Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 141 Frieza’s kind rescue?

Very good! That's it! Throw them all down! Seeing that Goku and Vegeta finally cooperated, Beerus looked overjoyed and shouted quickly.

Damn it! He has long been dissatisfied with the Kaioshins of Universe 9. They keep beeping there, and he wants to destroy their majesty no matter what!

Damn it! Bergamo! Everything depends on you! The Ninth Realm King said anxiously.

Don't worry, Kaioshin-sama, we will definitely uphold the hope of the ninth universe and defeat our opponents! Bergamo said slowly, then he looked at Sun Wukong and the two of them, and said: It's good that I don't have to look for you one by one. Now we are even You two fall down together!

Huh! You are really stupid. With just a few of you guys, I can kill you all by myself! Vegeta sneered.

Not everyone can easily escape from our dangerous triangle formation. Even if you join forces, you are no match for us! Basil said mockingly.

It's ridiculous! Who told you that we are going to join forces! You guys... Vegeta's expression was joking, and then he exploded violently, instantly exploding his own aura to the extreme! The golden light emanates, extremely dazzling!

You're right, we don't need to join forces to deal with you! Wukong smiled slightly, and then instantly raised his energy. Suddenly, a powerful force burst out, no weaker than Vegeta.

Both of them are arrogant people. They will never join forces unless they have to. What's more, there is no need to join forces to deal with these guys! Super Saiyan is enough to deal with them!

Looking for death! Then I'll send you out! Bergamo snorted, and then he and the other two brothers rushed towards Wukong and Wukong in a tacit understanding!

Danger triangle!

At this time, Vegeta suddenly shouted: Sky Cannon!


Suddenly, a terrifying energy wave rushed directly towards Basil. The latter was startled, and then he didn't dare to fight hard and directly blocked Vegeta's sky cannon!

However, the opponent was also repelled due to the powerful impact, and the dangerous triangle formation was instantly dispersed!

Vegeta exploded and rushed directly towards Basil!

Basil! Bergamo and Lavanda's expressions changed greatly.

Your opponent is me! Don't be distracted! Wukong's voice came, and then he rushed towards Bergamo and Lavanda, hitting them with a series of punches and kicks.

The two of them can only struggle with Wukong!

One versus two!

After transforming into a Super Saiyan, Goku is more than enough to defeat two opponents in a one-on-one fight without losing the slightest!

the other side.


With a muffled sound, a figure slid on the ground and retreated ten meters.

It's Luya!

Luya looked at his opponent, a little surprised: It's interesting, I didn't expect your strength to be really extraordinary!

The gladiator Napapa looked at Luya with a solemn expression: You are also very good if you can make me use my full strength!

Lu Ya raised his eyebrows: Am I being praised?

Hmph! Napapa exhaled a breath of white air, and then he fiercely fired several energy beams towards the lure!

The latter twisted his body and avoided these attacks at a weird angle.

The next second, Luya appeared directly in front of Napapa, shouted lowly, a burst of white energy burst out from his body, and immediately punched the opponent with a punch!

Drink! Napapa is naturally not afraid. His arms are much thicker than Luya, so he is not afraid of anyone in terms of strength!

But if you hit Papa with one punch, you will be stupid!

The huge force instantly paralyzed his entire arm, and the next second, Napapa was pushed back by a powerful counter-shock force!

A wave of air swept over him, and there was a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth: Hercules? You kind of disappoint me!

After saying that, he prepared to condense energy bombs in his hands to give the opponent the final blow.

But at this moment, suddenly, an arm directly strangled Lua's neck!

What?! Luya was shocked and tried to break free, but the next second another arm stretched out, and his hand was also imprisoned!

Hey hey hey! I caught you! A strange voice sounded, it was the player who caught the lure!

How could it be? Lu Ya looked at the person who imprisoned him in shock. He was tall, had a unique hairstyle, light green skin, and kept mumbling like a fool!

Luya remembered, wasn't this Ninke who was eliminated by Goku!

Haha! You have today too! At this time, Napapa came over with a joking look on his face.

Luya tried to struggle, but the opponent's strength was not small, and he was getting harder and harder, as if his bones were going to be crushed!

Hehe! You will definitely lose! Warriors of Universe 7! Struggle! What I like most is watching my opponent struggle indifferently under my power! Haha! Ningke said with a proud smile.

Well done! Ninke! Crush his bones for me! Quitra, the God of Destruction of the Fourth Universe, sneered with a proud look on his face!

Damn it! Beerus looked a little gloomy.

It seems that players from other universes take special care of our seventh universe! Old Kaioshin said slowly.

They pointed Maotai at Wukong this time because they mistakenly thought that Wukong incited the King to destroy the universe, so it is normal for players from all major universes to have resentment towards our seventh universe! the young Kaioshin said worriedly. .


Bang! Luya frowned a little, and then used his strength to shake this guy away!

But at this moment, a powerful energy bombarded him directly!


Ugh! Luya couldn't help but scream in pain.

It turned out to be the attack launched by Napapa!

You guys are so infuriating!! Luya was a little angry and was about to explode.

Hey, you'd better stop struggling! Get down here! Napapa gathered powerful power in his hands, and then prepared a move to knock the lure down. Of course, he also thought about increasing the power and bringing Ninke with him. Walk!

Hoo ho ho!

Suddenly, Napapa started to gather momentum!

What?! Hey! What are you doing!! Quitra couldn't see the plan to take Papa, and suddenly said a little angry, this guy actually wants to knock down all the players in his universe!


Ninke! Let him go! Get out of the way!

However, Ning Ke didn't want to give up the opportunity to eliminate the lure, and his reaction was a bit slow and self-indulgent, and he kept increasing his strength to hold the lure tightly!

If you do this, you will have to step down. This is not a good choice! Lu Ya looked at Ning Ke with an ugly expression.

Hehe! Being able to die with you is a profit for me! Ning Ke said with a smile.

Tsk tsk! Luya sneered. Just when he was preparing to deal with these two guys, a sudden change occurred!

call out!

Suddenly, a dazzling red light suddenly passed through Papa's body!

The latter's body trembled, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he threw himself down unwillingly.

What?! This change surprised everyone, and they quickly looked at the person who made the move.

I saw Frieza walking over with a smile: Hohoho! Looks like you need help!

Frieza! Luya looked at him in surprise.

Great! It was Frieza who saved Lua! Kaioshin suddenly said in surprise.

Now is not the time for surprises. That guy's thoughts are hard to fathom, and he has a grudge against Luya, so he might do something! The old Kaioshin narrowed his eyes slightly.

Hmph! I will never forgive that guy if he dares to mess around! Beerus said coldly.

At this time, Frieza stepped on Napapa with one foot, then glanced at the latter and smiled: What? Such a weak guy has to be in so much trouble? Are you not good enough?

Lu Ya said coldly: I'm not your kind of person. By the way, you won't kill him, right?

Hohoho, don't worry, the rules of the game are that you can't kill people. I won't do that. After all, I haven't had enough fun yet! Frieza said jokingly.

As he said that, he stretched out his finger towards Luya: How about it? Do you want me to help you?

Luya sneered: You want to get me down with you, right?

Frieza raised his eyebrows: Who knows?

I appreciate the kindness, but...

Lu Ya's face suddenly turned cold, and the next moment he suddenly exploded. In an instant, the powerful force directly broke Ning Ke away. Then, Lu Ya kicked the opponent away with a whip leg and slid towards the edge of the ring.

Luya stretched out his hand and fired another cannonball, taking Ninke away directly!

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