Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 140 The last three wolves! Fierce fighting begins

call out! call out! call out!

Hoo ho ho! This feeling is so wonderful! Somewhere in the ring, Frieza was making waves, attacking his opponents indiscriminately.

He loves this kind of big fight!

Suddenly, a very fast flying figure swooped down from the sky! Want to sneak attack Frieza!

A faint smile appeared on the corner of the latter's mouth, and then he pointed his finger backward, and a red light shot out!


Ah! With a scream, the attacker suddenly fell!

The opponent looked a bit like a bat, and he was covering his wings. Frieza had just hit his wings, making him unable to fly.

Hoo ho ho! You didn't expect that, I had planned to sneak you away! Frieza walked slowly, and then stood in front of his opponent, showing a strange smile: The game is over, please go away.

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and pointed it at his opponent, and a red light lit up on his finger.

No... don't... The opponent's eyes suddenly showed deep fear. He knew that the opponent's power was very terrifying, and this blow might be able to penetrate his head directly!

And judging from the other party's appearance, he seems to be cunning and insidious, and it seems that he can do it!

Hohoho, don't worry, I will send you off gently! Frieza's eyes were full of teasing, and he had a full villain face!

No... don't ah ah ah! The opponent was so frightened that he immediately turned around and ran away. Suddenly, his brain got hot and he jumped off the ring!


There is another contestant in the Universe 9 camp!

What's going on?! Why did you run back by yourself?! The God of Destruction of Universe 9 looked at the batman dissatisfied.

Eh? The latter was stunned for a moment, then realized what was happening, and his expression suddenly changed. By the way, why did he run away?

What's going on? So many people were eliminated so quickly?! the Ninth Realm King said angrily.

Hmph! This is what you will get for opposing my Seventh Universe! Beerus' mocking voice came over.

Asshole! The Ninth Realm King looked extremely ugly, and then he shouted loudly: Quickly get rid of the guys from the Seventh Universe! Throw them down hard!


Just as he finished speaking, another player appeared next to him.

What?! The Ninth Realm King was startled, and he quickly looked around, only to see a rabbit man appearing there, which meant that the eyes were eliminated.

What's going on? The Ninth God of Destruction looked at the rabbit man seriously.

The latter smiled awkwardly: I was eliminated too!

At the same time, in the field, No. 18 glanced in the direction of Universe 9, snorted coldly, and turned around to leave.

Obviously, she defeated the bunny man!

Five people have been eliminated! The situation is not good! The Ninth God of Destruction looked a little ugly.

At the same time, in the field, Luya was confronting a strong guy who looked like a wild boar! There is also a fish-man with a human body and a fish head next to him.

Hearing Beerus' words, he subconsciously glanced in the direction of Goku. At this time, Goku was being suppressed by the dangerous triangle formation and seemed to be losing.

However, Luya didn't care so much. He still had confidence in Wukong's strength. In contrast, he was a little unable to get away now!

Thinking of this, Luya looked at the two people opposite him and said with a smile: You two must not be from the same universe, but you have actually cooperated.

Hmph! With cooperation, it's not impossible to get rid of an opponent like you! The gladiator sneered: I am Napapa, the gladiator of the tenth universe. Now we will deal with you. Seventh Space guy!

Luya smiled and then looked at the fish-man: You don't need to introduce me. Universe 9 should disappear!

No big deal... The fishman was about to speak, but at this moment, Luya had already appeared in front of him!

What? Napapa turned his head subconsciously.


Ugh! In an instant, Luya punched the fishman directly in the stomach. The latter spat out a mouthful of white foam and his eyes were bloodshot!

Impossible! Am I right? That's... Flash Time Kung Fu!! At this time, Xiangpa from the Sixth Universe suddenly exclaimed, looking at Luya in disbelief.

Because the trick Luya used just now was Hit's Time Flash Kung Fu!

How is this possible? How did that guy learn to flash time? Bados also looked unconvinced.

Logically speaking, it is true that Luya has only fought against Hit, but how could the other party learn Hit's flash technique?

Huh??? The Kaioshin of Universe 9 turned green, because the person Luya hit was a player from their Universe 9!

Huh huh huh, what? Is this what you can do together? Sorry, I can only say goodbye now! Luya said jokingly, and then he glanced at Napapa beside him.

Cold sweat was already streaming down the latter's face. He didn't know that the guy in front of him was so terrifying. Looking at him now was like looking at a devil!

Luya didn't waste any time talking to him, and immediately kicked him out, knocking the fishman out of the game!

Universe 9, one person is eliminated again!

After clapping his hands, Luya looked at Napapa and said immediately: I heard that you are a wrestler? It's interesting. Why don't you compete with me?

What? You guy! Napapa's body was a little stiff. The other party dared to provoke him like this, which angered him again!

Hey! Luya smiled slightly, and then punched out fiercely!

Napapa also punched subconsciously, and two powerful forces were emitted directly.

Not bad! Luya grinned, then his eyes turned cold, and he suddenly punched and kicked at the opponent, reaching the extreme speed!

Napapa was directly suppressed!

On the other side, Vegeta also noticed the situation on Kakarot's side, and immediately snorted: Humph! That guy Kakarot is actually amusing himself!

Hey! Where are you looking? Chapir said jokingly.

Vegeta looked at Chapel, and for some reason his expression suddenly calmed down: You think your body can withstand an attack, right?

Chapir was stunned for a moment, then sneered: That's right! That's what happened! What? Just take action and see if you can hurt me!

In this way... Vegeta suddenly showed a bloodthirsty smile.


The next second, Vegeta transformed directly into a Super Saiyan!

What? Chapi was shocked.

You bastard, what's the difference between you and scrap metal?! Vegeta shouted coldly, and then punched Chapel directly in the stomach, and a muffled sound suddenly sounded.

No way? Chapir felt something was wrong, but he couldn't move at this time!

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Vegeta exerted force, and suddenly, a golden power burst out from his fist! The next moment, a waterfall-like force directly knocked Chapir flying out!

Ahhh! The latter screamed and immediately fell off the stage!

The seventh contestant from Universe 9 is eliminated!

Impossible! There are already seven... The Ninth King of the Universe almost collapsed at this time. Now there are only three Bergamo players left in their ninth universe!

The Seventh Universe is so powerful! The God of Destruction of the Ninth Universe said solemnly. He thought of Frieza, who had sent someone to assassinate him before. The other party had blocked his destructive energy with only his mortal force. He should have thought of himself. This is not the other party’s!

Good job! It looks like only those three dogs are left! Come on! Kill them! Beerus yelled, a group of people who were relieved of their anger. He was very aggrieved by being targeted before, but now he finally made a comeback, and he was immediately let down. He felt relieved!

Hey! Why are you so proud? Sun Wukong is still blocked by the Dangerous Triangle Formation. It's only a matter of time before he loses! Xiangpa couldn't help but said out loud because he didn't like Beerus.

Hmph! They're just three dogs. How difficult can it be to deal with guys like them who can't get on the stage? Beerus sneered.

At this moment, Vegeta suddenly broke into the dangerous triangle and faced Goku back to back.

Vegita, why are you here? Goku was a little confused.

Hmph! If I hadn't come, you would have been forced to the edge of the ring! Vegeta said coldly and arrogantly.

I can deal with these three guys! Wukong said firmly.

Idiot, they are just a few clowns, why waste your energy! Quick victory! Vegeta said dissatisfied.

Okay. Goku could only nod, and then he lost his temper and transformed into a Super Saiyan!

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