Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 149 Caulifla’s Influence! kel recovery


With the combination of Luya and Wukong, the power generated directly suppressed Kaier!

At the same time, Hit suddenly appeared above Kel! The latter was startled and raised his head to look directly at Hit!

Hit looked at Kaier and said calmly: The trouble caused is quite big, so let's stop it!

After saying that, he stretched out his hand towards Kaier and gathered his strength extremely quickly!


The next moment, a purple wave enveloped Hit, and for a moment, the power condensed in his hands became stronger and stronger! That was a blow that brought together his true strength!

Normal attacks cannot effectively hit Kaier at all, so you can only attack with all your strength!

Hit's eyes suddenly froze, and the next second, he reflected the energy bullet directly towards Kel!

Hit's intention of hurting his comrades is not what Hit wants, but if he doesn't, I'm afraid they will all fall into a passive position in the sixth universe!

There was no extra strength to stop Hit's attack, so Kaier could only meet Hit's full blow!


In an instant! A powerful force swept directly away, and a huge explosion spread! Instantly the smoke filled the air!

Kyle! Caulifla saw this scene and rushed over.

Luya and Wukong both restrained their breaths, and then looked at the situation in the field.

It's really amazing. It took the three of us to work together to defeat her! Wukong sighed.

Luya said calmly: That is the legendary Super Saiyan! It is an existence with the ancient blood of Saiyans! This kind of existence that can be called a monster has inestimable power!

The legendary Super Saiyan? Goku whispered, but soon he stopped thinking about other things. This was the first time he had seen such a thing, so it seemed that there was no need to delve into it now, especially for a single person like him. For cellular organisms.

Soon, the smoke dissipated and the center of the explosion was a mess.

There really are them!

Everyone sighed that they worked together to solve the monster. It must be said that those few people were really very powerful!

The seventh universe will be our strong enemy! Toppo also noticed some details.

He had also fought against Sun Wukong before, but at that time, he thought that Sun Wukong alone could defeat the Seventh Universe, but now it seems that is not the case!

In addition to Sun Wukong, there are many masters in Universe 7!

Such as Vegeta, such as Nalua!

Saiyans are a group of extraordinary guys!

Jiren didn't have any feelings at all. For him, the goal this time is the Super Dragon Ball. Whoever stops him will be swept away together!

No matter how big an ant is, it's still an ant!

At this time, the gravel suddenly agitated, and then, Kaier's body directly pushed open the pile of stones. She was not in a good condition at this time, gasping for air. Although Hit's move was very beautiful, but It didn't leave any injuries on her body. Of course, for her, the consumption was still very huge. Now her physical strength is close to the limit.

Roar... Kaier roared, preparing to gather energy to attack.

This guy, it's all fine. Do you want to be so awesome? Lu Ya said with some pain.

But our attack did have an effect on her! Wukong said happily.

Roar! Finally, Kaier roared, and then a powerful force burst out.

Recovered so quickly? Wukong was a little shocked.

Luya's face also became serious. This is the abnormality of Chuanchao Green Hair. It would be very unlucky to be against such a person.

And Kaier rushed directly towards Luya and the two, menacing and unstoppable!

The two of them were ready to fight.


At this time, Hit took action and saw that he directly used the Flash Time Kung Fu to lock Kaier's actions! Make it unable to move.

But soon, everyone's expressions changed, because Hit's Flash Time Skill had not lasted long before cracks appeared!

Click, click, click!

As the space was dyed green at this moment, Kaier's roar sounded in the field, and then, a terrifying aura directly shattered Flash's time cage!

Kaier regained his freedom and punched Luya directly!

And just when a few people were preparing to fight hard, suddenly! A beautiful figure appeared in the field, and the next second she blocked Kaier's fist with her bare hands!

Caulifla! Hit was shocked.

After receiving Kaier's punch, Caulifla felt uncomfortable. Her body subconsciously slid back, and her arms were so shocked that she almost lost consciousness at this moment!

