Frost stood on the boulder and looked at Raditz carefully. It was very strange: “Saiyan with tail? What the hell are you?” He was nervous. The wind of assaults the senses brought a powerhouse’s aura, which he had never touched. a feeling of.

“I am a passing traveler.”

“The passing…” Frost startled, then sneer, how could he believe this kind of rhetoric. He has already killed himself, and he must not let go of his true face.

“hmph hmph Oh, as you say, today both of you are dead.” Frost sneered at Raditz, his eyes indifferent. “Right, wait for Cabba. They are dead, I will be buried with compassion.” together.”

“No! Frost…you are obviously…obviously a peace ambassador! Why? Why?”

Ramso instantly felt that his Idol had collapsed, and there was refined and courteous in the scarlet of Frost Scarlet, courteous and kind, all hazy and cold.

“Why? In order to buy and sell planets, do you know how much this planet can earn after going through the war? I can’t do it like the Sadala Defense Forces, it’s just an idiot! Others are stupid. I took a small profit and made a donation and I was taken to Heaven, Hahaha…”

Frost smiled happily and laughed.

The Ambassador of Peace is his best identity sign, which has greatly helped him to do things in the back. He must not be in the hands of two Saiyan! Thought of this, Frost body twitching, the shape began to change, aura suddenly increased several grades!

His sense is Raditz’s tough, doesn’t be light, and must be spare no effort from the beginning. As long as the two people are killed as soon as possible, nobody knows their true behavior.

In just a few dozen seconds, Frost’s inflated power has broken through the bondage of the body, freeing himself! Direct Body Transformation is the final state!

Ramso was scared of speechless, and the powerful Ki seemed to block his throat.

Finished! Frost Ki terrifying at the moment is unmatched, and the airflow is like a sword, and the flying sand running stone, Rams only feels that the chest is almost oppressed and the breath is not smooth. Even if Raditz breaks out again, Power Level can’t compare with Frost?

“Does the dog jump over the wall?” Raditz coldly snorted. “Frost, look at your face now, reminding me of another guy, and you are exactly the same.”

“Less nonsense!”

“as you wish!”

Raditz groaned, the strong golden light spurts around the body, and bursts out a hot aura, like the sun. Hair and tail have become golden-yellow, earth shake!

“This is…” Ramsey and Frost exclaimed at the same time.

“Super Saiyan.”

Raditz faintly spit out five words, his body rushing toward Frost, and golden’s afterimage is still there, like a long dragon crossing the air, making the air creak, such as thunder and tumbling.

Frost’s scorpion tightened, his palm slammed, and the air cannon exploded from Raditz, forming a wall of Ki, against Raditz.

The aftermath fluctuated all around, and Ramso was directly smashed out, expanding the circumference kilometer’s giant field centered on the interface of two people’s energy collision! The gravel, collapsed building and corpse in the range were all crushed by the aftershock of the energy, and the ground was deeply immersed in the weekly feet, and the terrifying gas was pressed down.

Raditz sense went to Frost’s power and grinned: “Your Final Form is much better than Frieza!”

“hmph, it’s not what you said!” Frost’s forehead is violent, gnashing teeth, and the muscles of the arms are tight, which is obviously very laborious.

Raditz hasn’t really played yet against Frost’s air cannon calm.

He twisted his wrist, his eyes condensed, and he started to charge again. The speed was faster than before, and the power was even faster! Frost trembled, instinctively, the attack of Fel Raditz, but the eyes could not see the silhouette!

The next second, Raditz’s big hand has caught his head, a huge power shock, fierce impact.

Frost only felt a flower in front of him, his brain was turbulent, and the whole body was pushed by Raditz with one hand and crossed the sky! Raditz clasped Frost’s head with one hand and rushed out of the kilometer to go to the battlefield where Cabba was!

Bang!! !

Suddenly flying in the air, slamming on the main ship of the Universe pirate, causing a huge explosion, the fire sky. The mighty impact caused the earth to vibrate and the air to tremble.

Sadala Defense Forces and the Universe pirates were stunned, and they all stopped the attack and looked at the main ship of burning fiercely with horror.

That is… the one that comes out of the smoke and the fire is Frost!

The skinny body was covered with dust, but with a dead aura, gloomy and terrifying, scarlet’s scorpion revealed more cruel light.

Meruru lost his voice: “Frost Lord…”

Cabba and others heard the sound startled, looking at Frost, and looking at Meru, heartbeat accelerated. Looking up, a golden light, long-tailed Warrior volleyed and looked at everything.

Isn’t that Mr. Raditz drifting in the Universe? Although the hair color is different and carries the golden light, Cabba recognizes him at a glance.

“Raditz…Froth… What’s going on?” Cabba’s throated hair screamed and the scorpion trembled.

“hmph hmph 哼Hahahaha, Cabba, you still don’t understand? It’s stupid. Anyway, to this point, I have nothing to hide. All the aggression and salvation is self-directed, in order to gain benefits from it. Sometimes Sadala Defense Forces also helped me a lot, forgot to thank you.” Frost showed the most arrogant side, “This time I will give you a happy reunion!”

“Frost Lord?” Meuro shuddered.

“kill all everyone!”

The anger of Meuro’s sense to Frost, Frost actually did not want to disguise even in disguise, indicating that patience has reached the extreme.

Cabba took a moment to react completely. The Meiru and Frost in front of him were actually a group of people. The grandiose peace ambassador was actually this face. He laughed at his stupidity, and he couldn’t help but feel that the players were too surprised to be at a loss.

On the contrary, the universe pirates aura arrogant, actually burst into laughter.

“Don’t be discouraged. As Captain of Sadala Defense Forces, you have to lead the players to defeat the Universe pirates.” Raditz fell to Cabba and encouraged.

Cabba suddenly looked up: “Mr. Raditz…”

“Frost handed it to me, others, your defense team came to deal with, don’t let your teammates, your Teacher and the Kyria star disappointed.”

Yeah, even if Captain is derelict, he should not be discouraged at this time. Cabba cheers up, although he has been scarred in the case of multiple encounters, but he still has not given up, bursts out amazing Ki flame.

“The elite of Sadala Defense Forces, let’s continue fighting!”

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