“You kid, you are so lucky. Under such powerful groups as Mo Ming and Liu Yunluo, even the Spirit Treasure of Thunder Fu Ancient Tree and other Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasures is also affected by you. Grab it.” Hei Yan gave Long Bufan a weird look, and said with envy.

Jiang Yu also stared enviously at Long Bufan. Although he is a martial artist who refining talisman puppets as his main battle strength, his weakness is that the fleshy body battle strength is not strong. If he can absorb Lei Fugu The thunderbolt energy of the tree can transform his fleshy body into a Thunder Spirit Physique quality, thereby eliminating weaknesses and greatly enhancing battle strength.

“Fate is really an illusory thing. Perhaps, this is the opportunity God made for Long Bufan.” After taking a deep look at Long Bufan, Jiang Yu sighed with regret in his heart. Without the slightest jealousy or jealousy.

At the beginning, their three people all received the news of the ancient thunder-fu tree at the same time, but in the end, only Long Bufan was able to obtain the ancient thunder-fu tree, so this was his chance.

“Then you guys, did you find any treasure?” Long Bufan not at all talked too much about the Leifu Ancient Tree and asked with a smile.

Hearing Long Bufan’s question, Heiyan grinned and said with a smile: “It’s okay, Old Jiang got a high-level Thunder puppet, and I got a Spiritual Artifact-level Thunder Attribute. long spear.”

“It’s a good thing not to go back empty-handed.” Long Bufan laughed, originally planning to give them the red lightning thunder bamboo of the storage bag if the two of them had nothing to gain. There is no need anymore. After all, dignity and face are a very strange thing. If they are not handled properly, they will often hurt their self-esteem.

“What are your plans now? How about we hunt the corpses all the way back to the guardian city.” Hei Yan looked at Jiang Yu and Long Bufan and proposed.

“Also, this distance, hunting all the way to the guardian city, it also happens to be the dark night.” Jiang Yu nodded recognized.

“Return to the previous guardian city…”

After Long Bufan was slightly hesitated, it shook the head and said: “I think it is better to find another guardian city.”

hearing this, Heiyan looked at Long Bufan and asked inexplicably: “Why?”

Long Bufan calmly explained: “Presumably Mo Ming and Beizhou Sect Those people will also return to the Guardian City. We have already offended them by refusing to hand over the Hundred Sects jade token in the valley. In addition, I robbed Mo Ming’s storage bag two days ago. I am afraid that if we go back now, we will face the situation. We will be disadvantaged.”

“What? You actually grabbed Mo Ming’s storage bag?!” Hei Yan and Jiang Yu were taken aback when they heard what Long Bufan said, and their cheeks twitched slightly. , Looking at Long Bufan incredulously.

Obviously, for Long Bufan’s ability to grab Mo Ming’s storage bag, he has a suspicious idea in his heart. After all, considering Mo Ming’s super strength of Divine Sea Peak, Long Bufan is already Some are difficult to fight, and coupled with the many Beizhou sect geniuses around him, wanting to snatch the storage bag from Mo Ming is almost impossible to do in a fantasy story.

Chapter 977 Going to Wuling City

“It’s like this…” Long Bufan touched his nose, a crafty smile appeared on Delicate and Pretty’s face, marking the day and the others were chased by Thunder Wing Fairy Bats, and how to hide halfway through using Space Rune martial arts to intercept the Mo Ming storage bag, briefly telling it.

After listening to what Long Bufan said, Heiyan suddenly took pleasure in other people’s misfortune’s said with a big smile: “haha, good grab, I think that Mo Ming is now empty-handed and goes back. The people of the Beizhou sect have suffered heavy losses, and it is estimated that they have been furious.”

On the side of Jiang Yu, there was a pleasant smile on the corner of his mouth, and immediately said: “In this case, then we will take the route Change to Wuling City.”

“Wuling City?” Long Bufan looked at Jiang Yu and asked, “Is it also a guardian city? How far is it?”

“Yes , Also within the northern area of ​​the Hundred Sects battlefield, this city was called Wuling City more than 500 years ago. Taking our current location as the starting point, it is about the same distance as our previous guard city.” Jiang Yu was nodded, and the Spiritual Consciousness moved slightly. His Hundred Sects jade token projected countless rays of light in a moment, and soon sketched out the map of the Hundred Battle Sect, and then pointed at a certain red dot and said.

