“For the remaining two days, you can wait in the leisure place inside the tower, or you can go outside the tower. Of course, if you want to enter the Tower of Brave again, you must pay another 20,000 Yuan Sha Jing’s entrance fee.” The black clothed referee said after taking a look at Long Bufan.

Long Bufan was silent and nodded, expressing that he understood, and then stopped talking, body moved, jumped directly from the killing platform, and then moved towards the door and walked slowly.

Under the awe of the powerful force, the same as the previous scene on the first tower floor, where Long Bufan passed and the surrounding Demon Race martial artists were immediately and consciously dispersed, looking with jealous eyes. Looking at Long Bufan, he dare not block his way.

Walking out the gate, Long Bufan thought for a while, and then walked to the leisure area in the tower. He is not in a hurry to go out now. He just wants to find a place to rest here, ready to refining the bloody talisman seal to absorb it. Energy, and the nine spirits of the sorcerer Spirit Physique contained in the ancient formation of Yin and Yang.

Chapter 2170 Blood Spirit Crystal

In this way, after Long Bufan circled the second tower, he came to the southeast corner, a high-end stone decoration Before the house.

The decoration of this stone house is similar to a tavern. Not only can you eat and drink, but there are also many wing rooms as residences. At this time, in the lobby of the dining area, many Demon Race martial artists gathered. Holding a wine glass in his hand, one by one was taciturn and exuded a violent murderous aura.

As soon as he stepped inside, Long Bufan felt an extremely depressive atmosphere. After paying some magic crystals at the front desk, he immediately moved into a completely enclosed box. The environment and atmosphere really made him unable to eat and drink.


When the door was closed, Long Bufan immediately issued a rune prohibition, and then set up a space in the house to isolate Formation to prevent surveillance. Here To plant a place, he had to be more careful.

After finishing this, Long Bufan sat cross-legged on the bed, spreading his right hand, and took out all the storage rings he got today.

The space ring of the giant Demon Race and the short Demon Race martial artist harvested on the first tower floor, although the family property is average, but the total number is very optimistic, reaching a full With more than one million demon evil crystals, Long Bufan suddenly transformed in this demon realm and became a small local tyrant.

Apart from this, various Treasure Items and spiritual medicines are also stocked a lot. Although they are not very precious, for Long Bufan’s point of view, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. Better than nothing.

Then, Long Bufan swept the Spiritual Consciousness towards the storage ring of the martial artist of the witches and martial artists, and found that in addition to the magic crystals, there were also a few blood crystals with bright red crystals on the surface. A pure energy fluctuation.

“Blood Spirit Crystal!”

Having swallowed the memory of Young Master Huo Chen, Long Bufan naturally knows what these blood crystals are, blood Spirit Crystal and evil spirits The essence of the crystals is the same, they all contain a lot of energy, which can be used to supplement the effect when the martial artist consumes too much energy.

However, the energy contained in the blood Spirit Crystal is not baleful qi, but Spiritual Qi. It has multiple functions of nourishing the soul and replenishing blood and energy, and the scarcity of the blood Spirit Crystal also contributes to its value. Higher, a blood Spirit Crystal, equivalent to 100 Demon Crystal.

Trolls and dwarf Demon Race fighters, because of their natural fleshy body, strong blood, and not good at cultivating souls, blood Spirit Crystal is not as real to them as demonic crystals, only witches Demon Race will value it and carry it with you.

On the first tower floor, Long Bufan killed a martial artist of witches, and on the second tower floor, he killed nine, so this time Long Bufan harvested ten witches’ storage rings. If the total number of blood Spirit Crystals in it add up, there are probably more than 10,000.

“If the huge energy contained in these blood Spirit Crystals are all absorbed by the rune puppets, I don’t know if they can reach the point of opening?”

Long Bufan takes a blood Holding the Spirit Crystal in his hand, feeling the pure energy contained in it, he muttered to himself in a low voice.

He doesn’t know how big the appetite of the rune puppet is. If the spirit crystal of more than 10,000 blood cannot be satisfied, he can only use the nine spirit psychic spirit Physique with the pain. After all, the rune puppet is now It is the only trump card in his hand, the sooner it is activated, the greater the protection of life.

