Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 150 Luya takes action to solve the crisis, and Vegeta’s majesty reappears

The sudden change made Caulifla's expression change, but at this moment, she was unable to move while carrying Kaier on her back, and they were both restrained!

The one who made the sneak attack was a member of the Proud Team hiding in the dark! That is, players from Universe 11!

Hmph! You monster! For the sake of justice, I will never let you continue to exist here. In order to prevent you from releasing that ferocity again, my proud team Boone will defeat you! The player said proudly, not forgetting. Strike a pose.

Damn it! Caulifla's pretty face was cold, and then she looked at Luya and Wukong with difficulty: Hey! Help me get him away, just treat it as a favor!

I don’t know whether to say it to Luya or Wukong.

Wukong looked at Na Boon with some dissatisfaction: You sneak attack when others are consumed, you don't have the spirit of a martial artist at all!

Don’t talk about martial ethics!

Hmph! I advise you to mind your own business! Guys from Universe 7, Universe 11 will defeat you all in a while! Boon said indifferently.

So much nonsense! Lu Ya said lightly, and then he suddenly struck out with an energy slash, cutting off the red ropes in an instant!

What?! How is it possible?! How could you cut off my restraints so easily?! Boon said in disbelief. His move is specifically designed to restrain evil. Why can these guys who are his enemies be able to do so so easily? To crack his trick?

It's just a trick! Luya smiled, then teleported and appeared in front of Boon!

You guy! Boon was shocked, but the Lua's movements did not allow him to be surprised!

Immediately, Luya kneed Boone hard on the stomach, causing the latter to cry out in pain like a shrimp!

Luya glanced at the other party and said: Proud Team, except for that guy, you guys are just soldiers and generals!


For Luya, the pretense must be in place, at least the momentum cannot be lost!

As he spoke, Luya suddenly condensed into an energy bomb, and then took it away directly!

Universe 11, Boone is out! the high priest said.

Boone! Quanwang rummaged through the list eagerly, and then clicked on Boone's avatar from Universe 11.

Another person is missing!! King Zuo Quan said excitedly.

It's so exciting! Super Saiyan, Team Proud, it's getting more and more exciting! King Youquan danced excitedly.


Thank you! Caulifla looked at Luya and said.

Luya shrugged: I'm just eliminating my opponents normally. Whether it's the Eleventh Universe or your Sixth Universe, they are all my opponents, so I won't show mercy to you next time I see you!

Ah, just come here! Caulifla said proudly, and then jumped away with Kel on her back.

What an interesting Saiyan. The Saiyans from the Sixth Universe are a little malnourished compared to our Saiyans from the Seventh Universe! Goku walked forward thoughtfully and said.

Luya smiled a little: This is true, but their strength is indeed good.

You're right! I hope they will become stronger next time I meet them! Wukong laughed.

Hmph! You evil guys, you can actually laugh! At this time, a gloomy voice interrupted the conversation between the two!

On the other side, after Kaier's crisis was resolved, all the players started the knockout rounds one after another.

Vegeta is fighting fiercely with Bodamo and Magetta from the Sixth Universe. These two guys are very annoying. If he hadn't been able to transform into a Super Saiyan, he might not have been able to deal with each other.

Hahaha! What? You can only hide like a mouse? Vegeta?! Bodamo rode on Maggot's head, looking at Vegeta proudly, while constantly reflecting energy bombs with Maggot. !

Hey! Two mortal guys! Vegeta's face darkened and he looked a little angry.

Well done Bodamoma Mageta! Throw Vegeta down like this! Xiangpa also recovered from Kaier at this time, noticed the situation on Vegeta's side, and paused Time to cheer!

Tch! It's these two idiots again! It's really annoying! Beerus said with some displeasure.

Hehe! By saying this, Beerus, you will lose your status. Bodama and Magetta, after their last failure, they have cooperated again. They are definitely not something you, Universe 7, can easily defeat! Pa let out a giegie laugh proudly.

Really? Humph! Just watch carefully. In the face of absolute power, any skill is useless! Beerus said lightly, not affected by Xiangpa's verbal provocation at all.

With that said, Beerus looked at Vegeta and said calmly: Hey Vegeta! There's no need to go to war over two guys who don't deserve to be on the stage. Get rid of them as soon as possible!

Hearing this, Vegeta's expression also calmed down, and then he looked at Bodamo, and suddenly showed a strange smile: Why do you want to trouble me? I'm defeated!

What?! Bodamo's face darkened.

The next second, he and Maggot immediately exerted their strength and fired energy bombs directly towards Vegeta!

Drink! Vegeta suddenly shouted violently, and then, a terrifying force swept directly away, and their energy bombs were blown away at this moment!

Suddenly, Vegeta transformed into Super Blue and jumped instantly!

I'm going! Maggot, stop him! Bodamo was obviously frightened by Vegeta's menacing approach, and then quickly reminded Maggot!

The latter's eyes were fierce, and he immediately spurted out several streams of white air, and smashed his iron arm directly at Vegeta.


With a direct swing of his arm, a powerful force directly got rid of Maggot's blockage. At the same time, Vegeta had already rushed in front of Bodamo!

Looking for death! Cold sweat slid down Bodamo's face, and he quickly spit out a wave of energy from his mouth!

But what he didn't expect was that Vegeta turned over and directly avoided his energy bomb. At the same time, Vegeta had already jumped in front of Bodamo: You trash, get off here!


As soon as he finished speaking, Vegeta punched Bodamo hard in the face. Immediately, the latter's face was almost deformed, and a huge force directly took it off Maggot's body! Hit the ground hard!

Without Bodamo's cover, Maggot's ears were open. Vegeta took this opportunity and scolded him directly: You piece of shit, why are you so arrogant!!

!!! Maggot's face was suddenly horrified, as if he had been bullied by someone, showing an aggrieved expression. He even forgot to defend himself, and Vegeta kicked him directly to Bodamo's side.

You two guys, how dare you underestimate the power of Vegeta! Vegeta's face became more angry.

Oops! Badamo! You guys run away! Seeing this scene, Xiangpa suddenly panicked and shouted quickly.

But Mageta has lost his fighting spirit at this time and doesn't want to move at all. Even if Bodamor is full of ambition but not strong enough!

At this time, Vegeta had already gathered his ultimate move.

Get off here! You two losers!

Sky Cannon!!

With an angry shout, Vegeta directly fired the sky cannon. In a moment, the powerful shock wave directly took Boda Mo and Mageta away. The latter wanted to resist, but found that they could not resist Vegeta with their strength. Gita!

With two screams, the two contestants fell directly into the ring and were eliminated!

Universe 6, the players from Bodamo and Magetta fell into the ring and were eliminated! the high priest announced, still smiling.

Eh!!! How could you lose? I'm so disappointed! Xiangpa said angrily towards the two of them.

Calm down Sir Xiangpa, they have tried their best. Bados couldn't help but persuade.

Bodamo poked his finger in shame, while Mageta was autistic again and did not want to speak.

Xiangpa sighed: Eliminating two people at once is really a headache!

Hmph! How about it? Weren't you quite arrogant just now? Beerus' voice came, with pride.

Hey! Beerus! Wait for me! Xiangpa glared at Beerus unhappily, as if he wanted to scratch his face.

At this time, Vegeta returned to his normal state, proudly hugging his chest.

Master! Next, I'll fight you! At this time, a voice came from behind.

Vegeta was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes and smiled: Okay, I'll teach you a new lesson this time!

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