Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 136 Frieza joins the battle! Reach the realm of nothingness

Space capsule.

Everyone is still waiting for Goku to bring Frieza back, but they all look a little worried.

First, I didn’t expect that Quan Wang, who stood at the top, would be so ruthless and directly threatened to wipe out the universe. But he really has that ability. This is undoubtedly a very big disaster for the creatures in the universe like them!

They must win this conference for Universe 7 so that Universe 7 can be spared, and the price is that they must be villains and defeat other universes! When they knew that only one of the twelve universes could remain, their inner pressure doubled in vain. In other words, the chance of their universe continuing to exist was only one in twelve!

It's a tough fight!

Then they asked Frieza to go to the competition with them. Frieza was a very thoughtful guy. He might have cooperated with him, but instead he stabbed him in the back!

Although some of the friends present were once enemies of the earth, through Goku's efforts, they can be regarded as reformed, but Frieza is different. No matter how many times he is defeated, this guy will always fight against them. For them, that is a huge headache!

Frieza, a complete villain! And he is a very stubborn villain who must deal with Sun Wukong and the others no matter what. As time goes by, the soldiers also become very afraid of and hate Frieza.

At this time, Beerus suddenly stood up and looked at Whis: Wes, let's take a walk!

Weiss understood, and then nodded: Yes, Lord Beerus.

With that said, they greeted everyone and then disappeared.

Luya watched them disappear, thought of the answer, and simply didn't think about it.

After a few minutes, everyone felt something and looked aside.

Beerus and others appeared again, along with Goku and Frieza.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions suddenly became serious.


Hi! I kept everyone waiting! Wukong greeted everyone.

But now everyone's eyes are on Frieza, and Vegeta's face is also very ugly, and his eyes when looking at Frieza are a little cold.

Hoo ho ho, I didn't expect that they are all here. Next, please take care of me! Frieza still looked cunning. He was not afraid at all in front of everyone. Instead, he seemed to be chatting and laughing.

Frieza, you'd better not mess around, otherwise I won't let you go! Vegeta warned.

Hey, Vegeta, it's been a long time. Why do you still look like you're afraid of me? Don't be afraid, I won't do anything. Frieza teased.

What did you say?! Vegeta gritted his teeth and stared at Frieza, as if he was about to take action in the next second.

Seeing these two incompatible guys, Gohan and others had a headache.

Gohan couldn't help but worry: Is this really okay for them? If there is internal strife at the conference, it will be very detrimental!

Hmph! Let them solve it. Piccolo said calmly.

Okay, okay, Vegeta, you don't have to argue anymore. Frieza is now a contestant representing our entire universe in the Tournament of Power. Let's put aside the previous grudges! Goku comforted him quickly, and then looked at Frieza. Sa: Hey Frieza, remember to promise me. If you dare to mess around, I will kill you with my own hands!

Hoo ho ho, I got it, I got it! Frieza showed a meaningful smile.

As he spoke, Frieza seemed to notice something. Suddenly he turned his head and his eyes met Lua's.

Seeing the guy who personally sent him back to the garden, the smile on Frieza's face suddenly disappeared: So you are also a participant in the Tournament of Power?

Luya glanced at Frieza indifferently, then grinned: It's interesting. It seems that after the last lesson, you have done enough training.

Hohoho, of course. Now I can master Golden Frieza in perfect form. How about it? Do you want to try it? Frieza walked towards the lure.

Hey! Frieza! Goku frowned, a little unhappy.

Luya walked over without any fear.

The two of them faced each other, with a hint of murderous intent in their eyes.

Everyone also watched this scene nervously.

Frieza looked at Lua and suddenly smiled: I hope you can persevere in the Tournament of Power, otherwise it will be a bit boring!

Luya grinned: Don't worry, even if you are out, I won't be out, so you are the one who should be careful!

The two looked at each other and smiled, but their smiles were somewhat meaningful.

Okay, now that everyone has gathered, let's go, but I have to say ugly things first. If any of you dare not take this power conference seriously, I can only destroy him! Beerus suddenly said He said in a serious voice.

After all, it was a matter involving the destruction of the universe. As the God of Destruction, he didn't mind using his personality as the God of Destruction to treat everyone ruthlessly.

Don't worry! With our strongest lineup, we will definitely win! Wukong said confidently.

Don't talk so much. There are many masters in other universes. These masters all have unique skills and are quite troublesome to deal with. So you should be careful. And it is said that there are more powerful masters in other universes. A warrior who is even more powerful than the God of Destruction! Weiss suddenly said.

Eh? Really?! Wukong was suddenly startled and said curiously.

Everyone's expressions also became solemn. It was already very scary to be on par with the God of Destruction. If he surpassed the God of Destruction, wouldn't he be a super master? How could this possibly win the opponent?

However, compared to Krillin's worries, Goku, Vegeta and others have nothing to fear, because they have experienced all kinds of hardships, how could they still be afraid of such a master?

On the contrary, strong opponents can excite them, and only in this way can they break through their own boundaries and truly reach the peak of Saiyans!

This is Goku and Vegeta's goal!

Weiss smiled and said: I don't know if it's true, but there are indeed masters of this level. Just try your best!

That's not right! You must not only try your best, but also win the battle! Protect yourselves and don't be easily eliminated! Beerus warned seriously.

Hearing this, everyone nodded quickly.

The time is almost up. In that case, let's eat! Weiss smiled slightly, and then used the power of angels to teleport the warriors and the two Kaioshins together.

When they disappeared, Bulma was a little worried: I hope you can come back safely!


There is no boundary.

The World of Nothing, as its name suggests, is a chaotic space with nothing. Here, the arena built by the great priest and several gods of destruction is very huge, and it also uses special materials and is very strong. Great for a big brawl.

There is a huge column in the middle of the arena, and the entire arena is in the shape of a top.

In the space on the edge of the ring, there were about ten seats, which were the audience seats. At this time, several Gods of Destruction had already arrived, and they were making final repairs to the arena.

The two kings were sitting on the main seats, with four guards standing behind them. The two kings were playing with each other.

At this time, the great priest in front suddenly smiled and said: Lord Quan Wang, they are here.

Eh? Immediately, the two Quanwang Gang attracted attention.

The next moment, rays of light appeared on the ring. The light dissipated, and dozens of people appeared. They were all masters from various universes! The contestants who represent their own universe in this tournament of power!

Wukong and others also appeared on the scene.

It's amazing! Is this where the Tournament of Power is held? It's so big! Wukong said excitedly.

This is the realm of nothingness, a space made up of special materials. It is the best place to hold a power conference here! Weiss explained.

A martial arts arena of this size is suitable for large-scale brawls. I thought it was not as big as I imagined. It seems that I have overthought it. Gohan sighed.

Are those masters from other universes? It feels like every one of them is not a simple thing! Klin said with some fear as he looked at the masters from different universes appearing around him.

Hehe, this is great! The stronger the opponent, the more motivated he is to fight! Wukong grinned.

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