Thinking of this, Long Bufan’s eyes flashed with firm rays of light, and he was also extremely decisive immediately, and began to absorb the pure energy in the blood Spirit Crystal…

Chapter 2171 Life-saving trump card

As a piece of blood Spirit Crystal turns into waste stone in Long Bufan’s hands, the pure blood power and Spiritual Qi continue to flood into Long Bufan’s body, and in his Under the control, the power of qi and blood is used for tempering fleshy body. As for those Spiritual Qi, they are treated as rations, all being absorbed by the rune puppets greedily.

In the process, Long Bufan’s body seemed to be nourished, and there was a faint layer of blood energy on the surface of the skin, filled with a powerful force of blood.

I don’t know the time of cultivation, until the next morning, the nearly ten thousand blood Spirit Crystals were finally consumed by Long Bufan’s refining, and there was no one left.

Long Bufan opened his eyes, but saw that the night light on the stone table still exudes hazy rays of light. At that time, there was only one third amount of dust on the hourglass. Obviously he absorbed this time. Blood Spirit Crystal, it took almost four hours.

This kind of time hourglass is a life product invented by alchemists in the sky continent. It is used to calculate the passage of time. The capacity of sand and dust is equivalent to twelve hours in the internal structure. Due to the rune formation, when sand and dust leak light, they will flow upwards by themselves, and a light pattern will appear as a sign.

Long Bufan, as a special soldier in his previous life, attaches great importance to the concept of time, because every mission must race against time, otherwise, once the opportunity is missed, the mission may fail.

Therefore, even in the cultivation, Long Bufan has to grasp the aspects of his time.

“This rune puppet has a big appetite. The energy of more than 10,000 blood Spirit Stones can’t feed it yet?” Long Bufan Spiritual Consciousness sank into the sea of ​​Tianling Caverns and explored The condition of the rune puppet found that besides the rune on his body was not as dim as before, there was still no sign of activation.

Be aware that Long Bufan used to activate a rune armour with tens of thousands of Yuan Crystal Stones at most. However, the energy contained in a blood Spirit Crystal is much stronger than Yuan Crystal Stone. The equivalent to a hundred times the weight, that is to say, the energy of more than 10,000 blood Spirit Crystals is not less than the energy of more than 1 million Yuan Crystal Stones!

Such a terrifying number, unimaginable, what kind of energy the rune puppet can achieve to activate Formation?

Of course, the rune puppet is different from the ordinary rune armor. If it can be activated, the rune formation within the body does not need to be injected with energy. It can absorb the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi by itself and stay in The state of free activity.

This point will be of great benefit to the future, and there will be no embarrassing situation without energy activation.

“I don’t believe that I can’t feed you enough!” In his mind, Long Bufan’s eyes flashed crazily, and immediately clenched the teeth, he decided to use the nine spirit magic spirits, all of them let the charms. The puppet absorbs.

Originally, he planned to use the energy of these nine demons to break through to the level of the Four Seals Talisman, but now, he has to give up.

After all, in the Demon Realm, there are countless powerhouses. Just the tower master who is about to encounter right now, Long Bufan estimates that even if the battle form of the six Winged Dragon blood Demon King is transformed, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with, let alone when the time comes to sneak into the Imperial Palace in the inner city, where it is even more expert as clouds.

So, for this rune puppet, Long Bufan values ​​it very much. It is his most important killing move today, and at the same time, it is also his biggest life-saving hole card in the demon realm!

Chapter 2172 was successfully opened

Thinking of this, Long Bufan’s eyes have a firm color, and immediately the Spiritual Consciousness sinks slightly, manipulating the ancient formation of Yin and Yang to release the power of decomposition. Extinguish the consciousness in the eight spirits of the witch spirit Spirit Physique. Like the first spirit, they are thoroughly purified and become pure Spirit Physique.

Feeling the pure energy of the nine groups of Spirit Physique, Long Bufan licked his lips. If all the nine groups of Spirit Physique are absorbed now, maybe the fourth Life Source spirit can be split immediately. The talisman seal even reached the stage of the five seals magician.

However, even so, the strength of the five talismans cannot help much. Therefore, good steel must be used on the blade to play a better role.

Obviously, the current rune puppets are equivalent to blades, the nine groups of Spirit Physique, are like steel.

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