Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 155 Battle against the Witch Warrior Ribrian

With no one to stop them, the three witch warriors immediately started their transformations!

There was another awkward dance, and then, a ray of light enveloped them!

Here we come! Wukong said excitedly.


Luya and Toppo were also separated. Neither of them fought seriously. Toppo just wanted to hold Luya back, but Luya felt Toppo's power. Undoubtedly, if he wanted to defeat the other party, he could only use his super Saiyans are red!

Naturally, Toppo could see that Luya was not using his full strength, but he was not afraid at all and floated back: My mission has been completed! I will compete with you next time!

After saying that, Toppo immediately disappeared.

Luya glanced at the direction in which Toppo disappeared, and then thought of something. He suddenly looked at the transformation in the field, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly: This...

From a high place, a fat pink man was seen striking an elegant pose, and behind her were a magical girl and an orc catwoman.

The time has come to witness the miracle! This is our Second Universe...the power of love! the God of Destruction of the Second Universe said excitedly.

Everyone in the Seventh Universe: ...

Come on, after waiting for so long, let us see your power! Vegeta looked at them indifferently.

Okay! In that case, let's give this love... Sanka and Su said excitedly.

Dedicate it to everyone! Librian opened his hands, and then, an inexplicable power emitted from the three of them. Then, three heart-shaped lights of different colors floated, and then, Librian suddenly merged the three powers, and for a moment, she suddenly smiled: Go! The light of the power of love!


Suddenly, the giant heart suddenly emitted countless small-shaped energy.

Everything that touched them was blown up. At the same time, a puff of pink smoke suddenly dispersed. For a moment, a special smell suddenly filled the place.

What does it smell like? Gohan and others frowned, obviously disgusted with the powder mist.

It stinks! Even such a noble person as King Frieza covered his nose in disgust.

Wukong and others were not affected, but they still had to dodge these attacks, otherwise it would not be a good thing to be blown up.

What can be seen is that when the players from other universes smelled the fragrance, their faces suddenly turned red, obviously affected by the smell!

In their perception, these smells are beautiful.

However, everyone was not careless and dodged the dense attacks one after another.

This is the light of love. Once anyone smells your fragrance, they will surrender and know the charm of beauty! The God of Destruction of the Second Universe was still blowing.

However, Beerus and others had no influence. Beerus said unhappily: What? What are these guys doing?

Wukong and the others won't be affected, right? Kaioshin asked worriedly.

Probably not. It seems that Goku and the others are good at restraining themselves. Even the old man has not been deceived, which is enough to reassure us! Weiss said with a slight smile.

Sure enough, Kame Sennin was not affected by those pink gases.

Needless to say, Luya, when he smelled these smells, although he was affected for a moment, fortunately, his will was still able, and when he thought of that fat woman, he felt a little sick, and he immediately Immune to damage!

Ho ho ho! How about it? This is the power of the light of love! Librian said proudly.

That's it? Don't tell me that you waste so much time transforming and you only have this little strength? Vegeta said with a look of disgust.

Of course not, now is the real beginning! Librian smiled slightly, and then said to the other two companions: Su, Sanka, you must be careful!

Yes! You too! the two women said at the same time.

Very good! Let's go! Librian smiled, then took the brunt of the attack and rushed directly towards Vegeta.

The other two women and other members of the second universe also rushed directly towards the members of the seventh universe.

Come on! Wukong laughed and rushed out.

No. 17 and No. 18 also followed suit.

Others did not intervene, because enemies from other universes also came to their senses and attacked them!

Vegeta's eyes were a little cold. He was very annoyed by such flashy things, so he had already held back his anger just now!

Just when Vegeta was about to rush out, Luya's figure suddenly appeared in front of him: Leave this fat one to me, I have tolerated her for a long time!

After saying that, he rushed directly towards Librian.

Vegeta was a little dissatisfied: That's my prey!

Seeing the two people entering into a fierce battle, Vegeta wanted to stop him, but at this moment, a tall, fat man stood in front of him: Universe 7, I will fight you now!

Vegeta's face turned cold in vain: Who do you think you are! Are you worthy of standing in my way, Vegeta?!

Get away! With that said, Vegeta suddenly rushed towards the big man.

boom! boom! boom!

A fierce battle took place directly, followed by countless bombings, which was extremely exciting.

Oh! It's so exciting! The two kings were also very excited and happy to see it.

The high priest smiled and said: Now we have reached the state of true master showdown. Those who can stay are the elites among the elites!

Bump bump bump!

Luya and Librian fought fiercely. It must be said that although Librian's figure has become fatter, his speed is amazing!

You can actually fight the lure back and forth!


For a moment, the two people were surrounded by energy bombs that were shot away, and then exploded in an instant, and the power emitted directly destroyed everything!

Not bad! It's so powerful! Librian always kept smiling.

Lu Ya frowned: Can you stop laughing? You are already disgusting enough. When you laugh, I don't even have the desire to fight!

How can ordinary people like you understand our beauty? Humph! Let me teach you how to respect people! Librian suddenly condensed into countless rays of pink energy, and then continued to bombard the lure.

Luya's eyes turned cold, and then he shouted angrily. The next moment, he suddenly shouted low, and then, a powerful breath burst out from his body. Then, the golden power emitted directly, blowing away the opponent's attack. scattered.

Luya looked at Librian: I have no interest in listening to your nonsense here! You disgusting guy!

After saying that, he teleported directly in front of his opponent and made a fierce move. Ribrian immediately blocked it.

The two clashed fiercely again!

Very good! That's it! Keep it up and throw down these disgusting things! Beerus cheered.

Hmph! Ignorance! How can vulgar guys like you understand the beauty of our second universe? the God of Destruction of the second universe said calmly.

I agree that their transformation is full of rituals and they maintain due respect for beauty. Therefore, those who maliciously speculate on them do not understand the connotation! Gods from other universes also expressed support.

Beerus's face is full of black lines, Nima, do you have any misunderstandings about beauty?

Hahaha! Come on, come on! Let's fight! Ribrian worked harder and harder in the battle with Luya, and his attacks became more and more sharp.

Kicking the lure back with a heavy kick, Librian suddenly spun wildly and rushed towards the lure! Just like Hot Wheels, but that face that makes people unable to eat keeps appearing.

Luya felt a sudden discomfort in his stomach. He finally understood why Vegeta showed such an expression when he was fighting Ribrian. Damn, even he couldn't stand it!

Damn it!

Suddenly, Luya finally broke out. He directly raised his breath again, and then his hair suddenly grew like crazy! Become a Super Saiyan Level 3! The power explodes directly!


Luya didn't dodge, and punched Ribrian directly!


With a muffled sound, the two collided, and a huge wave of air swept directly away!

PS: Guys, I was wrong. You just need to generate electricity for love. Don’t remind me to update the talisman. It’s only the 28th and the reminder talisman you sent has already guaranteed me to update seven chapters. Goodbye, it’s almost done. Seven chapters is enough. . .

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