Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 135 The Boundary of Nothingness! missing three people

Five days later.

At Bulma's house, all the friends had already arrived. During this period, they also found out that Bulma had a daughter, and they all congratulated her.

What's wrong? Why do you look so serious? Isn't it just an ordinary martial arts club? Krillin and No. 17 came over, and happened to see Vegeta, Piccolo and others not looking very good-looking, but looking like warriors. The appearance of something gone and never coming back.

This can't help but make people who don't understand a little confused.

Gohan and others looked at each other.

Beerus walked over: Hey, bald boy, long time no see.

Lord Beerus. Krillin greeted quickly.

Beerus nodded casually and then looked at everyone: Is everyone here?

Dad and No. 17 haven't come yet. Besides, the situation has changed a bit. My father-in-law called just now to say that Buu won't be able to come at the moment. Gohan said suddenly.

What?! Why?! Beerus frowned. Buu had the impression that it was the fat man who stole his food. This guy's strength was pretty good. What's going on now?

Gohan hesitated for a moment, then explained: It is said that because he ate too much, Buu has fallen into a deep sleep and it will take a while to wake up.

Beerus: ...

Seeing that Beerus' veins were about to bulge, everyone's expressions changed. Is this grumpy God of Destruction going to do something bad again?

Lord Beerus, calm down, the power conference is important! Whis suddenly reminded.

Hearing this, Beerus suppressed his emotions, and then said in a deep voice: Then what should we do now? There were originally ten people, but now you tell me that there is one missing? We are about to go to the World of Nothing, where can we look for it? A reliable expert?!

The Boundary of Nothingness is where the Conference of Power is held.

This... Gohan was a little helpless. He had discussed with Piccolo and others that he would be the team leader for this Tournament of Power, so he also had certain responsibilities. The main reason was that Buu fell asleep too soon. Just step on it! Caught people off guard.

Luya on the side was about to remind him when he saw this, but suddenly his expression paused and he looked aside.

At the same time, two figures flashed into the scene, it was Wukong and No. 17!



Seeing Wukong return, everyone seemed to have a backbone.

Piccolo looked at No. 17 and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is everyone here? I don't need to introduce this one, right? No. 17, our opponent back then! Now he will be our opponent in the seventh universe! Wukong laughed and introduced him immediately.

No. 17 glanced at everyone, and then smiled slightly: I'm presumptuous!

At this time, Piccolo suddenly stepped forward, stood in front of No. 17, and looked at him calmly.

The latter also looked directly at Piccolo with a slight smile.

Pico... Krillin and Gohan were a little worried. After all, Piccolo and No. 17 were strong rivals back then.

Suddenly, Piccolo smiled slightly and stretched out his hand: Yes, after so many years of not seeing you, you are a completely different person than before.

No. 17 also smiled and shook his hand: Thank you, you have improved a lot!

The two looked at each other and smiled, their grievances and grudges against each other disappeared with a smile.

Well, dad, there is something I need to let you know, that is Buu... Gohan told Goku about Buu.

The latter was stunned for a moment, and then had a headache: Why is it such a coincidence? What a headache!

Hey! Goku, what should we do now? It's almost time to go to Wujie, and now there's one person missing! Beerus said unhappily.

Let me think about it... Wukong thought.

How about ordering Tianjin dinner? Klin said suddenly.

No! Tianjin Fan is not as strong as Buu. We need to find someone who is not weaker than Buu! Vegeta suddenly said, for this competition, what is at stake is the entire Seventh Universe A matter of life and death!

Why is this so? Tianjin rice is also very strong! Klin said a little aggrievedly.

No. 18 comforted Klin. She noticed something was wrong, so she asked: What's wrong? Isn't it just an ordinary game? There are ten people anyway, so it's okay if one of them is weaker?

This... Gohan hesitated.

Or are you hiding something from us?! Also, is it true that Wukong said he would get a bonus of 10 million for participating in the conference? No. 18 said solemnly.

Well...haha! Wukong was embarrassed. He was indeed deceiving the other party.

What the hell, Goku, you lied! Where is the ten million? Bulma was a little unhappy with Goku's lie.

Wukong: ...

Wukong, is this true? Did you lie to us? Klin looked at Wukong in disbelief.

Sorry, Krillin... Wukong felt a little guilty.

There is indeed no 10 million bonus, but in this power conference, every universe will participate, and ten people from each universe will appear. If these ten people lose, then Lord Quan Wang will wipe out the corresponding universe. Get rid of it! Beerus suddenly said, no longer hiding.

What?! Clinton was startled, and then suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

I'm sorry, Klin. I also wanted you to participate with No. 18 so that we could have a better chance of winning! That's why I lied to you about the 10 million bonus. Wukong apologized.

What are you talking about! A look of anger suddenly appeared on No. 18's pretty face.

Eh? Everyone looked at No. 18 in confusion.

Wukong, by doing this, are you not treating me as a brother? Even if you don't say anything about this kind of thing, No. 18 and I will come forward! Klin said seriously.

No. 18 also echoed: Although I do like money, it does make people a little uncomfortable when you do this!

Haha, I'm sorry, I won't do it next time! Wukong scratched his head.

Well, in order to make up for Wukong's debt to you, and I hope you can take this conference seriously, I will pay the 10 million! Bulma suddenly said at this time.

Really? No. 18 raised his eyebrows, somewhat disbelieving.

Of course! Bulma affirmed.

She is the richest man, ten million is nothing.

The misunderstanding is now resolved.

Seeing this scene, Luya couldn't help but glance at Bulma, what a rich woman! Being beautiful and rich, Vegeta made money.

Old Sun, are there any new candidates now? Piccolo asked suddenly.

You guys solve it quickly, otherwise the consequences will be serious! Beerus said calmly.

Wukong thought for a while, and then frowned. Being so anxious made his thoughts a little confusing.

How's Frieza?

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Pfft! Vegeta, who was drinking juice, spat it out.


Everyone was also shocked, and then looked at the person who spoke.

Luya was a little innocent: Did I say something wrong?

Luya, do you mean to let Frieza fight? Krillin looked at Luya in disbelief.

Luya nodded: Indeed, he is the most suitable candidate!

No! How can someone like Frieza be suitable? I don't agree! Vegeta's expression was extremely ugly, and he still hated Frieza very much.

Not only him, but others also couldn't accept it. Can that evil emperor really obey and fight for the seventh universe?

I think it's okay! Luya! What a great idea! