“chi chi!”

As the Thunder Strength absorbed just now exploded, it turned into countless purple arcs and shot everywhere in the body!

For a while, Long Bufan within the body’s tendons, blood vessels, internal organs, and flesh and blood, etc., seemed to emit a silent joy, and then greedily absorbed the kind that can change Their purple arc.

As Long Bufan’s body absorbs faster and faster, he can only see his body within the body, almost turning into a bright purple thunder sea, above all the muscles, bones and internal organs, They are all attached with a thin layer of lightning, which is extremely gorgeous.

If there is a keen Spiritual Consciousness powerhouse nearby, you can perceive that there is a thunderbolt force in that small utility room, which is skyrocketing at an alarming rate. When it really stops, this World will inevitably give birth to a martial artist with a thunder spirit celestial body!

Chapter 972 Transformation and Evolution

In the world of martial arts, there are a small number of lucky martial artists who are gifted and blessed by the heavens. This kind of special physique can freely transform the body between entity and attribute energy at any time.

Of course, there is another kind of physique that is transformed from the day after tomorrow, such as the ancient thunderfu tree, which contains the natural Thunder Law rune and the powerful thunderbolt energy, which is enough to transform the fleshy body of an ordinary warrior , Transformed into a special physique of many Thunder Attribute martial artists yearn for something even in dreams, thunder spirit celestial body.

At this time, in the dilapidated utility room, Long Bufan sat on the ground with a calm complexion, only to see the burning black marks on the floor around him, this is the thunderbolt from Long Bufan Marks caused by pouring out of the body.

The sun shines through the hole in the roof and falls on Long Bufan’s unclothed body. All his muscles have become charred, motionless, without the slightest breathing fluctuation, like a dead man .

However, the only thing that is moving is that the countless Thunder Attribute vitality around is gathering on Long Bufan’s body at an astonishing speed. The crackle’s voice keeps ringing. The most peculiar thing is that, I saw that Long Bufan’s already scorched body started to slowly change at this moment.

The monster blue purple covers every part of his body. In the sun, every inch of his skin can even be clearly seen, there are stripes of lightning snakes walking around, like thunderbolt The lines.

During the change, the skin on the surface of Long Bufan’s body disappeared completely and turned into a thunderbolt power, like a human being condensed by the thunderbolt energy, one after another thunder arc enveloping, full of violence The cold glow.

At this moment, Long Bufan, thunderbolt is his fleshy body, and his fleshy body is thunderbolt! It turned out to be from one life form to another energy form!

This is the quality of Thunder Spirit Physique!

However, Long Bufan’s current Thunder Spirit Physique quality can only be regarded as Early-Stage.

Because of the generally speaking, the initially awakened thunder spirit body has only 30% flesh and blood, which is transformed into thunderbolt energy. Long Bufan’s current situation is that only the muscles on the body surface are transformed into thunderbolt energy. The internal organs, muscles and bones, although they also contain thunderbolt, are not energy bodies.

Once entering the middle stage, 60% of the flesh and blood will be transformed into thunderbolt energy. When attacked by the enemy, the damage can be reduced by half, because the other half of the thunderbolt energy body can use heaven and earth even if it is damaged. Energy can heal on its own.

As for the advanced thunder spirit body in the later period, it is more terrifying, 80% of the flesh and blood are turned into thunderbolt energy, and general attacks are basically immune.

And the final stage of the body of the ultimate thunder spirit, if it reaches that level, the fleshy body is completely gone, all turned into thunderbolt energy, almost reaching the point of Undying and Inextinguishable, unless Only by using a soul attack can it be killed.

Otherwise, even if you stand there and let strikes, you won’t be able to kill them, and there won’t be any damage.

This is the abnormal ability brought by special physique.

In the sundries room, Long Bufan’s closed eyes suddenly opened. In his eyes, thunder surged, fierce and domineering.

At the same time, a wave of energy that seemed to have been suppressed for a long time burst out from within the body almost instantly.

Chapter 973 breakthrough Divine Sea 5th layer

“Boom!” The walls all around exploded into a ball of gravel at this moment, and even a barrier to isolate Formation. They were all large cracks that were shattered one after another horrible to see, faintly, the isolation Formation had signs of collapse.


Long Bufan’s gaze swept, a violent breath, which also spread slowly from within the body, the intensity of this breath , I don’t know how many times stronger than before!

“Divine Sea Realm 5th layer!”

Long Bufan’s eyes are surging with unstoppable surprises. Didn’t expect this time to transform the physique with the help of the ancient tree of Thunder Fu , But it is a direct breakthrough to the 5th layer of Divine Sea!

You know, a few days ago, he just reached the 4th layer of the Divine Sea realm. Now only a few days later, he has been promoted again.

According to the speed of Long Bufan, I wanted to truly break through the 4th layer Peak of Divine Sea and arrive at the 5th layer of Divine Sea. At least it will take more than a year, but this was delivered. The rune center of the Lei Fu Ancient Tree greatly shortened this time.

Of course, this kind of speed against the sky, Long Bufan knew that he did not come from his hard cultivation, but the realm obtained by swallowing the energy of the star pill and the ancient thunder tree. breakthrough.

However, this kind of cultivation base is not a realm derived from practical battles. Long Bufan needs more tempering before it can exert real formidable power.

“chi chi chi! !!!”

Long Bufan one after another purple Lei Yuanqi, constantly gushing out from Long Bufan within the body, he slowly extends the hand palm , Immediately grasped, the vigorous thunderbolt energy burst out from his palm, and immediately squirmed and rolled in front of him. In a short moment, it turned into a purple animal color. Seeing its appearance, it was thunder. The shape of a fairy bat!

It’s just this thunder-winged monster bat formed by the energy of thunderbolt, not at all of its true form, of course, even so, this “thunder-winged monster bat” formed by Thunder Strength, Also possesses a very powerful attack power!

Long Bufan is very interested in controlling Thunder Strength and constantly draws out all kinds of objects. He enjoys everything. In terms of simulating objects, he has more than ordinary Thunder Element martial artists. Not a small advantage, that is, his physique has been transformed into the body of thunder, which can make him feel more comfortable in the control of thunderbolt.

“The energy of the Thunder Spirit is not only much stronger than the pure Thunder Spirit, but it can also be so changeable. It’s incredible.”

Long Bufan looked at it. The thunderbolt energy form under his control was constantly changing, and his eyes flashed with excitement. The thunder spirit he had condensed before was only a single form like the purple lightning bolt, but now he can do as one pleases.

After playing for a while, Long Bufan just collected the thunderbolt energy within the body and placed it in his heart. Some nostalgic, he manipulated the thunderbolt energy to change into the form of a purple lightning needle .

Although the appearance of the purple lightning bolt has not changed at all, the thunderbolt energy contained in it is much stronger than before.


Long Bufan’s fist is slowly clenched, and the electric arc lingers on the fist. He can almost clearly feel the strong Thunder Strength condensed in the fist. .

“Really strong power!”

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