Although Long Bufan was unbelievable, he had to admit that Jiang Wuchen had to completely surpass him in speed.

Of course, this speed is only limited to the artistic conception of wind. If Long Bufan uses the form of thunder, or uses the teleportation of martial arts in the space, the two sides will be completely different under the speed competition.

“It turned out to be a sword step. This human being has a good perception of sword dao.”

In the top secret room of the Tower of Brave, the tower master’s eyes are slightly condensed, looking at the array Jiang Wuchen in the Pan Phantom whispered to himself.

The so-called sword step is to integrate one’s own footwork into the comprehend sword intent. At the moment when the figure moves, it reaches the artistic conception of Human and Sword Unity. The sword moves and the body moves. The sword moves, so Jiang Yunchen has such terrifying speed!

“It seems that this royal kid is going to be planted in human hands today.” The tower owner smiled gloomily, and in his indifferent eyes, there seemed to be a trace of joking, obviously not optimistic about Long Bufan. What is the chance of winning in this match.

After all, expert tricks are often instantaneous. Speed 鈥嬧€媎etermines the battle. If you are not careful, you will be killed by the faster side.

“If this speed is only your limit, I will let you die faster in the next battle.” Jiang Wuchen stared at Long Bufan with indifferent eyes, and appeared on the knife-like face. A hint of arrogance.

Because of the speed advantage, his tone at this time really has the capital of arrogance.


Long Bufan coldly smiled, while speaking, the whole person floats up on the suicide killing stage, his eyes are staring at each other, and the golden pupils are fierce The cold glow, a vigorous purple Thunder Strength, began to condense within the body.

Jiang Wuchen looked at the black heavy sword in his hand, with a touch of confidence in his eyes, and said calmly: “Two years ago, I, who understood the sword step, defeated a martial artist of a demon King level troll. Traveling around in the Demon Domain, I met seven powerhouses in the Demon King domain. Unfortunately, none of the powerhouses I encountered was faster than the Dark Dark Sword in my hand and won many battles.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Wuchen’s voice was slightly stunned, his eyes were like a sharp sword light, he shot at Long Bufan, and he believed: “And you, you are the first time I played against the royal family’s six Winged Dragon Blood Demon King. Usually the speed can’t catch up with me, and I will definitely lose. After defeating you, next time, I will challenge the stronger eight Winged Dragon Blood Demon King!”

Obviously, Jiang Wuchen is too confident.

Hearing this, Long Bufan raised his eyebrows lightly, and said indifferent expression: “Your speed is indeed very fast, but in front of me, you are not qualified to be proud!!”


Jiang Wuchen gave a faint smile. Among martial artists of the same level, he has never encountered a martial artist who can be faster than him. Even more how, Long Bufan’s six Winged Dragon blood Demon King form, on the cultivation base, is even weaker than his Heavenly Venerable Realm mid-term strength.

Chapter 2199 The Weird Afterimage

The reason why Jiang Wuchen is so confident is that he has created a unique sword step in the sword intent and Shen Fa. In theory, it can Reaching the speed of photoelectricity, however, due to the many limitations of Fleshy body and artistic conception, his speed, no matter how fast, cannot travel through space.

So, in terms of speed, his sword steps will move instantaneously in the second only to!

“Don’t you believe it?” Long Bufan sneered. At this time, his Thunder Strength within the body was already like a turbulent tide, suddenly surging out of the Dantian cave.


As the vigorous thunderbolt energy exploded within the body, in that instant, terrifying lightning covered Long Bufan’s whole body, which was only seen The surface of his scales can even be clearly seen, there are stripes of lightning snakes wandering, like the lines of a thunderbolt, emitting an extremely violent energy wave.

鈥渃hi chi! !鈥?/p>

In this change, the scales on Long Bufan鈥檚 body suddenly disappeared completely, directly turning into a thunderbolt energy, the whole person looks It is like a six-winged Demon King-like condensed by the energy of thunderbolt, one after another thick thunder arc surrounds, glowing with violent cold glow.

Long Bufan at this moment, thunderbolt is his fleshy body, and his fleshy body is thunderbolt, from one life form to another energy form!

This is the Thunder Spirit Celestial Body!

Due to the lack of stronger Thunder Element Spirit Treasure absorption in recent years, Long Bufan鈥檚 current Thunder Spirit Physique is still stagnating in the mid-term stage.

Although it is only the mid-stage of Thunder Spirit Physique, his body has reached 60% of the flesh and blood into Thunderbolt energy. Normal physical attacks are basically immune to Long Bufan.

“This is…”

Seeing this scene, Jiang Wuchen’s eyes suddenly became a little dignified. He couldn’t imagine that the sixth Winged Dragon blood Demon King was a cultivation and murderous royal family. , Not only has good attainments in Wind Law, but also possesses the body of Thunder Spirit!

This kind of ability can be counted on one’s fingers in the royal family, and the most noticeable is the imperial family鈥檚 purple princess. In terms of Space Law鈥檚 talent, it is unprecedented. It is difficult to find the second one in the Demon Realm.

“This kid is getting more and more interesting.” Looking at the six-wing silhouette full of purple thunderbolt on the formation, the cold air in the tower master’s eyes grew stronger.

“If this is the case, then I want to see if you, the body of Thunder Spirit, can keep up with my sword!”

Jiang Wuchen’s eyes were cold, the one in his hand The black Ming sword, the fine scales on the surface actually flickered, and a circle of dark red talisman text circulated in the sword body, faintly, exuding an extremely strong murderous aura.


Then Jiang Wuchen swung the long sword in his hand, and a bright black sword glow suddenly rushed up, all around the air was instantly oppressed by the terrifying wind There was a small crackling sound.

At the moment the sword glow just rushed out, a silhouette appeared behind Long Bufan in advance.

This silhouette is undoubtedly Jiang Wuchen. Obviously, the black sword glow is just a tactic for’sounding east and west’!

The moment Jiang Wuchen appeared, the long sword in his hand directly pierced Long Bufan’s head.

However, Long Bufan’s head pierced by the Black Dark Sword did not splash out any blood.

“Afterimage.” Upon seeing this, Jiang Wuchen was expressionless, staring at the’Long Bufan’ in front of him, thinking that the afterimage would gradually dissipate.

But then, a weird scene happened…

Chapter 2200 Fierce Fighting


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