Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 139 Universe 7 VS Universe 9

With the Ninth Kaiowen's order, the warriors of the ninth universe directly surrounded the warriors of the seventh universe, and the cooperation between them was very powerful. Even Gohan and the others were a little difficult to deal with.

Hey, you're the one who defeated Sissop! At this time, a brown-skinned alien with gray hair and a bare upper body walked towards Luya.

Luya turned around and glanced at him, then smiled and said: Who are you talking about? Sorry, I really have no impression!

Hey! You arrogant guy, stop being so self-righteous! Now I, Oregon, will avenge Westop! The Oregon said gloomily.

If my guess is correct, you should be from the ninth universe, right? Luya suddenly asked.

That's right! Oregon said proudly.

It's so pitiful. You guys want to eliminate our seventh universe first, but you don't know that you are the biggest clowns! Luya shook his head.

You bastard! Take the move! Oregon shouted angrily, and then suddenly waved to Luya, and white threads shot out from his hand. If you are caught by these things like spider threads, , that would be very troublesome!

Luya sneered, and the next second, he mysteriously disappeared from the spot!

When it reappeared, it only took a moment, and Luya appeared in front of Oregon.

No...impossible! You... Oregon was shocked. He didn't expect this guy to be so fast! He had no chance to react!

It's time for you to go down and accompany that Hisop! Luya grinned, then stretched out his hand to directly condense the energy bomb, and launched it instantly, with almost zero-distance contact, and the opponent had no power to parry at all!

No! Oregon screamed unwillingly, but it was too late and was directly knocked off the ring by Luya's energy bomb!

Universe 9, another one is eliminated!

Oregon!! At this time, Catwoman and Lavanda, who were fighting fiercely with Vegeta, both screamed in surprise.

I said, where are you looking?! At this moment, Vegeta's face suddenly became angry: You clown-like things, you actually underestimate me, Vegeta's power!


In an instant, Vegeta transformed directly into a Super Saiyan! The power surges in vain!

Oops! Catwoman's face changed. She could have perfectly cooperated with Lavanda to suppress the opponent just now, but now the opponent's power has increased so much in vain!

Bang! Vegeta snorted, and the next second he rushed directly in front of Catwoman, and then punched the latter hard in the stomach!

Catwoman screamed, but before she could recover, Vegeta struck her continuously, and at the same time kicked her hard into the air!

You rubbish! Get out of here! Vegeta jumped up into the air, struck hard with both fists, and instantly knocked Catwoman down! At the same time, the latter fell directly to the edge of the ring. With a bang, the ring was directly penetrated, and Catwoman fell directly into the ring!

How is it possible?! Seven people were eliminated at once! Impossible! The Ninth King of the World suddenly looked ugly, because in less than ten minutes from the beginning of the Tournament of Power, three people in his ninth universe were eliminated! This is undoubtedly a very bad situation!

Hmph! A bunch of mediocre people! How dare they be enemies with the Saiyans of Universe 7! Beerus said mockingly.

It's really amazing. Even under heavy siege, it's rare to be able to turn the tide and change the situation of the war. The old Kaioshin sighed.

That's because they didn't choose to attack with all their strength. From the current situation, it seems that saving physical energy is a very wise choice. If they use Super Saiyan Blue from the beginning, they may eventually be killed due to excessive consumption of physical energy. Someone who wants to take advantage of this situation sneaks in! Weiss said calmly.

boom! boom! boom!

A blue light is flying through the air, and in the blue light is a girl with wings. She uses her ability to fly to continuously release energy bombs at everyone, just like a bomber!

She is none other than Lilibei Wu from Universe 10!

Damn it! Is it amazing to be able to fly?! Basil looked at Lilibei Wu in the air indifferently. The next moment, he took off on one foot. A huge shock wave condensed directly on the sole of his foot. Then he kicked hard and launched instantly. out!

Hmph! Take my move! Lilibei Wu was not afraid at all, and directly sent out a shock wave with both hands!

