So at the moment, Long Bufan hurriedly mobilized within the body Space Power, and immediately before touching the Formation light curtain, he moved out and flashed away suddenly.


However, the moment Long Bufan’s figure flashed out, the rune puppet was not at all giving Long Bufan any breathing time, and a sharp shadow was already Pursuing his space fluctuation trajectory, shooting straight at Long Bufan’s body, the violent force actually caused the surrounding air to be torn apart.

Long Bufan face changed, the static mood of Time Law, immediately covered, like a layer of ice, instantly solidifying the fast iron chain in the void.

“bang! ”

However, how long this solidified state does not last at all is almost instantaneous, and the realm of Time Freeze is directly torn apart by brutality. The iron chain blasted towards Long Bufan unabated.

Seeing this, Long Bufan’s palm long spear hurriedly swept out, resisting the iron chain from the burst, but his body was hit by the terrifying force. After a dozen steps back from the shock, he stabilized his figure.

“Pu chi!”

Within the body qi and blood churned violently, Long Bufan suddenly felt a sweet throat, and could not help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

“Blood, I want blood!”

Long Bufan’s blood seems to inspire the ferocity of the rune puppets, and the Ominous Fiend Qi permeated his body is getting stronger and stronger. Its pair of fierce blood pupils stared at Long Bufan fiercely, as if looking at a prey, with a bloodthirsty taste, and did not regard Long Bufan as the master.

The weird change of “en?” made Long Bufan feel surprised.


Following the sound of the explosion, I saw the figure of the rune puppet suddenly rush out, the amazing speed, let alone naked eye, even The Spiritual Consciousness is also difficult to capture its silhouette, as if moving instantaneously, the burly blood-colored silhouette, with the rich Ominous Fiend Qi, suddenly appeared in front of Long Bufan.

Long Bufan’s complexion changed drastically, his figure just about to retreat, a black iron chain suddenly wrapped around its waist, so that he could no longer have the slightest chance to dodge, at the same time, one full of rune His blood-red arm also grabbed Long Bufan’s throat like lightning.


The blood glow on the fingertips of the palm flashed, exuding a sharp wind comparable to high-end swords!

It is not difficult to see that the attack of the rune puppet this time is extremely fast, not at all the slightest show mercy, if it is caught by its palm, I am afraid the entire neck will be pinched.

“This is a big game!”

Seeing this, Long Bufan flashed a look of shock in his eyes, and hurriedly summoned a high-level rune armor from the storage bag , Blocked in front of you.

Chapter 2175 Titled Blood Spirit


At the crucial moment, a dark shadow suddenly escaped from Long Bufan’s storage bag Coming out, like an iron wall, blocking him in front of him, letting the bloody palm hit his body.

This shadow is exactly the rune armor that Long Bufan also obtained in the Martial Saint Vault. As the situation is endangered at this moment, he has no time to infuse energy to activate the rune armor. But even so, the material of Fu Jiabing itself is Chenjin, which is strong enough to be used as a shield to resist, and the effect is the same.


At the moment, a crisp sound of gold and iron sounded, and as soon as the rune armor appeared, it was directly slapped on the chest with a palm. Where, under the impact of terrifying power, suddenly, spider web-like cracks covered the whole body of the rune armor.

As the cracks spread, the rune soldiers of equivalent to Earth Venerable Realm suddenly burst into pieces!

“Really strong power.”

Long Bufan’s eyes twitched as he looked at the fragmented limbs scattered all over the place. This is the rune puppet who wants to come here. True strength, but surprise returned to surprise, taking advantage of that short opportunity, Long Bufan had already broken free from the chains around his waist, and his body shape was also quickly backing away.


Fu Ling puppet has scarlet eyes, staring fiercely at Long Bufan, a low and cold and severe voice came out, forming a sound wave sweeping away , Making the Space Array in this room tremble violently.

Seeing this scene, Long Bufan brows tightly knit got up. Although a little unbelievable, the rune puppet seems to be out of control at the moment. Seeing its brutal and bloodthirsty look, murderous Intention is overflowing, is it true that this time, it is really impossible to die by yourself?


And just as Long Bufan was surprised, the rune puppet’s figure rushed again, and the sharp blood claws directly stabbed Long Bufan’s The chest, where is the fatal heart of his heart.

“Stop it!”

The attack speed of the rune puppets is almost at the point where it makes one’s heart palpitating. Long Bufan’s eyes flashed, and now he can only a violent roar, crazy Promote the Spiritual Imprint within the body to try to stop the rune puppet.

“xiu ――!”

The bloody palms glowing with sharp winds quickly zoomed in Long Bufan’s pupils, but the fingertips were about to touch Upon reaching Long Bufan’s skin, a burst of light suddenly shot from Long Bufan’s forehead, covering the body of the rune puppet, instantly solidifying its offensive.

The ancient formation of yin and yang flashed with strange rays of light, releasing one after another obscure power of decomposition, and suddenly suppressed the burst of Ominous Fiend Qi on the rune puppet.

As the Blood Fiendish Qi weakened, the bloody eyes of the Rune Puppet were filled with violent murderous aura, which gradually disappeared.

“Finally stopped.”

Looking at the completely motionless rune puppet in front of him, Long Bufan is secretly relieved, without knowing it, his forehead is already covered with cloth. Beads of sweat.

“Master, I was born specifically for killing. You shouldn’t have asked me to do something with you just now.” A low, hoarse voice came from Fuling’s mouth, but his tone was completely absent. I have the slightest apology for disobeying the owner.

hearing this, Long Bufan also gave a wry smile. He knows that the rune puppet has independent consciousness. He is not surprised that it can say this remark. Instead, he feels that this guy is really terrifying and even the owner Dare to kill.

After that, Long Bufan relieved the tension in his heart for a while, he said: “From now on, your name will be called Blood Spirit. Without my order, you are not allowed to act blindly without thinking!”< br>

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