Looking at it, I saw that among the cauldrons, the ancient thunder-fu tree was still planted in it unharmed. At the bottom of the tree roots are wrapped in the vitality of Thunder Element’s magnetic soil. These soils, The spirituality of the ancient thunderfu tree is maintained to the greatest extent.

Looking at the ancient Thunder Fu tree in front of him, his eyes gradually heated up.

Everyone knows that among the ruins of Thunder Clouds Sect, the most important thing is not the treasures they have encountered before. It really attracted the many sects Heaven’s Chosen in the Hundred Sects battlefield. This is the so-called ancient thunder-fu tree!

Because this is the Spirit Treasure that is truly fatal!

After that, Long Bufan sat cross-legged next to him. Now his situation seems a bit urgent. Although this hiding place seems to be hidden, the forces of those people from the Beizhou sect will eventually be searched out. When the time comes, there is bound to be a real tragic battle.

So, before they find out, Long Bufan must refining and absorb the Thunder Fu Ancient Tree as soon as possible, otherwise, the situation may become extremely troublesome.


This thought flashed in his mind, Long Bufan’s face was also slowly and solemnly, and immediately after he held his palm, a group of palm-size thunders appeared. In the heart of his hand.

The texture of the surface of the thunder group is extremely obscure and strange, and a mysterious rune is formed as the lightning flows.

This is the center of the rune that Long Bufan grabbed from the tree of the ancient Thunder Fu tree.

This rune center, equivalent to is the soul of the ancient Leifu tree. Without its existence, the old Leifu tree looks like a sluggish and old tree.

Looking at this cluster of lightning flashing central rune closely, you can only discover its splendor. Touching the palm lightly, you can feel the thunder strength full of vitality and vigor. On the surface of the rune, the bright arc surging open from time to time, as if converging into a small thunderstorm. Vaguely, a deep thunder can be heard from the center of the rune.

“What a rich Thunder Strength!”

Long Bufan took a deep breath, surprised in his heart, and his eyes flashed with shock, such a powerful thunderbolt Energy, compared with the red lightning thunder bamboo, I don’t know how many times it is overbearing.

A thunder talisman fruit can condense the thunder spirit within the body of the martial artist, so can the entire thunder talisman ancient tree transform his physique into a rare Heavenly Spirit One of the Physique qualities, Lei Ling celestial body?

The martial artist within the body of the Thunder Spirit, and the real Thunder Spirit Physique, may seem the same in quality, but the gap between the two is as huge as a fire and a volcano.

Just like the Fire Spirit Physique owned by Mu Rongyin that day, its pure element True Fire terrifying formidable power is far from the flames released by ordinary Fire Element martial artists.

Long Bufan’s breathing became a little quicker when he thought that he might be able to possess the Thunder Spirit Celestial Body.

He glanced at the thunder group rune in his hand and the ancient thunder rune tree in the Heavenly Fire furnace. After pondering for a while, he abandoned the rune center and re-entered the old thunder rune tree. Thoughts in.

Because, if Leifu Ancient Tree has a rune center, it will inevitably restore spirituality and attack him again. If you want to absorb it, I am afraid it will increase the difficulty.

So, Long Bufan feels that it is safer to absorb this tree pattern rune center alone. The thunderbolt energy contained in it should be enough for him to condense the thunder spirit celestial body. As for the ancient thunder rune tree, it is better to do it The main material is used to create a Thunder Element weapon.

This thought surged in his heart, Long Bufan did not hesitate too much, and immediately his palms were attached to the center of the rune flashing with thunder, and his eyes were slowly closed. The yin and yang in the dantian were ancient formation, It’s in the spirit of the spirit to talk about the midges and the love of the scorpion, the scorpion and the goodness of the scorpion, the scorpion of the weft, the badness of the paper and the fate.

“chi chi chi! !!!”

With the control and absorption of Long Bufan Spiritual Consciousness, the Thunder Strength in the rune center suddenly became manic, but under the powerful decomposition energy of the ancient formation of Yin and Yang, it turned completely No waves will come.

Immediately after another, one after another, liquid thunder pulp, slowly flowed out from the center of the rune, and then penetrated into Long Bufan’s palm, and then poured quickly along the veins of the arm. Into the body.


And just as the thunder pouring into Long Bufan’s body, the clothes on his body, almost in that instant, were violent. Thunder Strength shook into a powder, and even the stone bricks under the hips were cracked by the wild energy fluctuations.

Chapter 971 Thunder Spirit Celestial Body

“chi chi!”

The thick thunder arc flashes terrifying rays of light, like a purple snake crazy Wrapped on Long Bufan’s naked body, one after another extremely violent thunderbolt energy, continuously drilled into it within the body, the scorching energy, flowing all over the limbs, the whole body’s muscles and bones instantly stretched out, making a puff There was a crackling sound.

At the same time, Long Bufan’s whole body skin gradually showed the blue and purple luster of thunder and lightning, and it became more and more dense.

Long Bufan was surrounded by a thick thunder arc, stretched his body wantonly, slackened his limbs, and greedily swallowed the energy of thunderbolt.

The thunderbolt energy contained in the rune center of the ancient thunderbolt tree is extremely pure. As it penetrates into the body, under the temper of Thunder Strength, Long Bufan only feels the pain in his body like a needle stick, but For some reason, this kind of pain in the whole body was obviously not worth mentioning compared with the first time Long Bufan absorbed Thunder Strength, but it brought him a tingling excitement.

However, this ecstatic pleasure not at all lasted for too long. When Long Bufan controlled the thunderbolt energy quenching refining bone marrow, the rune center of the ancient thunderbolt suddenly turned into an extremely surging Thunder pulp directly rushed into the body.

Suddenly, the violent thunderbolt energy rushed through the veins, the pain suddenly became more and more intense, the feeling, like within the body There are countless steel needles piercing fiercely, deeply and deeply.

Long Bufan was horrified, and hurriedly mobilized the Purple Lightning Needle to join together to help absorb Thunder Strength. However, the Purple Lightning Needle was absorbed in such a crazy manner in just a few minutes. It’s like a balloon blown up by energy, bursting at any time.

Electricity surged, imprinting on Long Bufan’s face, but at this moment, this delicate and pretty face looked extremely solemn. I feel the over-abundant energy within the body, and there is a sense of fullness that does not vent and is uneasy.


Long Bufan roared irritably, clenched his fists with both palms, and punched out a set of fist styles of the Black Tortoise Mansion, both fists Every time it blasts, the skeleton of Long Bufan within the body also makes a dull thunderous sound in such a fist. The bone marrow that was originally white and red, in this brief moment, has become blue lightning, and then In the blue again, there are a few more purple lines.

As Long Bufan punched out one by one, tyrannical lightning shot out, and all the surrounding debris was destroyed.

In this way, Long Bufan didn’t know how many punches he took and how many hours he consumed. He digested the excess thunderbolt energy in the punches, allowing his body to absorb energy.

As time goes by, the purple lines in the bone marrow gradually emerge and become denser, until most of the bone marrow within the body becomes the color of Purple Gold. On the surface of the skeleton, faintly, a tiny arc of thunder emerged.

“pu !”

However, Long Bufan didn’t wait for the surprise. Suddenly, the purple lightning rod within the body finally exploded. Long Bufan suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my body, and cold sweat came out of my body trembling!

This severe pain is like someone holding an iron sword burning fiercely into his body fiercely!

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