Jiang Wuchen looked directly at Long Bufan, hot fighting intents surged out, and shouted: “Can you dare to fight me head-on, meet force with force by martial arts?”

“Why not dare.” Long Bufan smiled coldly, holding a long spear in his hand, and in this brief moment, filled with a violent fighting intent.

“Okay!” Jiang Wuchen laughed heartily, and immediately his body moved, and walked towards Long Bufan in the air. However, with this step forward, behind Jiang Wuchen, he actually left someone who looked like him The same shadow!

This shadow is also a leather armor, and he holds a heavy sword in his hand. No matter his height, body shape and facial features, he is exactly the same as Jiang Wuchen.


Long Bufan eyebrow raised, the powerful Spiritual Consciousness immediately radiated out, and it was obvious from that shadow body that a vigorous and pure energy fluctuation was felt.

Obviously, this is an Avatar with offensive power. Even in terms of strength, it is not much weaker than Jiang Wuchen himself. It exudes a murderous intention!

Chapter 2202 Sword Spirit Avatar

Looking at the Avatar that Jiang Wuchen split from his body, Long Bufan’s eyes were slightly condensed, and he could roughly guess what this Avatar was. .

Sword Spirit Avatar!

Among thousands of Martial Dao, countless Strange Sects have been extended. This Sword Spirit Avatar is one of the rare cultivation techniques. There is only the martial artist of the cultivation sword dao. After years of fatigue Spirit Physique born from the condensed sword energy of the moon.

Like the Primordial Spirit, when the body within the body is tempered to a certain level, the Primordial Spirit can be condensed. However, Primordial Spirit is just a savings body of equivalent to energy, and apart from Self-destruction, it does not have any offensive power.

But Sword Spirit is completely different. In a sense, it can be said to be a true swordsman, inheriting all the sword dao martial arts of Jiang Wuchen’s deity, and possessing powerful attack power.

“Looking at your expression, I must have guessed that the shadow behind me is not an ordinary Avatar.”

Detecting a change in Long Bufan’s eyes, Jiang Wuchen smiled lightly. Said: “Yes, it is actually my Sword Spirit Avatar, a true swordsman, with the same speed and the same attack method as me, that is to say, you will fight with two me at the same time. “

Hearing these words, outside of the killing platform, the ghost shadow who has been watching the battle, couldn’t help passing a touch of surprise in his eyes. The strength of a Jiang Wuchen is already a monster, but now he has to deal with it at the same time. Two Jiang Wuchen, what concept would that be? !

Thinking of this, ghost shadow’s eyes suddenly became a little dignified, and he looked at Jiang Wuchen deeply. Obviously he did not expect that a trifling human being, in terms of Martial Dao’s talent and cultivation base, would be so powerful. So much.

If in the past, he would not believe that, no matter what, he had always been regarded as a weak and inferior human being in the Demon Realm, and he could have this ability. But Jiang Wuchen at the moment completely broke the previous concept of ghost shadow.

Ghost shadow even in the heart secretly estimated that if he were to fight Jiang Wuchen himself, I’m afraid the odds of winning would not be great. It’s no wonder this human being dared to fight when he was on the killing platform. He was so arrogant and ignored.

At this time, the blood-colored rune of the heavy sword in Jiang Wuchen’s hand suddenly shines with the rays of light, and the bright blood-colored rays of light bloom, which is as dazzling as the scarlet-red sun, as if to Swallow everything around.

“The sword of blood light!”

Immediately, coldly shouted, and two Jiang Wuchen shot out their swords almost at the same time. The two terrifying sword energy were like twin dragons going out to sea, intertwined in midair. Together, the imposing manner soars instantly, extremely fierce!

I saw a sword light flickering, Jiang Wuchen and Sword Spirit Avatar seemed to blend into the sword light, and then burst out suddenly. The sword glow was extremely fast, like a teleportation. In a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Long Bufan!

Since Long Bufan and Jiang Wuchen have just decided to fight martial arts head-on, this blow, Long Bufan, in order to fulfill his verbal remarks, must go on.

Only in this way can the two sides end the battle faster!

This time is no longer the difference of speed, it is a competition of real power, success or failure depends on this!

Seeing this scene, the ghost shadow not far from the killing platform, flashed a gloomy cold glow in his eyes, “The harder the fight, the better. Wait until you two suffer both sides.” , Is the time for my ghost shadow to take action, hehe…”

Chapter 2203 Fully Outbreak

Looking at the rapidly magnifying blood light sword glow in front of him, Long Bufan’s eyes are lightning The glow flashes, the power of the thunder spirit that is already ready, in this brief moment is in full swing!


At that moment, the manic thunderbolt energy rushed out from within the body, one after another vigorous purple thunder vitality, fast all over him Wriggling and rolling, Long Bufan turned into an ominous beast shape of a purple Flood Dragon, bursting out with dazzling purple light!

The thick purple arc rushed from Long Bufan’s body to all around, the rich thunderbolt energy formed the purple Flood Dragon with Long Bufan as the core, and then with terrifying power, and the bloody sword glow , Crashed!


For a time, the violent and terrifying force from the place of impact, with an overwhelming force, swept wildly towards all directions, which was reinforced by Formation Under the impact of this frantic current, there were cracks in the wall, and even the entire tower of the brave was shaking!

The sword light combined by Jiang Wuchen and Sword Spirit Avatar, the formidable power is extremely powerful, the purple Flood Dragon formed by thunderbolt energy is directly cut open by a sword, showing a central position Long Bufan.

But even so, facing Jiang Wuchen’s sword, if Long Bufan used teleportation at this time, he would be able to avoid it. However, he was indifferent. On the surface, it seemed almost inevitable. Activate the True Origin Body Protection cover to resist.

“pu pu! !”

With two light sounds, Jiang Wuchen and the sword edge in the hands of the Sword Spirit Avatar broke Long Bufan’s body defense shield and sword almost simultaneously The point pierced directly into his body, piercing his abdomen and chest respectively.

However, Long Bufan in the form of Thunder Spirit, six percent of the body is not flesh and blood, so as the sword is pierced into the body, Long Bufan doesn’t care at all, but rather within The body’s compressed Thunder Strength suddenly vented out wildly, spread along the sword body, and suddenly rushed into Jiang Wuchen’s body.


Thunderbolt entered the body, Jiang Wuchen felt his body numb, and then, an extremely fierce Thunder Strength rushed into him within the The body, wantonly destroying the veins and veins of the whole body, and the Sword Spirit Avatar, also under the impact of this thunderbolt, the Spirit Physique condensed by the sword energy was instantly washed away, and the formidable power dropped drastically!

Take advantage of this short opportunity, Long Bufan clenched fists with both hands and smashed Jiang Wuchen and Sword Spirit Avatar’s chests at a very fast speed!

150,000 shares of Yuanjin vibrated, which broke out!

Under normal circumstances, if Jiang Wuchen comprehends the speed of light of the sword step, there is a great chance of avoiding Long Bufan this fist, but at this moment, Jiang Wuchen within the body is filled with an extremely violent Thunder Strength , The body’s reaction speed is much slower.

So, Long Bufan’s sudden attack made Jiang Wuchen somewhat completely unprepared for a while!

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