I saw the’Long Bufan’ whose head was pierced by Black Sword, suddenly burst open without warning, and instantly turned into countless thunderbolts, like a roaring thunderbolt, pounced on Jiang Wuchen!


Jiang Wuchen’s eyes contracted tightly. He originally thought that Long Bufan was evading too fast, but a pure shadow left in the air, unexpectedly burst out Such a powerful attack.

“Slaughter Sword Intent, broke out!”

At the crucial moment, Jiang Wuchen’s murderous aura was condensed to the extreme, the mighty sword intent, with a strong killing aura, A blood-shrouded Sword Domain aura formed all over his body in an instant.

“Bang peng~ peng~!!”

With the formation of Sword Domain, countless sword energy appeared out of thin air. For a time, those thick thunder arcs were sharp and sharp. Among the sword energy, all were resisted, and Jiang Wuchen’s body could not be hurt at all.

“Is this the sword intent of cultivation killing Dao…”

Not far away in the sky, Long Bufan looked at Jiang Wuchen who was enveloped in the blood-colored Sword Domain aura. , I was slightly surprised.

Actually, what Jiang Wuchen pierced just now was not his afterimage, but Long Bufan deliberately beating somebody at their own game. When the figure dodges and evades, the one left in place The demon dao shadow Avatar achieves an illusion that is extremely fast and leaves an afterimage.

However, Long Bufan really has to admit that Jiang Wuchen’s strength is not simple. In such a close range, his combat response was able to display the Slaughter Sword Intent calmly, and resist everything. Demon Shadow Clone exploded Thunder Strength.

This time, in the face of Long Bufan’s strength, Jiang Wuchen’s calm face also became serious at this moment.

Long Bufan and Jiang Wuchen looked at each other in the air without any nonsense. Almost at the same moment, the two figures moved, both moved towards each other and rushed away.


A light-speed sword step, a thunderbolt, such a terrifying speed, suddenly caused a burst of air.

During the sprint, Long Bufan’s whole person suddenly split quickly in the void, and directly transformed into more than one hundred demon dao shadow Avatars. At the same time, the keel scale spear in his hand suddenly turned into countless violent swings. A thunderbolt flashed a spear glow, and it was shrouded in front of Jiang Wuchen.

Coldly snorted sounded, the black sword in Jiang Wuchen’s hand moved. As soon as the sword intent came out, almost instantly, Jiang Wuchen was under the agitation of the sword energy, like a tornado, and at the same time, countless times The black sword shadow stabbed Long Bufan.

“peng!” “peng!” “clang!” “clang!”……

The two offensives collided in midair, and countless fierce blasts The sound suddenly resounded in an endless stream.

As the offensives of the two sides cancel each other out, the distance between the two of them is also approaching immediately. Long Bufan has a long spear in his hand, haunting the thunder arc, drawing fiercely towards Jiang Wuchen.

“clang! ”

Jiang Wuchen’s hand hits Long Bufan’s long spear with the Black Underworld Sword, and the whole person flies away, but in a blink of an eye, he actually appears in Long Above Bufan’s head.

“xiu ――!”

A sword glow slammed down from above, but it passed through the afterimage of Long Bufan and directly hit the killing platform.

Only hearing the deep sound of’bang’, I suddenly saw that a deep gully appeared on the ground of the killing platform.

At this time, I saw another sword glow light up, and Long Bufan himself moved and confronted again.


The afterimages flashed over the killing platform one after another, and the speed of the two of them instantly soared to an unimaginable point.

Chapter 2201 Why not dare


With Long Bufan and Jiang Wuchen in the fierce battle, the extreme speed Under the sturdy wind, the entire killing platform suddenly felt like a tornado.

For a while, the wind screamed, and the bodies on the killing stage were all lifted up, even torn into pieces in the raging wind. That kind of scene was extremely spectacular and shocking. fear!

Jiang Wuchen’s body skills comprehended from his sword steps are flexible and changeable, but the speed is amazing, while Long Bufan in the form of thunder spirit, the speed is like lightning, compared with the speed of the wind. , He had to go up a lot faster, so that his speed suddenly increased to the point where he was evenly matched with Jiang Wuchen.

Of course, if Long Bufan uses the instant movement of space martial arts, then this balance between the two parties can be broken in an instant.

Long Bufan’s concealment was not deliberately playing Jiang Wuchen. After all, the mysterious tower master hiding in the dark had to keep an eye on him, so it is safer to hide part of his ability in advance.

After about half of the incense stick, the squally wind gradually weakened over the killing platform. When it stopped, two figures stood in the air, facing each other.

Jian Wuchen stared at Long Bufan dignifiedly, the black sword in his hand was poured by the true essence, and a circle of red talisman lingered on the sword, exuding cold, fierce murderous aura.

“The speed of this guy is much faster than before.”

When it was really put together, Jiang Wuchen’s heart was also a little surprised, “If it wasn’t for my sword step The mood of light, the speed of the sword step alone, I’m afraid it’s not better than the opponent.”

Jiang Wuchen found it unbelievable, but it quickly became a surprise, because the so-called thunder and lightning are strictly speaking in terms of speed. It is also a kind of rays of light.

And the whole body is wrapped in thunder arcs, just like the Long Bufan of the six-winged thunder demon, the hideous dragon tail swings slightly behind it, making a small thunder explosion, and the surface of the keel scale spear in the hand is also mysterious. The purple thunderbolt flashes.

“I admit that at your current speed, you are indeed qualified to fight with me.” Jiang Wuchen said, with eyes like eagle eyes, staring sharply at Long Bufan.

Long Bufan’s eyes filled with thunder, locked on each other, silent.

The two great experts have just tried it out, and no one can overwhelm each other in speed.

“In terms of speed, none of us can beat anyone. If we continue to fight like this, there will be no end after all.”

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