Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 154 The Witch Warrior from the Second Universe Appears


Suddenly, after the explosion in the ring, there was one more person in the audience of Universe 11, and it was Casselar!

With the combined efforts of Goku and Sibling No. 17, Casselar is no match at all!

That's so despicable! Three of them bullied one! the Eleventh Universe Kaioshin said in dissatisfaction.

Hmph! Save it, why didn't you say anything when the five of you were dealing with the two of us? Don't rely on words if you're not strong enough! Beerus suddenly said sarcastically.

What?! The Eleventh Universe Kaiojin looked at Beerus with some irritation.

I advise you to be honest. If a mere Kaioshin dares to talk to me like this, even Belmod can't protect you! Beerus' eyes were already colder.

The Eleventh Universe Kaiōshin: ...

Hey Beerus, you're a little arrogant! The Clown God of Destruction looked at Beerus with some displeasure.

The latter said calmly: This is the Conference of Power. If this retarded person talks about fairness here, then your Universe 11 is the most hypocritical party! Using the slogan of justice to eliminate other opponents, even me Embarrassed for you!”

!!! The Clown God of Destruction gritted his teeth and stared at Beerus, almost rushing up to give him a shot!

Okay, okay, you don't have to argue, let's watch the game! The high priest suddenly said.

The two Gods of Destruction looked at each other, then snorted and ignored each other.


In the field, Wukong and No. 17 and No. 18 gathered together.

By the way, are you okay now? After fighting for so long, it must have taken a lot of energy, right? No. 17 looked at Wukong and asked curiously.

Wukong chuckled: It's nothing. I usually don't use all my strength when fighting, and then I conserve my energy while fighting. This way it doesn't consume much.

Is this so? No. 17 understood. It must be said that Sun Wukong is still good at fighting.

But I envy you and No. 18. As artificial beings, you have inexhaustible energy, so you can keep fighting. It's really awesome! Wukong looked at the two of them and said with a smile.

If you want, you can also become an artificial human, that would be great! No. 17 laughed.

Forget it! It's better this way. Wukong waved his hand.


Suddenly, there were bursts of explosions not far away, which attracted the attention of the three people.

That side seems to be the direction of Luya! Wukong's expression changed and he said.

Go and have a look! No. 17 said and rushed out.

Wukong and the two hurriedly followed.

On the other side, Luya looked in one direction with a strange expression on his normal face, and there were several people there, three women and two men.

But what embarrasses Luya is that those women are the most embarrassing ones in the Tournament of Power!

Players from the Second Universe!

Hahaha, Universe Seven, finally let me find you! Now, let me, Universe Two, deal with you! Among them, a beautiful girl smiled gracefully and pointed at Lua.

Oh, I've heard about you. It's said that you can transform. How about you come together and none of you transform? He wanted to take off his shoes and hit him when he saw the other person's face!

Oh? I didn't expect you to have heard of us. It's interesting, but this is no reason for us to show mercy! I, Ribrian, will lead my sisters to carry the will of the second universe, protect the beauty of the universe, and protect you. Annihilate them in one fell swoop! Librian said arrogantly.

I'm Su! said a purple-haired girl on her left.

I'm Sanka! A brown girl on her right said with a smile.

The Witch Warrior of the Second Universe!

Yeah, hoo! It's coming, it's coming! The time has finally arrived! the old Kaioshin of the second universe said excitedly.

Let our strongest witch warrior from the second universe bloom beautiful flowers on the battlefield! The God of Destruction from the second universe said gracefully.

Beautiful flowers? What the hell? Beerus' mouth twitched, feeling embarrassed for the other person.

Really, what are you talking about without making any sense! Old Kaio Shen also said speechlessly.

Come on, Brian, let them see your beauty! The God of Destruction of the Second Universe did not feel embarrassed at all, but was rather proud of it!

Then, let's perform it next! Su! Sanka! Librian said with a smile.

Yes! The two girls also responded.

What are you doing, Wen Yan'er? At this time, Vegeta, Goku and others all looked at the women, a little confused.

Undoubtedly, they are all fighting madmen, but they don't know how to appreciate them at all.

Luya also looked at this scene speechlessly, an embarrassing scene was about to happen.

What are they doing? No. 17 asked in confusion.

No. 18 did not look at the scene and said calmly: Who knows what boring thing it is?

Now! Let us transform! Librian laughed.

Shape! Brian... Brian, Brian!!

Shape! Sangsang! Kake, Sankake!!

Shape! Su Su! Su Luo Su Luo! Su Su Luo Su Luo!

(Nima, I’m embarrassed to write this!)

Suddenly, a dazzling light directly enveloped them. At the same time, their bodies were also undergoing new changes!

What is this? Why does it look like a children's dance party? Beerus said speechlessly.

Shut up! This is a ritual! As expected of a backward universe, it doesn't understand beauty at all! the God of Destruction of the Second Universe said elegantly.

Everyone in the Seventh Universe: ...

Oh! Isn't that a transformation that increases strength? Wukong looked at the scene with some anticipation.

Hey! It's so flashy! Vegeta said with some disgust.

Just as everyone was waiting for the three people to transform, suddenly, two dazzling energy waves hit them directly!


Everyone was shocked. By the time they reacted, two energy waves had directly hit the three women!


With an explosion, the transformation came to an abrupt halt.

What's going on?! The God of Destruction of the Second Universe was immediately angered, with an angry look on his face.

Wukong and others also looked at the person who launched the attack.

Luya? No. 17? What are you two doing? Wukong asked helplessly.

Sorry, I really can't hold it back! Lu Ya said lightly.

I was thinking that when I saw them transforming, there were big flaws. Shouldn't I take the opportunity to deal with them? No. 17 said matter-of-factly.

But it's very rude of you to interrupt someone else's transformation. At least let us see what they are capable of, right? Wukong said with a bitter smile.

Okay, that's up to you, I don't care. No. 17 shrugged, then leaned aside to mind his own business.

Hey! Why did you destroy our transformation! Ribrian's face was distorted with anger, and he glared at Luya angrily.

Hmph! That's ridiculous. You guys understand, we are enemies. What kind of smart guy would wait for you to successfully complete your transformation? Luya sneered.

Wukong: ...

You guy! You are so abominable! The two Sanka girls also glared at Luya angrily.

Even if you transform, if you don't take action, I will lose! Lu Ya said calmly.

Presumptuous! You are so rude! At this time, Toppo slipped out from nowhere, pointed at Luya and said: This is a perfect ceremony! How can I allow you to ruin it!

Oh? You want to stand up for them? Luya smiled slightly and looked at Toppo.

Another Saiyan from the seventh universe, let me teach you some great tricks! Toppo looked at Luya, not to be outdone at all!

Hmph! Luya sneered. Damn, he couldn't bear this kind of thing to show off here. He also didn't understand that everyone could watch such an embarrassing operation. Is there something wrong with aesthetics?


Immediately, Luya exerted his power and transformed into a Super Saiyan! The next moment he rushed directly towards Toppo.

Toppo was not afraid at all, but said to Librian and the others: Go and complete your ritual! I will stop this criminal!

Thank you! The three of them were extremely grateful.

Unexpectedly, Toppo also made a gesture in a coquettish manner, and then rushed towards Luya.

Soon, the two were fighting together.

Are we sure you don't want to help? No. 17 glanced at the field and asked immediately.

Wukong smiled, and then said to Librian and the others: Hey! Come on, show me your transformation, I'm really looking forward to it!

In that case, then as you wish! Librian suddenly showed a strange smile.

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