
With a huge explosion, a figure flew out directly and smashed into the boulder.

Luya looked at this scene expressionlessly, and the power that exploded was extremely powerful!

This is the power of Super Saiyan III!

Oh!! No! How could Ribrian be defeated? The second universe's God of Destruction also changed his expression, and said with some worry.

But at this time, no contestant got away to save others, because they were all entangled by their opponents!

Now, it’s time for one-on-one time!

Wukong and Su were fighting. The latter's attack speed was very fast. When he punched, he condensed countless energy balls from Qi. His moves were somewhat similar to Keitel from Universe 11!

At this time, No. 17 and No. 18 were fighting two against Catwoman and Bicaar who appeared in time, but No. 17 easily defeated the two opponents alone.

Kakunsha and Bika from the second universe were directly defeated and eliminated!

End the battle as quickly as possible!

And the situation on their side was also noticed. Suddenly, Li Brian and Su's expressions changed drastically: Kakunsha!

The latter was their team, but they didn't expect to be kicked out now. This was a huge blow to them.

Librian, who was repulsed by Luya, suddenly flew directly towards the distance.

Luya looked at this scene with an expressionless face, and did not remove the Super Three form. For him, Super Three no longer consumes a lot of physical strength, so maintaining Super Three is just like an ordinary Super Saiyan.

On the other side, Librian went directly to No. 17: You, a dark warrior, defeated Kakunsha. I want to avenge Kakunsha!

Really? You'll know if you can do it if you try it! No. 17 said calmly, blocking the opponent's attack easily.

At the same time, No. 17 will never show mercy to his opponent, even if the opponent is a woman!

Of course, let alone this ugly and pitiful fat woman!

The two started fighting directly, bursts of powerful power were raging, and the speed of both of them was extremely fast. Ribrian was surrounded by pink light and had a good aura!

On the other side, Wukong is constantly dodging, because the opponent's attacks are also very weak and very fast! He could only keep dodging.

Rotten, rotten, rotten! Su kept firing air bombs, as if her energy was endless.

At this time, Wukong suddenly used teleportation. Then, he appeared directly behind Su and kicked him away with a fierce kick!

The latter screamed and crashed into the rocks.

I have seen through your moves! Wukong looked at the other party confidently and said.

Damn it! How could this happen? Su stood up awkwardly, and then she was about to take action.

But Wukong was faster. At this time, Wukong had appeared around her, and he was constantly releasing energy bombs, directly blocking the opponent's retreat!

It's not good! Su's expression changed drastically, but she didn't know how to escape.

I'll give you a ride! Wukong chuckled, then rushed directly in front of Su, launching a powerful energy bomb, which immediately detonated other energy bombs. The latter screamed, flew out, and finally smashed On the edge of the ring!

It's not good! The expressions of the gods of the second universe changed.

Come on! Kakunsha and the others shouted in cheers.

Uh... Su struggled to sit up and looked helplessly at Sun Wukong who was walking towards him: Sun Wukong from the seventh universe is indeed very strong!

Hey, can you be eliminated now? Should you jump down by yourself, or should I give you a ride? Wukong said with a smile.

Damn it! Do I really have to stop here? Su couldn't accept it.

Goku! Throw her down quickly! Stop whining! Beerus saw this scene and shouted quickly for fear of causing trouble.

Wukong nodded, then looked at Su and stretched out his hand: Then, goodbye!

After speaking, he gathered energy in his hands.

But at this moment, Ribrian suddenly appeared, stood in front of Su, and looked at Wukong warily: I will not let you hurt my companions!

Librian... Su looked at Librian who came to the rescue with some emotion.

Su, are you okay? Librienne looked at the latter distressedly.

Well, I'm fine! Thank you, Librian! Su stood up and said firmly.

Stop talking nonsense. If you jump down by yourself, we won't bother to do anything! No. 17 came out of nowhere and looked at the two of them calmly.

Damn! Damn it! How dare you attack a beautiful girl so harshly, that damn dark warrior! Ribrian said angrily.

In that case, let's do it ourselves! No. 17 didn't waste any time and directly gathered strength.

What should I do? My beautiful girl! the God of Destruction from the second universe said sadly.

Don't worry, beautiful girls are usually protected by knights! the old Kaioshin said calmly.

As soon as the words were spoken, a figure appeared behind Librian and the others: Two princesses, please forgive me for being late for rescue! Let's go!

With that said, he was about to take Librian and the two away, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came:

Let's go? How can it be that simple?

Who?! The soldier was shocked.

Suddenly, an afterimage appeared directly in front of the warrior and knocked him off the ring with one punch!

Luya?! Wukong was stunned, and then said with some surprise.

When the two Librian girls saw this, they immediately hid aside in horror.

You guy... Ribrian glared at Luya angrily.

Luya's long golden hair was flying, and his face was stern: I think it's better not to let you stay here!

He decided to directly deal with the people in the second universe, especially these two women. If they were to gather some bullshit love power from the second universe, it would be a bit troublesome.

There are still six people left in the second universe, so he will deal with these two people now.

Interesting, just what I wanted. I also saw that they were very unhappy! No. 17 walked over slowly and stood next to Luya.

Wukong glanced at them, then smiled and said, Then I'll leave it to you, two versus two, just right.

No problem! No. 17 said calmly, but his tone was very confident.

Wukong said hello and went directly to deal with masters from other universes.

Luya looked at the two people opposite him and then said, Which one do you want?

No. 17 looked at the fat woman and was about to speak immediately, but Luya suddenly said: I'll deal with that fat woman, and I'll leave the rest to you!

After saying that, he rushed directly towards Librian!

number 17:……

In this way, there will be no challenge for you!

Damn it! Don't underestimate us! Librian said angrily, and then rushed directly towards Luya.

I can do it! Su Ye's face became firm, and then she looked at No. 17: Come on, I won't lose!

Then let me wait until you win! No. 17 said calmly, and then his body turned into an afterimage and rushed out.

Two versus two, four people directly start a fierce battle!

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