Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 153 Assistance from No. 17 and No. 18


A strange sound suddenly appeared, and then, an extremely terrifying force suddenly erupted from the sphere filled with golden light. Suddenly, the entire sphere exploded!


A Luya with golden light shining all over his body appeared in the scene. He looked directly at Cocotte and then sneered: Now, what do you think?

How could... Cocotte looked in disbelief.

Immediately, Luya was ready to take action: The time is almost up, and it won't do me any good to waste it with you unscrupulous guys.

No! Coco was shocked. She knew that with her current strength, she would never be the opponent, so she suddenly made a coquettish move.

I saw Cocotte using Cocotte's Sphere directly on herself, and she was immediately wrapped in a sphere.

Huh! Cocotte finally breathed a sigh of relief: This way you can't attack me! Haha!

The corner of Luya's mouth twitched: What IQ?

With that said, he stretched out his hand to press Cocotte, and then released an energy wave!


Immediately, the energy wave took Cocotte directly and shot down the ring together with the sphere.

I'm careless! Cocotte appeared in the audience, a little confused.

You are so smart! Why were you invited to participate in the Conference of Power? The Clown God of Destruction was speechless.

Damn it, four of them fell out of their universe!

How to play this?

The Power Conference, luckily it's not the IQ Conference... Kaiowashin also said calmly.

Cocotte: ...


After eliminating three opponents, Luya returned to normal. Although the large-scale output was a bit exhausting, for him, he has not yet reached his limit.

Turning around, he saw that Wukong was still fighting hard. Ketel's raindrop-like attacks made it difficult for Wukong to dodge. At the same time, he had to face Casselal's attack, so he was a little passive.

After thinking about it, Lu Ya still didn't go to help, and was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly, Lu Ya noticed something, and then turned to look at a high place, where a beautiful figure was looking at him.

Luya: ...

On the other side, Wukong, who was fighting hard, also noticed that Luya had won, and suddenly sighed: I can't fall behind!


With a loud shout, Wukong exploded with energy and actually forced Casselar back!

After Casselar was repulsed, he glanced in the direction of the lure: It's really amazing. He managed to eliminate three of my proud team members with one person!

Keitel fell in front of Casselar: What should we do? Tado and the others are eliminated!

Casselar said solemnly: In this case, we can no longer hold back! We must use our true power!

As he spoke, the two air blades in his hands expanded slightly, and their power increased a lot!

Understood! Keitel nodded solemnly, and then he burst out with a powerful force. In a short time, countless energy bombs condensed around him.

Hehe, you two are quite interesting. You work very well together, but I won't lose to you! Wukong chuckled, his eyes extremely confident!

Hmph! Allowing evil to go unpunished is a contempt for our justice! Sun Wukong, we will punish you on the spot! Casselar pointed at Wukong and shouted.

Really? Then let's give it a try! I won't be merciful now! Wukong chuckled and said provocatively.

Keitel! Casselar said suddenly.

Understood! The latter directly controlled the energy bombs around him, and then countless energy bombs attacked Wukong directly!

The strength has increased a lot compared to before!

Wukong exploded, golden power flashed, and then he straightened up and rushed out directly to face those attacks!

In the air, Wukong continued to dodge those attacks, his movements were smooth and smooth, and he soon approached them.

Look at me! Casselar shouted angrily and rushed directly towards Wukong!

Keitel, on the other hand, controlled energy bombs to assist. Those energy bombs could easily avoid Casselar, creating a space for him to use his hands and feet!

Wukong was not afraid at all and collided directly with Casselar. For a while, the two fought fiercely. Although Casselar's air blade was very strong, Wukong could always avoid it easily.

Although the two of them worked well together, Wukong showed a perfect attack!

Da da da!

Under Wukong's increasingly intense attacks, Casselar could only barely resist, and at the same time, he could barely attack with Keitel's assistance.

Ha! But Wukong suddenly exerted force, and his fist, which was instantly wrapped in golden light, punched out.

Casselar was startled and quickly resisted! But the next moment, under a burst of huge force, his air blade was directly blown away by Wukong! Even the person flew upside down and crashed into the hill!

At the same time, Goku glanced up at Keitel and then rushed directly towards him.

What?! Keitel was startled, and then he quickly released countless air bombs and rushed towards Wukong crazily!


While dodging, Wukong gathered his strength and fired a powerful light wave. In an instant, he hit Keitel head-on!

The qi bomb released by the latter was directly defeated by the turtle qigong. After a burst of explosion, Keitel screamed and flew out of the ring!


The next second, there was one more person in the audience of Universe 11.

The sixth elimination!

Everyone in Universe 11 looked very unhappy, feeling like they were being manipulated by Universe 7.

Keitel! Caselaar's expression changed greatly, and he was in disbelief. In the end, he was the only one left.

Hey! It's your turn now! Wukong looked at the other person with a smile.

Damn it! You guy! How dare you eliminate all my companions! Casselar was angry. Suddenly, the air blade in his hand turned into an energy ball with great power, and he threw it directly towards Wukong!

Wukong's eyes were focused, and he was about to break the opponent's technique, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Wukong, and then kicked the energy ball away with a kick!

What?! Caselaar's face turned green, unbelievable that his energy was kicked! So he looked at the guy who did it angrily.

No. 17? Why are you here? Wukong looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

The person coming is the 17th!

No. 17 smiled slightly: Seeing how hard you are fighting, I can't stand it anymore, so I plan to take action!

What, I just want to fight longer. Wukong was dissatisfied with the other party's words.

It doesn't matter what happens, so do you mind if I do something to him? No. 17 said with a smile.

That won't work. He's mine. You'd better find another opponent. Wukong crossed No. 17 and walked towards Casselar.

You guys, actually, you underestimate me so much!! Caselaar's face was extremely ugly, and he felt that he was insulted!

Isn't it wrong to underestimate you? You are so weak! Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded, and then, No. 18 suddenly appeared behind Casselar and blew up his opponent with an energy bomb!

Casselar was unprepared and was blown away.

Number 18! Why are you here too? Wukong was a little depressed. Why is everyone running towards him?

No. 18 clapped his hands and then said: I saw that he didn't like it, so I did it. Do you have any questions?

These guys who shouted justice were doing the things of these villains, which made her very unhappy!

Why...why did you appear behind me quietly?! Casselar looked at No. 18 in disbelief.

That's not something you can know! No. 18 snorted coldly.

Damn it! These guys are gathering together. I can't stay, otherwise I won't be their opponent! Casselar judged in his heart.

Be careful, he may want to escape! No. 17 suddenly reminded.

How can we let him succeed! No. 18 sneered, and then gathered strength in his hands and aimed at Casselar.

Damn! Fight! Casselar suddenly erupted, and a powerful force burst out of his body. Suddenly, he condensed his energy, roared, and launched directly towards Wukong and others!

Coming! Wukong also gathered his strength and suddenly burst out with a powerful momentum.

No. 17 and No. 18 were not to be outdone, and fired energy waves directly at Casselar!


Under the terrifying waves, a powerful explosion swept away, and the place was filled with smoke.

PS: I have received a total of 29 update reminders from readers and friends. Please consume rationally and don’t force me to update. I can’t help you!

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