The elites of Sadala Defense Forces persisted in the violent bombings, and they jointly resisted the Energy Beam bombardment without being knocked down. Meruru felt extremely shocked, complexion greatly changed, “Give me up!”

With a command, the surrounding pirates Warrior swarmed, including several Power Level Million Level powerhouses.

“Sadala Defense Forces, dispatch!” Cabba also shouted, even though he was injured, the energy of his energy did not weaken, and the belief remained firm.

The elites are battling, and Cabba is also fighting with several powerhouses.

Meruru personally went into battle and rushed directly toward Cabba. His strength is strongest in the pirates, full of 500, and promotion in the explosive state! Cabba heart startled, kicking open the entangled villain, greeted Meruru with a blow.


Two people’s attack in the air to flash past, bursts out rumble loud noise, powerful Ki such as the edge of the blade, rubbing out the sharp sharp friction, the shock spread.

With a short blow, Meru and Cabba each retired from personal meters.

“Wonyy of is guided by Renso, and it is a lot stronger than the last time.” Meuro squeezed the arm of the feeling numb and said evilly.

There was also a huge strength on Cabba’s arm, as if he had gotten into the flesh and blood, so he couldn’t stop shaking. Cabba knows that Meruru’s strength is also much better than last time!

The power level of the two people is almost the same, but Cabba’s left arm is injured, and the Energy Beam consumes a lot of physical strength. In addition to the Universe pirates, there are several Million Level powerhouses in addition to Meruru for Cabba. In this comparison, the situation became extremely poor, and Cabba secretly gritted his teeth. Yu Guang saw that they had gathered around…

The rest of the Sadala Defense Forces fight and can’t help themselves, and the challenge in front of Cabba can only be solved by himself.

“If Mr. Frost is there, then.” At this time, he was still thinking about Frost’s help.

The respectable Frost Lord quietly retreated to the side after watching the show, watching the killing of Cabba and Meru, from time to time tsk tsk praise or sneer.

In the ruins of the wreckage, Frost gradually withdrew from the battle circle, so as not to be discovered by the people of Cabba, it was not good to interpret the scene.

In the Universe boat, Raditz tells Rams about his battle story. He hears the planet explosion and the Universe Emperor. Ramsey’s face is only amazed by the expression, and the eyes are all worshipped stars. .

At this time, the strange smell in the sky caught the attention of Raditz, and the aura of Meilu and others was strong and surrounded by Cabba. Shouldn’t it be so, how could Cabba impulsively enter the encirclement of the enemy?

“What’s wrong?” Ramsey saw him suddenly stop and asked.

“The situation ahead is not very good, Cabba they are in a hard fight.”

“Ah? No?” Rams startedled, and immediately got up and rushed to the Universe, and flew to the sky to watch.

He saw a few radiances in the distant sky, and the silhouettes fluttered in a mess, and many people played together. Among them, Caba’s aura is familiar, and there are several powerful Kis attacking the Cabba, forming a double-team. The other elite players also fought hard each other and played against the pirates.

Sure enough, Raditz said, the Sadala Defense Forces in front of it was in a tough fight.

At the moment of regaining his gaze, Ramsuo’s spirit suddenly rose, the feeling of loss rushed high, and his eyes almost squinted! He saw a silhouette that made him respectful – Frost!

Although it is far away, Ramso recognizes that it is Frost, and Frost is characterized by tail and head shape. This is an obvious feature for Rams, a competing and star-studded admirer. .

But… Why is Frost constantly retreating, away from the battlefield? And Frost also said something to a Universe pirate, then let go of the pirates! Ramso is a bit worried and wants to be unreasonable.

It is reasonable to say that allies are fighting hard, and the great peace ambassador should hurry to support the right, what is going on?

There are thousands of reasons to cross in Rams’s mind, and he finally made the decision to move towards Frost.

“Mr. Frost, hehe-“

Ramsey yelled and flew away. He was enthusiastic and even wanted to sign a photo after the war.

Raditz just followed closely from behind and ran outside the Universe. I saw the silhouette of the youngster flying and heard the cry of “Mr. Frost”. Suddenly, “Hey, don’t go Go!”

He moved toward Ramsow!

At this time, Frost is not an ally. It does not appear on the frontal battlefield, but the Frost that appears in the darkness of the ruins. It is absolutely not well-intentioned.

The excited Rams simply ignored Raditz and rushed to Frost, moving towards opposite side and greeting.

Frost had a scare, his face was immediately gloomy, he was good at disguise, and the natural disposition was suspicious. When he saw Ramso, he did not feel that this was a big admirer. Frost is full of his own behavior exposed! Cabba is struggling, but she is retreating along the ruins of the rubble and hiding with the pirates of the Universe. How can I explain it?

He was hostile to Ramso, his eyes were suddenly ice-cold, and he stabbed the brightening killing-intent. The temperature around it dropped rapidly, Ramso and Frost and 100 meters, but felt into the ice cave.

Originally, Frost retreated very carefully and would never be discovered. Who knows that Ramsson happened to look at the battle from a high altitude and saw him when he took back his sight. Frost turned his eyes and didn’t notice other people, so he secretly killed his fingers and raised his fingers slightly.

Death Beam !

“Xiū! ”

The light beam ran away, the speed was amazing, and it flicked through Ramsau’s eyes. At that moment his heart was stagnant and his brain “weng” was hot. why? Why does Frost take action on himself?

Frost also had a hot brain, revealing a horrified expression.

His Death Beam didn’t hit Ramso, next to not know when there was a long-haired man pushing Rams at the moment of hitting. Look at the man’s costume, also the people of Sadala Defense Forces.

“You…who are you?” Frost said solemnly asked, but now only the two people are wiped out together, but the man in front of him invisibly gives him an indescribable pressure.

Raditz put the frightened Rams aside and walked slowly to Frost.

“I didn’t want to deal with the small breaks of Universe 6, but don’t provoke me Ah!” Raditz saw the disobedient bad luck child, but he was mixed with anger. “I really can’t change the dog.” Oh, despicable frozen Demon family!”

Raditz did have some anger, and getting along for a few days, Ramsey brought him a lot of joy and intimacy. This simple youngster chasing a star has also found the number one hypocrite Frost, Raditz repeatedly hinted that Ramso is not moving. Youngster’s stubborn Raditz understands that even some are unwilling to destroy the image of Frost.

But you Frost should not kill people Ah!

Raditz is cold and cold, pinching the fist.

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