Long Bufan stared at the two guardian cities. The distance between the two guardian cities is far away, but fortunately, they are now in the middle, flying at full speed, in the dark. It shouldn’t be a problem to get there before.

“Jiang Yu, do you have any information about Wuling City, is there a Supreme Sect similar to Nine Nether Demon Sect?” Long Bufan asked curiously, after all, Jiang Yu can name Wuling City , I must have done some investigation before, so it is not surprising that I can put forward this route proposal soon.

Jiang Yu slowly nodded and said indifferently: “In the past two days, I exchanged some information with some sectarian disciplines from Wuling City. It is said that there are many sectarian forces there, fish and dragons mixed in together, not at all, a group of forces as powerful as the Beizhou Sect appears to control a guardian city alone.

Instead, the four forces sit together. The leaders of these four forces are Wind Thunder Sect and Devouring Soul. The Grade 4 geniuses of Sect, Pill Dao, and Holy Light. Although their reputation is not as strong as Supreme Sect’s Mo Ming and Liu Yunluo, they are not weak, and they are all half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer. After listening to Jiang Yu’s description of the power distribution in Wuling City, Long Bufan thought silently. There are countless sects participating in the Hundred Sects Great War, among which many geniuses and evildoers are hidden. , And in today’s Hundred Sects battlefield, as long as you can step into the half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer realm, it is equivalent to a first-class powerhouse.

As for the four geniuses in Wuling City, although their individual strength is not as good as Divine Sea 6th-layer Peak Mo Ming, if they join hands, Mo Ming cannot contend. As long as he got there, even if Mo Ming found out his existence, he wouldn’t dare to venture into Wuling City.

So, Wuling City is the most suitable place for them now.

“Then let’s set off now, and strive to have a foothold in Wuling City.” With such thoughts in mind, Long Bufan will naturally no longer have the slightest lag, when even looked Toward Jiang Yu and Hei Yan said in front of them.

hearing this, Hei Yan and Jiang Yu are both solemn and nodded. There is no fear or timidity on their faces. Instead, there is a fervent expression in their eyes. For Long Bufan, they seem to have full confidence. Leading them in this Hundred Sects battlefield, together to fight to the final end, sealed the Divine Stage.

Because of this companionship, Long Bufan’s many aggressive methods have further established this belief in their hearts.

After that, Long Bufan, Jiang Yu, and Hei Yan looked at each other. Under the surging of the true essence, the sound of breaking wind suddenly resounded, and three figures were seen facing the sky in the distance. On the edge, rushed away.

Chapter 978 do it quickly

Hundred Sects battlefield, northern region.

At noon, on the vast and endless earth, three silhouettes rushed past the sky as fast as thunder, and the sound of low wind breaking like a violent wind and tsunami spread violently.

Under these sound waves, some demon corpses hovering below are all looking up to the sky, scarlet sunken eyes, projecting bloodthirsty rays of light, without any emotional fluctuations, It’s just a pure desire for killing.

These three silhouettes are naturally the three people Long Bufan, Heiyan, and Jiang Yu who have just left the ruins of Thunder Clouds Sect. The destination of their trip is to go to another guardian point, Wuling city.

The Hundred Sects battlefield is extremely vast. The area where Long Bufan and the others are now is just a small part of it. If you want to walk through such a huge area, add Hunting the devil’s corpse, in just three months of competition, it is almost impossible for anyone to do it.

Now Long Bufan their three people want to rush to the guardian point of Wuling City before it gets dark. This time is a bit urgent.

And they rushed like this, but it caused the demon corpses to chase from behind. The rich demonic energy swept from behind with the cold air, vaguely, making Long Bufan even I felt a chill on my back.

“The quantity is almost the same, let’s do it.” Hei Yan glanced back at the black corpse group behind him. Not only was he not afraid, but he grinned with excitement, and his words were full of enthusiastic fighting intents.

Long Bufan, who was in the middle of the two, also swept his eyes to the back. At a glance, the number of the group of demons, the number of densely packed was actually no less than two hundred demons.

However, low-level corpses account for a large proportion. Intermediate corpses have only thirty-forty equipment, and high-level corpses have no hair. Obviously, those fierce senior demons rarely appear during the day.

This is why the dark night on the battlefield of Hundred Sects is the most dangerous moment.

Come on this road, in order to save time, not at all stopped because of one or two corpses, but only after a certain amount of corpses had been accumulated, then stopped and took them together. Exterminate all of them to maximize efficiency.

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