In the communicator, Frost continued to say that he had to fight against the Universe’s evil influence. Cabba thanked him so much that Frost wanted to laugh again, and finally ran off the communication with a smile.

At the moment of the signal interruption, Frost couldn’t help it anymore, shaking his head and laughing: “It’s stupid Saiyan, I believe everything, Hahahaha…”

“Yeah, the Frost Lord tricked them into a group!” The strong alien who sat next to him was charmingly with a smile.

He is the Chief of the Universe pirate, the famous bad guy who once invaded many planets and was defeated many times, Meru. The last failure was with the former Captain Renso hand to hand combat of Sadala Defense Forces. Meruru lost the subordinate three great battle, and he ended up retiring from the old nest, which was also the victory of Frost and Sadala Defense Forces. .

But Meruru came back to do bad things again, still with the big pirate Legion.

At this moment, the two people sat in the main ship of the Universe pirate, talking and laughing, and teasing Cabba as an interesting thing. In the cup, the purple wine was in the stomach, and Meilulu screamed: “many thanks Frost Lord, this time, I must report the last hatred!”

“Last time?” Frost glanced at his eyes and reflected his sharp eyes in the wine glass. “The last time I blamed you for being too slow to be caught by Sadala Defense Forces. I tried to cover it for you. It was almost useless. I am.”

Mei Wulu slammed his hand, so the big man actually showed a embarrassing situation, “hehe, isn’t this all blaming Renso for catching up?”

“hmph, fortunately, the last planett made a lot of profits, but also made up for your loss. This time Kylia is a tough bone, don’t break the teeth.” Frost’s nephew pierced faintly discernable The chill seems to warn Meru.

“Reassured, Frost Lord, I have a sense of proportion. Not only will Kyria be taken down, but I will also kill Cabba by the way, saving him from getting in the way. Without Renso and Cabba, Sadala Defense Forces wants to recover elemental energy. Long time, ah Hahaha…”

Meruru asked Frost to talk about Cabba’s tone, just to know when Cabba’s Universe ship was probably eved, and he planned early. In the last failure, Renso and Cabba gave him the biggest blow. In any case, Meruru couldn’t swallow this breath!

Frost could sneak a glimpse of him, pick up the wine glass, and say with a slight smile: “I have a good personal relationship with Cabba.”

Mei Wulu sneaked a blank eye, got it, the last one to have a good relationship with you is Renso, right? Now, the poison needle in the leg is suffering from ills, can you fight?

But he doesn’t say this in the face of Frost. After all, the strength of the people is there. Meruru was a man who had the privilege of seeing Frost Second Stage Body Transformation. At that time, he was really shocked and almost fainted.

The person who knows the most about Frost’s haze, in addition to Frost himself, counts Meru.

He raised his hand and toasted Frost: “I understand that this matter has nothing to do with you, but you are an ambassador of peace… In short, give it to me to do was fine.”

“Cabba one is no problem, don’t kill it, Sadala Defense Forces have to keep it, they can solve a lot of trouble for me, it is easier to use than their own people, oh ho ho.” Frost scarlet bloody condensed The corner of the mouth opened an abysslike smile.

Meruru trembled. He knew that he was dealing with Demon, but he couldn’t help but feel scared when he saw Frost’s smile, as if the open abyss would swallow him at any time.

“I understand that after the promotion Power Level, I am enough to deal with Cabba, even if I face Renso, I am not afraid!”

Frost looked at Meru, with a hint of contempt in his eyes. This guy has some strength, but he is too arrogant and always thinks of the enemy as simple. If Meruru is the most influential in the pirates of the Universe, he will not find such a person to cooperate.

I heard that Mei Wulu shouted a lofty ambition, and Frost switched to a gentleman-like smile: “So the military fees are also settled for me? I know that I have provided a lot of support in the army and weapons.”

“Hey?” Meruru stunned.

I think it’s true that this comeback is an opportunity provided by Frost, but it’s also a piece of information about the planet of Kyria, and there are several Universe soldiers, where are the weapons? ! Weapons are all prepared by ourselves!

“Don’t remember? It’s the patrol battleship that I lent you. I have spent a lot of effort on it, and I have received 10% of the transaction amount. After all, we are old friends.” Frost reminded.

Patrol battleship? Isn’t it an old model of a universe ship? Is this the value of the Kyria star? Cracking a joke , which shows the black eat black! Meruru looked at Frost, and his face did not reveal what he had, and he had already smashed him hundreds of times.

Frost didn’t care about Meru’s attitude, stood up from the main seat and went to the porthole: “Then I will leave.”

“Frost Lord is good.”

Meruru slammed his voice and shook his hand.


In the Universe, the Uniplane ship of Sadala Defense Forces rushed to the planet of Kyria at full speed, and it has been quietly two days.

In the training room, Raditz and Ramsos are still training hot, two people each launching Energy Ball, hedging together or dodging by high-speed movement, or bearing down to train the strength of the body. Raditz didn’t deliberately teach the youngster’s precise Ki Control skill and led him to promote a little Power Level.

A series of Ki flying sounds gradually disappeared, youngster gasping for breath, and Raditz only comforted in one breath and relaxed.

“Raditz, how do I feel that you are better than me? After a few trainings, you are very relaxed, but I am too tired to die. Also, you always inadvertently shake some small skills, each is very useful. Several times I Even if you perceive your aura’s instant promotion, are you hiding the strength?”

Ramso, who looked carefree, was so keenly observant that he even noticed Raditz secretly teaching him. He stared at Raditz, a pair of bright scorpions flashing in the waves.

Raditz nodded shrugged again. “I see you so energetic, and say that it is better than me, and that I want to teach me Energy Ball, just let me know.”

Ramso immediately-red on his face, some horrible.

“So, you really hide the strength, even the Cabba Captain did not notice.” Ramso once again looked at Raditz, “How strong are you? Wait, say it with me… No, compared with Cabba Captain ?”

“Well…” Raditz thought for a moment. “Modestly speaking, it’s not enough for all of you to join me.”

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