Hehe! Not bad, Kel!! Caulifla suddenly laughed.

This guy... Wukong looked at Caulifla in confusion.

Luya glanced at them and then called Wukong to retreat.

Roar? Kaier looked at the tiny ant blocking her in front of her and was stunned for a moment, then suddenly her expression became fierce again.

Hit is also ready to go, ready to assist at any time!

Hey Kaier! You did a great job! This kind of power is what I have always pursued! You have far surpassed me! As a senior sister, I am very happy! Caulifla continued to smile.

Kaier's body was a little stiff, as if she had some willpower that made her think.

No matter what others say, you are my junior sister. No one can replace you! And no one can take me away. The most important person to me is you, Kel!! Caulifla said seriously .

Sister...sister... Kaier gradually regained her rationality. Caulifla's words undoubtedly brought her back to reality!

yes! Her sister is hers, and only if she is strong enough can she not hold her back! Only then can I fight side by side with my sister! Instead of turning into this monster who wants to kill even my sister!


Kaier suddenly hugged his head and screamed, his body constantly shaking.

Kyle! Change back! Believe in yourself! Caulifla showed a smile: Don't let me down!

Sister! Ah!! Kaier suddenly looked up to the sky and roared. Then, the green light on her body suddenly dissipated, and she immediately returned to her normal appearance. However, Kaier, who had just returned to her original appearance, suddenly softened.

Caulifla quickly caught the other person, and at the same time smiled happily: That's great, Kyle, you did it!

Sister... I'm sorry... Kaier was a little complicated and guilty. He almost killed his sister.

Hey! Caulifla didn't mind.

What a strange feeling! Lu Ya whispered strangely. He guessed that Kaier must be La, but the two of them had a bit of a relationship!

Thinking of this, Luya looked at Caulifla, well, she looks pretty good, just a little flatter.

At this time Hit came over and said to Caulifla: She needs to rest, take her and hide quickly.

I understand! Caulifla nodded.

Hit then looked at Luya and said, Are we going to have a battle between us now?

Luya smiled: This time we all exhausted ourselves, so let's do it next time. By then, we will be our opponents!

Hit suddenly smiled: That's it...that's fine.

As he said that, he looked at Wukong and said, Be careful, Sun Wukong!

Wukong showed a fighting spirit and said with a smile: Ah Hit, I hope I can spar with you again!

Hit smiled, then disappeared in a flash.

Caulifla carried Kel on her back and looked at Luya: Thank you, although we are enemies!

Luya nodded: It's okay. When you recover, you are welcome to fight at any time!

【drop! Congratulations to the host for completing the side mission: helping Kaier restore his original state and save the endgame! 】

【drop! Reward the host with 2 billion combat power points! 】

【drop! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the super bloodline. The current blood purity is 30%. When it reaches 100%, it can transform into the super form and obtain super skills! 】

Luya was startled, but his appearance remained unchanged.

You're right, you should still have a lot of room for improvement. Then you can have a good fight! Wukong also smiled slightly.

Hmph! Just wait and see! I will definitely turn blue and surpass you! No, there is also red! Caulifla looked at Lua with a hint of heat in her eyes.

These two guys are both extremely powerful Saiyans. She doesn't have a heaven-defying transformation like Kel, so it's very difficult to surpass them. However, Caulifla believes that she can surpass everyone as long as she wants to. !

Let's go, don't say we're taking advantage of others! Lu Ya said calmly.

Caulifla smiled and was about to leave.


Suddenly, at this moment, several red light ropes suddenly flew over and entangled the two sisters!

What?! Caulifla was shocked.

Luya and Wukong also looked at each other with expressions!

Hmph! Since you ignore justice! Then let my proud team come forward! At this time, a figure appeared in everyone's sight!

PS: Today I received 15 reminder talismans, ten more reminder talismans and one more chapter, please remember first, there will be an update at the end of the month!

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