Hei Yan and Jiang Yu believed in the strength of Long Bufan, they fisted against the knife. This kind of collision, like striking a stone with an egg, made them look uncomfortable. Looking at the sky blankly, this Spirit Treasure Level Thunder Knife, even if Long Bufan’s arm is made of iron, I am afraid it will definitely be broken!

At this moment, countless line of sight stared at the two figures above without blinking.

“chi chi!”

At the point where the fist knife touches, one after another the high-speed oscillating Yuanjin flows out from the fist rapidly, and then faces Jin Yun with no opportunity The thunder knife eroded away, and under the rush of such violent force, the sharp blade with lightning glow was also a sign of cracking.


Only hold on for half a breath, on the thunder knife, it was immediately shaken by Yuan Jin to crack out one after another real crack, and then, the crack expanded the Great Accomplishment seam, directly in Jinyun and many sects Heaven’s Chosen’s horrified sight burst open, and the Thunder Dragon demon spirit contained in it was also amidst a miserable howl, suddenly turning into a patch of rays of light and gradually dissipating.

Should the Thunder Attribute’s spirit knife shatter with just one punch? !

Looking at this scene, everyone’s expressions were unbelievable, and their eyes were bulging, as if they saw a monster. But seeing the terrifying dragon look of Long Bufan, it is indeed not much different from the monster.

Chapter 996 Power Deterrence

However, when everyone was horrified, after 20,000 Yuan Jin shattered the Thunder Knife, there were still more than 8,000 Yuan Jin vibrations remaining , The momentum was unabated, swept towards Jin Yun’s arm like a surging wave, and rushed into the body.

The “peng!” terrifying power penetrated from within the body, exploding all the surrounding air, and Jin Yun was spurt a mouthful of blood, and his figure also shot backwards. After coming out, he finally smashed into a huge stone pillar before stabilizing his body.

Immediately, the thick stone pillars surrounded by the hands of several robust men were immediately covered by one after another cracks, and Jin Yun’s body also slipped down softly.

After “Pu chi!” landed, a mouthful of blood spouted out of Jin Yun’s mouth again, and scarlet blood stained the gray ground.

Looking at this scene blankly, this densely populated area seems to be silent at this moment, many sectarian geniuses looked at each other in blank dismay, and in the end they all secretly suck in a cold Breath of air, everyone didn’t expect, Jin Yun from Rank Four Sect, one of the top figures in the Four Great Influences in Wuling City, will be defeated by a nobody from Rank Three Sect!

In this situation, even the holy light Zong Liubai and Xuan Innate Body Sect Qin Hao who were watching the theater on the roof, their eyes gradually became more solemn, the spirit of the Black Tortoise Mansion The kid can defeat Jin Yun, that is to say, they also have the ability to damage the 6th-layer of Divine Sea, which is also a half-step!

Faced with the thunderbolt offensive demonstrated by Long Bufan earlier, and the exceptionally powerful battle strength after beastization, even they can’t guarantee that they can completely resist it. .

The dark-skinned Qin Hao also looked at the dark figure above with a little shock, and muttered to himself: “Good boy, it’s no wonder that I dared to grab Jin Yun’s site. It turned out to be hidden. The battle strength, as well as the black baleful qi emanating from the body, should be a very powerful dark body Refining Martial Art. It may even be stronger than the gold and iron body of our mysterious Innate Body Sect. I really don’t know where this guy got such a perverted Body Refining Martial Art!”

As for the one after another shocked and terrified look below, Long Bufan in dragon’s blood demonic weapon battle form is still floating Yu Midkong, with his scarlet eyes, his gaze looked down at the embarrassed Jin Yun, he knew that the last remaining thousands of service Yuanjin shocks were not enough to kill a half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer powerhouse.

Soon, I saw a Black Sword flashing in his hand, one after another powerful Origin Force wave, which also rushed out of the body without reservation.

Then the Spirit Devouring Evil Sword in his hand slowly tapped the Dao Xuan’ao Sword Art.

With the emergence of the sword tactic, the dark vitality between Heaven and Earth suddenly boiled!

The terrifying fluctuations of this true Divine Sea 6th-layer powerhouse immediately caused countless people’s complexions to change drastically.

A Rank Three Sect disciple, under the huge disparity of cultivation resources, turns out to have the kind of power that is comparable to the evil spirits of Supreme Sect! This is simply the evil among evildoers!

“Very powerful volatility! This guy…is it really from the discipline of the Black Tortoise Mansion?!”

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