The two energies collide directly!

But it was obvious that Basil was more powerful and directly suppressed Lilibeiwu!

Eh eh eh? Ahhhh! With a scream, Lilibeiwu was directly bombarded and fell off the ring!

Now I declare that in Universe 10, Lilibei Wu is eliminated! the great priest announced with a smile.

Lilibei Wu...Universe 10... Zuo Quanwang directly found Lilibei Wu from Universe 10, and then extinguished her avatar!

Well done Basil! Now go help Bergamo defeat Sun Wukong! The Ninth Realm King shouted with satisfaction.

Yes! Lord Kaioshin! Basil said respectfully, then looked at Bergamo who was fighting fiercely with Sun Wukong, and sneered: Sun Wukong! You are next! Hahaha!

After saying that, he rushed directly towards Sun Wukong!

Da da da!

Goku is fighting fiercely with Bergamo, and the opponent's strength has improved a lot compared to last time. No, it should mean that the opponent didn't use his true strength at all last time!

Haha! Wukong grabbed the opponent's two fists, and then kicked forward with his feet!

Bergamo screamed and flew backwards!

Before Wukong could take a breath, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis. The next moment, he quickly turned around to protect himself with both hands!


One foot kicked Wukong hard, and the latter immediately retreated!

Wukong looked at Basil who came to support him and grinned: Two against one?

Wrong! It's three against one! At this time, Lavanda fell down and directly formed an outflank, surrounding Wukong.

Haha, Sun Wukong, this time we three brothers will attack together, let's see what else you can do! Bergamo walked over with a joking smile on his face.

Wukong stood ready, but his face showed no fear: It would be great if the three of you can come together!

As he said that, Wukong grinned: You should have made great improvements these days, right? Take it out quickly!

Hmph! Pretend to be calm! Bergamo snorted, then exploded in vain. Suddenly, blue light enveloped him!

Naturally, Basil and Lavanda were not to be outdone. Lavanda blew on his hands, and immediately sprayed out two bursts of poisonous gas. At the same time, he exploded and saw a yellow light surrounding him! Basil's whole body's strength is also concentrated in his legs!

Hmph! It's interesting! Wukong obviously felt something unusual, but he didn't have the slightest fear: Come on!

call out! call out! call out!

At the beginning of the battle, several people teleported at high speed. The three werewolf brothers fiercely surrounded Sun Wukong, leaving no way for the other party to escape. The three attacked at the same time, and Wukong was also passively blocking!

Da da da!



With the three of them joining forces, even Wukong was a little hard to resist, especially with Basil's sneak attacks from time to time and Lavandar's poisonous gas, even Wukong had to be on guard!

Ha! Wukong exploded, but what appeared was a protective shield on his surface.

Immediately, Goku attacked Lavanda directly!

Da da da!

Under Wukong's strong attack, Lavanda turned out to be somewhat irresistible!

How is it possible? He can actually ignore my poisonous gas! There was deep shock in Lavanda's eyes.

Let me do it! At this time, a voice came from behind, and Lavanda ducked and disappeared. At the same time, Basil directly attacked Wukong with a kick!

The latter can only hastily block!

The fierce collision started immediately, and the three werewolf brothers directly declared their joint efforts vividly, attacking without any blind spots! Wukong was directly suppressed!

Hahaha! See how powerful my Ninth Universe is! This is the Dangerous Triangle Formation! A super lineup united by the dangerous trio! Sun Wukong will definitely lose! The Ninth Realm King said proudly.

Damn it! That guy is so noisy! Beerus looked at him unhappily.

The Dangerous Triangle Formation, its name is not very good, but its power is great! the old Kaioshin said speechlessly.

Beerus couldn't stand it anymore and stood up: Hey! Vegeta! Luya! Go help!

Vegeta is currently fighting against Steel Warrior Chapir, but the opponent ignores his power. No matter how hard he hits, there is nothing like hitting the opponent on steel!

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