Feeling the powerful thunderbolt surging in the flesh and blood, Long Bufan’s breathing can’t help but feel a little quick.

Chapter 974 Leaving

Long Bufan’s eyes were filled with ecstatic excitement. He felt the throbbing Thunder Strength within the body. He was confident enough to use his current battle strength, even if he didn’t Under the condition of using dragon’s blood demonic weapon battle form, Thunder Strength alone can surely kill the martial artist of the 5th layer of Divine Sea.

Even, if even Mo Ming’s powerhouse in the 6th-layer of Divine Sea is caught up, I’m afraid it won’t be too comfortable. At least he has the capital for the first battle. You don’t have to be in a mess like before escape.

It seems that this Hundred Sects Great War experience is really right!

Although it is full of countless dangers, there is also an unimaginable great opportunity.

Then, in the collapsed ruins, Long Bufan changed into a clean Black Tortoise Mansion Direct Disciple costume, and a helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Since entering the Hundred Sects battlefield, he has no idea how many sets of clothes have been damaged. Fortunately, he has already prepared hundreds of clothes from the Zongmen logistics area and put them in the storage bag. The speed at which I need to change clothes every other day, I guess I can only grab someone else’s clothes to wear.

“When I go back, must tell Anson to make me a unique costume that can stretch freely.” Long Bufan murmured to himself, with the wealth and resources of Stormwind, he wanted Create a peculiar costume as he said, with no difficulty.

Turning his mind in his heart, Long Bufan’s gaze also glanced at the Heavenly Fire furnace placed aside. The ancient thunder-fu tree inside has been absorbed by Long Bufan refining because of the tree pattern rune that symbolizes the soul. At this time, it has no vitality aura, but the tree still contains extremely rich thunderbolt energy.

Long Bufan stretched beckoned, the rays of light surged, the Heavenly Fire furnace and the ancient thunderbolt tree were all included in the storage bag. Now the ancient thunderbolt tree has no life force and can be accommodated. Storage bag, you don’t have to run around with your back, it’s much more convenient.


Then, Long Bufan flicks with the finger. Under the rotation of the real yuan, a fierce yuan shoots out from the fingertips, directly isolating the impending collapse Formation gave the final blow, and for a while, the Formation barrier suddenly turned into rays of light and dissipated in the air.

While isolating the broken Formation, Long Bufan’s footwork is also deployed. Under Wind Law’s fast and slow body, his footsteps are flexible and elegant, swiftly rushing away from the ruins area , Wherever he went, all left behind one after another azure.

The purpose of this trip, the ancient Leifu tree has been obtained, and Long Bufan has no intention of staying here, and the two days agreed with Heiyan and Jiang Yu are almost the same, it is time to meet them Assembled.

After all, their real goal is to stand out in the Hundred Sects Great War. Treasure hunting is only secondary. If it is because of this, and the gap between the competition and other sects is widened, some of them will be lost. Watermelon, the gain is more than the loss.

In this way, under Wind Law’s body, Long Bufan like a gust of wind swept past the broken halls, and after a while, he rushed out of this relic area. Limit the range of flight.


While the peculiar fluctuations that suppressed the true essence spatial flight dissipated, a sword glow appeared on the soles of Long Bufan’s feet, a strong surge of air. , The robe is hunting, and the whole person is high-spirited and vigorous soaring, suddenly turning into a black shadow whizzing through the sky, flying towards the valley exit in the distance.

Chapter 975 Three people gather

Spatial flight runs with the ground, and its speed can be said to be one Heaven, one Earth.

Soon, as far as Long Bufan’s line of sight was, he saw two figures standing on a huge rock near the valley passage. Although they were far away, they could not be seen clearly. Human appearance, but as the powerful Spiritual Consciousness quickly extended and covered, the aura of those two people was undoubtedly the Black Rock of Wu Gangzong and Jiang Yu of Puppet Sect.

“He’s here!”

Hearing the splitting the air sound from the sky in the distance, Heiyan and Jiang Yu, who had been waiting for a long time, were both aware of it. Now they The eyes of the two people also projected toward the north sky.

There, there is a familiar silhouette stepping on the sword glow, breaking through the air at an extremely fast speed, and a powerful imposing manner, also rippling away in the surrounding ground between Heaven and Earth .

This imposing manner is full of arrogance, showing off one’s ability.

“In just two days, Long Bufan actually had a breakthrough again.” Feeling the powerful imposing manner, Hei Yan and Jiang Yu were shocked, and their eyes suddenly tightened.

After a few breaths, Long Bufan had already flown over the two of them. Hei Yan and Jiang Yu saw it. Under the rotation of the true essence, two figures, one black and one yellow, suddenly rushed into the sky. In the blink of an eye, He appeared in front of Long Bufan and stood in the air.

The three gathered together again, without extra polite and greetings, they all smiled at each other.

A simple smile is enough to prove their friendship.

After the three met, the always impatient Black Rock couldn’t help but ask: “Long Bufan, why did you brat break through again so quickly? Could it be what happened in the ruins of Thunder Clouds Sect? Great opportunity?”

Jiang Yu has a calm and calm personality, but although he didn’t speak to ask questions, there was a slight surprise in his eyes.

“Well, after absorbing the refining of the ancient Leifu tree and making the physique stronger last night, it broke through unconsciously.” Long Bufan calmly said with a smile.

“Leifu Ancient Tree…unconsciously…”

However, Long Bufan’s casually speaking manner, but when these words rang in the ears of Jiang Yu and Heiyan , But like a bolt from the blue sky, making them completely dumbfounded.

I thought it was Long Bufan who had obtained a lot of Star Pills, and only then used the energy of Star Pills to break through to the 5th layer of the Divine Sea Realm, but the other party told them about the Thunder Fu Ancient Tree. The two felt a strong shock.

Be aware that they had sneaked into the Thunderbolt Mountain before, but they saw Mo Ming’s people from the Beizhou sect and Liu Yunluo of Yuanmenzong among them. These powerful alliance forces, They consciously suppressed the coveting Thunder Fu Fu Gu in their hearts, hiding in the dark and watching.

However, the stone chamber that contains the ancient thunder talisman tree seems to have some powerful legal barrier, isolating Mo Ming and Liu Yunluo from those people, Mo Ming and the others are showing their whole body martial arts, but still unable to break the stone gate.

In this way, more than a hundred people smashed into the night and finally attracted the attention of the corpses in the Thunder Clouds Sect ruins, and they rushed toward the Thunderbolt mountain. , In the narrow passage of the stone temple, a fierce torn and killing started, causing heavy casualties.

Fortunately, Hei Yan and Jiang Yu hid secretly before. When they found something was wrong, they fled long ago. By luck, they escaped the shopping, and then they followed the previous appointment with Long Bufan. This wait.

It was not until early morning that they saw Liu Yunluo and Mo Ming and the others flying away from here quickly, covered in blood. Seeing the embarrassed look and the number of people halved, it was obvious that they had been with the devil last night. The group battle, the loss is extremely heavy.

Chapter 976 has its own gains

“It turns out that this is…”

Then, after listening to Heiyan, they talked about the bloody battle of Thunderbolt Mountain, Long Bufan Suddenly, he was a little surprised.

Before, he and Mu Rongyin were trapped in the stone chamber. They could only hear some violent attacks and couldn’t see the outside situation, but suddenly they became silent afterwards. Thought it was deliberately set up secretly, it turned out to be surrounded and suppressed by the demons in the ruins, and fled in all directions.

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