Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 151 The Pride Team takes action, Luya Wukong fights two against five

On the other side, after defeating Boone in Universe 11, Luya and Goku will be separated.


Suddenly, a voice sounded, and at the same time, several powerful auras directly locked onto Lu Ya and the two of them.

Luya and Wukong both looked at it and were stunned.

They saw five red warriors standing on a high ground in front of them!

It’s from Universe 11 again!

Sun Wukong! You dare to eliminate our companions and help the evil Saiyan, then you are our enemy! The leader of the big man said in a deep voice. One of his eyes is a machine, and he doesn't know what it does.

Who are you? Wukong asked with some confusion.

Hmph! My name is Casselal! I'm a member of the Pride Team! You, the big man with machine eyes, said loudly, not forgetting to make a weird gesture!

I'm Taba! The bearded man with green skin assumed a standard fitness pose.

Keitel! This is a warrior with a body and a monster head. It is worth mentioning that he is very physically strong!

Zuo Yilei! This is an extremely short warrior with two horns on his head.

I'm Cocote! A female warrior with long pink hair said elegantly.

We are...the proud team!! The poses of the five people were almost perfect, and the way they appeared was special.

This is... Team Ginyu...

Wukong and Luya were dumbfounded, looking at each other with strange eyes. These guys were really...how should I put it? Like a fool.

They couldn't help but think of Team Ginyu, Frieza's men on Namek!

Hmph! Ignorant roughnecks! They know nothing about the beauty of justice! No wonder you would help that evil monster! Casselar snorted coldly.

You are enemies of justice, and you are our enemies! We will protect justice and eradicate you resolutely! Cocote pointed at the Luyas elegantly, but his tone was a bit arrogant.

Lu Ya smiled faintly: The last sentence is what you want to say, right? Don't you think it's ridiculous to talk about bullshit justice here?!

What?! What did you say! Who are you! How dare you violate justice! Cassela was furious.

Who are you? Are you blind? That's right, you guys are the only ones who talk about justice for personal gain. How can your eyes be so good?! Luya smiled mockingly, and then his eyes narrowed: Listen, let me teach you, who are we?


The next moment, Luya exploded. In an instant! Golden power burst out.

Wukong also became excited: Two against five? Yoxi! I'll come too! Ha!


Suddenly, Goku also transformed into a Super Saiyan!

Hmph! You braggart! Just you guys, you can't beat the five of us! Casselar sneered, and then he suddenly gathered his energy. Then, he suddenly shook his hands, and saw that his hands condensed into two fists of energy. blade! It's somewhat similar to Zamasu's technique!

let's go!

Suddenly, the five people rushed directly towards Luya and Wukong!

How many do you want? Luya smiled slightly and looked at Wukong.

Of course, the more, the better! Wukong chuckled, and then rushed forward!

Luya also smiled, and then he looked at Taba and Zuo Yilei who were rushing towards him. The next moment, he was already in front of each other, and the latter almost didn't notice it!

Flash time!

Luya is not like Wukong who has enough energy to compete with others at the beginning. If you can end the battle quickly, don't act blindly!

Bang! Bang!

With one punch and one kick, the two of them were knocked away and fell to the ground!

Zo Yire! Taba! Caselaar's expression changed. He didn't expect that his teammate would be knocked down so quickly!

Hey! Your opponent is me! Wukong suddenly appeared in front of Casselar and punched him directly!

The latter was startled, and the two air blades crossed to directly block Wukong's fist! At the same time, Casselal said to Cocotte: Go and assist Taba and the others! Leave Sun Wukong to me and Keitel!

Cocotte didn't hesitate, nodded and rushed towards Luya!

Drink! Keitel rushed directly towards Wukong, who had to give up attacking Casselar and dodge to one side.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Casselar also pressed forward directly and joined forces with Keitel to fight against Sun Wukong!

On one side, Cocotte rushed in front of Luya, and then suddenly fired a pink ball of light towards Luya: Cocotte sphere!

Luya's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew that this technique can create another space. Once the opponent is trapped, the opponent will be unable to get out, but the people outside can defeat the people inside!

However, if the other party thinks that he knows nothing, he is totally wrong!

When the light ball was about to hit him, Luya jumped up, directly dodged the Cocotte sphere, and rushed towards the opponent!

What?! Cocote was shocked, and then several energy bombs erupted from inside, hitting the Luya!

The latter sneered, then easily dodged with his body, appeared behind him in an instant, and hit him with a fist! Cocote screamed, his body fell, and a huge pit appeared on the ground!

Cocote! Taba shouted worriedly when he saw this. At the same time, he looked at Luya: Damn it! How dare you be so rude to a lady!

Lu Ya laughed angrily: What? Is it possible that I have to tell her before we can't fight? What the hell?

Ouch! At this time, a tornado hit directly towards Luya! The power is devastating!

Luya frowned and fired a few air bombs, but they were all swept away by the tornado! At the same time, Zuo Yilei's proud face appeared in the tornado: Hey! Try my spin of justice!

Luya dodged and directly avoided the opponent's attack.

But Zuo Yilei kept chasing him as if he had locked the lure!

At the same time, Cocotte and Taba are also pursuing the victory, constantly releasing attacks!

In the distance, Toppo and Jiren also saw the battle in the field. As the captain, the former was naturally a little worried: Those two Saiyans are not weak. Even Caselar and the others have the numerical advantage. I’m afraid it’s hard to win! Do you want help?”

Jiren took a look at the situation on the field and finally said: Weak people should not huddle under the wings of the strong to conserve their strength!

After saying that, he flashed and disappeared.

Toppo sighed after hearing this. He knew Jiren's arrogance. Even if Jiren joined the Pride Team, there was still a gap between them!

Sighing, Toppo could only follow Jiren's footsteps.

Why doesn't Jiren help? If everyone goes out, we should be able to defeat Sun Wukong and that Saiyan easily! Kaioshin of Universe 11 said with some dissatisfaction.

Logically speaking, this is a very good opportunity. If the powerful enemy Sun Wukong can be eliminated in advance, then their Universe 11 will firmly grasp the number one position in advance!

The Clown God of Destruction said calmly: You don't know Jiren. He is extremely arrogant and will never admit to a weakling! Not only that, asking him to help is an insult to him! It is also the entire pride. A disgrace to the team! Jiren, have his own dignity!

But at this moment when the survival of the universe is determined, is dignity really useful? Kaioshin sighed.

Believe in Jiren! His power is not as simple as you think! The Clown God of Destruction said calmly.

Kaio Shen: ...

On the other side, Caulifla, who had just left, also encountered a strong enemy. Two robots blocked their way.

Hehe, we finally caught two fish that slipped through the net. Your condition is no match for them! Kaioshin of the third universe said with a strange smile.

Didi! The God of Destruction made several mechanical sounds.

The angel behind it said: Master Mosco said, throw the Saiyan down with all your strength!

Hmph! You really know how to find gaps! They are everywhere, just for the villains! Kaier, you rest first, I will deal with them! Caulifla sneered.

Sister, I want to fight side by side with you! Kaier said firmly, not wanting to hold her sister back.

Caulifla glanced at that firm look, then smiled and said: Okay! Then let's fight together! By the way, let them see how powerful the Saiyans are!

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