modest? Is this the meaning of modesty? Ramso’s chin almost fell.

Raditz blinked innocently. He carefully thought about the gap between strengths. He really said the truth very modestly. If he is not modest, he should say that Saiyan of the entire Planet Sadala is not my opponent.

And Ramso sounds like a fantasy, a person to deal with all Saiyan here, cracking a joke! If so, Sadala Defense Forces simply don’t mix it! But Raditz’s expression is not like a lie, and the signs also indicate that he does have the strength of out of the ordinary…

While Ramso was surprised to find out, the Universe ship issued instructions for landing, and all the combatants had to gather in two minutes to prepare for the battle. It seems to be reaching the planet of Kyria!

“Where are the Warriors, everyone gathers quickly, ready to fight! Quickly assemble and prepare to fight!” Cabba’s voice sounded through the entire universe, and the Sadala Defense Forces rushed to the meeting place in a hurry but in an orderly manner.

Looking at Ramsay, Raditz curiously asked, “Why don’t you go to the collection?”

“This…” Youngster scratched his head. “I am not a formal combatant. This big task doesn’t take me, but after a few more times, I can turn it, haha.”

“Then let’s stay, trivial Universe pirates, they are enough for Cabba.”

Raditz waved and seemed to know everything. He noticed that although there were a lot of Universe pirates on this planet, the quality was far worse than the elite of Sadala Defense Forces. Of course, in addition to Cabba, there is no shortage of powerful Ki, which is still weaker than Cabba.

He does not intend to intervene, and this level of opponent does not take his take action.

On the other hand, Cabba, they have already rushed out of the universe, moving towards the direction of the pirates.

The vast Kelia planet is now full of ruins, everywhere is the collapsed tall buildings and the scorched earth. Some innocent dead people are corpse in the wild and are covered in carbon black. Everything is done by the Universe pirates, crazy looting and cruel slaughter.

Cabba issued instructions to let everyone spread out to act as a squad. He personally took several elites to prepare for the offensive. What puzzled him was that Frost didn’t seem to change the status quo a day earlier, and the pirates were still embarrassed.

But seeing a lot of enemy ships, Cabba found a reason for doubts, maybe there are too many enemies.

He first switched on with Frost’s communicator.

“Mr. Frost, Sadala Defense Forces has arrived at the planet of Kyria and can attack.”

“Cabba, I am on the side of the enemy ship, I haven’t rushed to attack. Now only their Chief Meru and a few aliens are left behind. We can get it before and after!”

“Meruru’s strength is very strong, Mr. Frost is careful.” Cabba is also concerned about the safety of Frost.

They contacted before landing, and Cabba, referring to the position given by Frost, did not doubt with his own elite team to go straight to the main ship, intending to subdue the chief culprit Meru.

With Frost and his own team, the winning percentage has increased greatly. Cabba is full of confidence, bypassing several patrol ships and preparing to play Meruru with a completely unprepared.

“Cabba, where are you Ah? I am ready.” There was some gloomy voice from Frost, and the signal was mixed with “sha sha”.

Cabba without the slightest hesitation replied: “I am on the left side of the main ship.”

“Meru’s main ship has a protective cover. You must first break the protection with Energy Ball and then knock him down with the fastest speed. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get reinforcements. I attack from the right and you attack from the left. To three.”

“Good!” Cabba promised, giving the rear players a gesture and only listening to Frost counts.

When the “three” word spit out, Cabba jumped up and flew to the main ship of the Universe pirate. He did see Frost flying from the other side. Immediately, he was overjoyed. Many Warrior saw Frost and Cabba teamed up, and they couldn’t help but fight intent and cheer.

But the next second, the accident suddenly emerged, all the Energy Beam of the main ship opened in an instant, as if it had been prepared for a long time, waiting for their arrival, smashing the sky!

The radiance drowned Frost and Cabba at the same time. Several elites of Sadala Defense Forces were also inevitably bombarded. Immediately, the ground was again scratched with a few black scars. The earth was splashed with severe dozen meters high, and the air was full of spicy taste. .

Frost’s sly bomb is empty. After the play, he can exit. When Cabba is killed, he will clean up the mess and drive Meru and others away to continue his peaceful ambassador’s road. There are so many witnesses here that everyone can tell his great loftyness, and there is no other interstellar reporter to talk about the touching friendship between him and Cabba!

Meruru slowly rose from the ship, glimpsed Frost with his gaze, and waved forward!

The ambush in the underground rushed to the ground, and several new pirate powerhouses appeared, and they were surrounded by layers, trapping Cabba and several elite Warriors.

“hu ……call…” A slamming Cabba left his blood on his left arm and his neck was sore. He looked around all around and found himself on the table. “Frost? Is he okay?”

By this time, Cabba was still worried about the safety of the peace ambassador. Mei Wulu smiled straight, and if Cabba knew that Frost was the master behind the scenes, he didn’t know what it was.

“Frost was blasted to the other side, but Mayuru’s goal seems to be ours.” An elite around him accurately judged the situation, and Cabba’s eyes condensed and he noticed this point.

“Hahahaha, Damb’s Cabba, do you still remember this scar on my chest? Today I am going to get this shame back!” Meru screamed, screaming, waving, ship The ship’s Energy Beam was all aimed at the Cabba launch, and the massive energy beam was continuously bombed, as if a path of silver dragons were flying away.

The all-round attack makes Cabba’s line unavoidable, and the light beam is so fast that they only have a hand block!

Bang! bang! bang! bang! ……

“Hahahaha Ha…” The laughter of the sky and the roar of Energy Beam made the atmosphere tremble, the creepy atmosphere rose, and the pirates of the Universe screamed, as if ushered in victory.

Meruru waved and stopped the bombardment. He expected that so many Energy Beams could be bombarded. How could Cabba not bear it? Thinking of this, he could not help but reveal a sneer, looking into the smoke.

Waiting for the smoke of the sky to disperse, vaguely revealing several Saiyan back to back and forming a circle against the bombardment of the silhouette, they each and every hand in front of the body, the whole body is the hot smoke bombed, but the figure Not falling, standing upright.

Cabba moved his arm and his eyes glared at Meru, the two met and rubbed in the air.

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