Up to this point, Long Bufan drew a Spirit Physique from the ancient formation of Yin and Yang, and then under his control, it turned into a beam of energy and shot it in the forehead of the rune puppet. Pour directly into within the body.

In the heart of the rune puppet, there is a complex and mysterious rune formation, and it is also the energy core center of the entire body. Only when it is fully poured, the rune puppet can be activated in a true sense.

As Spirit Physique energy poured into the core Formation, the rune puppet’s body shook and suddenly opened his eyes. The pair of blood pupils filled with fierce blood stared at the eight of the ancient formation of Yin and Yang. Mission Spirit Physique energy.

Long Bufan’s mind moved slightly, and immediately no longer had any reservations. He poured all the remaining eight Spirit Physiques into the rune puppets, and immediately turned them into a rush of energy, like a torrent, rushing To the core spirit array.

This time, the energy of the Spirit Physique of the Eight Groups is obviously extremely huge, and as it rushes in, it suddenly makes the Magic Talisman like a gear, and finally slowly rotates.


As soon as the core spirit circle began to operate, a very strong Ominous Fiend Qi burst out from the rune puppet, and it was also transmitted from the throat. There was a roar of excitement like a wild beast.

In this violent roar, Long Bufan suddenly felt a buzzing in his mind, and his mind was rippling. At the same time, a sense of control connected with Spiritual Consciousness came into being.

Perceiving this scene, Long Bufan’s face also couldn’t help but have a smile of relief.

Because, from now on, this talisman puppet can truly be used by him, and there is no need to rely on the cost of sacrificing the life source talisman seal to start the battle for a short time. This will be his future A big battle strength against the Demon Race royal family!

“Come out.”

Then, Long Bufan suppressed the excitement in his heart, trying to see if he could really summon the rune puppet.

At a thought, Long Bufan’s forehead suddenly had a ray of light bursting out, and then this ray of light suddenly enlarged in front of Long Bufan’s eyes, and a burly blood-colored silhouette appeared in front of Long Bufan. At the same time, an extremely tyrannical Blood Fiendish Qi suddenly spread!

This aura fluctuates extremely violently, and the terrifying aura bursts open, almost isolating the space in the house and destroying it!

“Master, what’s your order?” The Rune Puppet’s mouth did not move, but a deep and cold voice came from his throat.

Looking at the rune puppet that appeared in front of him, Long Bufan’s eyes flashed, and an uncontrollable ecstasy appeared in his eyes. Moreover, feeling the powerful aura permeating the rune puppet, he believed that even though It is the powerhouse of the emperor, and the rune puppet is also the capital of a battle.

Chapter 2173 Fighting the Rune Puppets

The body of the rune puppets is not at all. Any weapon such as swords and guns, only two large ones are dragged on the wrists of both arms. The iron chain was the chain that bound it in the cave hidden in Martial Saint.

However, this kind of iron chain is not an ordinary material. It is made of ten thousand years of profound iron. It is strong and heavy. With the power of a talisman puppet, a chain threw away. If an ordinary martial artist suffers a blow If you do, I’m afraid you’ll be crushed on the spot.

“Imposing manner is okay, I don’t know what its true battle strength is?” Looking at the rune puppet that looked like a peerless corpse in front of him, Long Bufan muttered to himself.

Although he had seen the scene of the rune puppet defeating the ink dust, he did not personally experience it, and Long Bufan could not judge its true strength and what level it reached.

So now, Long Bufan is also a bit dead and gave instructions to the rune puppets: “Come with me a few times, provided that I don’t hurt my life.”

Received The commanded rune puppet, the pair of scarlet blood pupils, immediately stared fiercely on Long Bufan’s body.

The stone house where Long Bufan lives is vast, so after giving the order, the figure immediately retreats and distances itself from the rune puppet.


The rune puppet’s gaze fiercely locked Long Bufan’s silhouette, and then the body moved, rushing like a bloody lightning, and at the same time, his arms With a wave, the thick iron chain suddenly flicked, with an extremely terrifying force, it fiercely smashed down at Long Bufan’s forehead.

Seeing this, the pupils in Long Bufan’s eyes tightened, but he didn’t use instant movement to evade, and his body suddenly burst out with a powerful force of essence, forming a defensive shield in front of him.


But the next moment, the Origin Force defensive shield had just condensed, under the violent strikes of the thick iron chain, it collapsed like fragile glass in an instant. There was a heavy noise.

As the Origin Force defensive shield burst into smash, a circle of naked eye visible energy ripples also spread swiftly, actually shaking the stone bricks on the ground out of one after another crack, like a spider web Like.

In almost an instant, Long Bufan took advantage of his strength to fly into the air and retreated. He held his right palm against the void, and the keel scale spear suddenly flashed out. At the same time, the Primal Chaos surged, and his body The dark black scales were also instantly covered by a layer of color of Primal Chaos, and the aura became stronger.

Faced with the rune spirit puppet, Long Bufan did not dare to take it lightly and directly used the energy of the Primordial Spirit of Chaos.


The blood shadow came again violently, and the two thick iron chains danced fast in his hands, like densely packed whip shadows. An extremely terrifying arc of power, fiercely swept towards Long Bufan’s vitals.

“ding ding ding~!!!”

Long Bufan was shocked, and the long spear in his hand was also swiftly waved to resist the iron chain that came from smashing hard. , And with each impact, there is a terrifying power ripple spreading away, shaking Long Bufan’s arm for a while.

Furthermore, Long Bufan was also surprised to find that in the offensive of the rune puppets, it was not a wild and crazy attack, and there seemed to be some signs of martial arts in the faint.

After this short fight, Long Bufan finally realized the terrifying power of the rune puppet. Fortunately, before the fight, he was not allowed to hurt his life. Therefore, every time the rune puppet attacked, the strength If there is some convergence, otherwise, Long Bufan may not even have the chance to fight with him, and he will be beheaded by the Rune Puppet instantly.

However, even so, Long Bufan was forced to retreat continuously by the rune puppet’s fierce attack. The terrifying power from the keel scale spear made both of his hands send Ma, even Long Bufan’s proud Yuanjin shock was crushed by iron chains.

Obviously, according to this situation, Long Bufan can no longer hold on for much longer.

Chapter 2174 is a big game here


The huge iron chain slammed again, and Long Bufan raised his gun. At the same time the harsh impact sounded, the terrifying force that invaded, actually shook Long Bufan directly, fiercely slamming into the rear space to isolate the light curtain of Formation.

If this powerful force is hit, the spatial isolation and Formation may not be able to withstand it, and when the time comes, the movement here will inevitably be noticed by the Demon Race martial artist outside. Even the mysterious tower master who has been peeping secretly will notice.

As the biggest killing move of Long Bufan at present, the Fuling Puppet does not want to be exposed so quickly. Only by surprise at the moment of danger, can he attack its failures and play a stronger role.

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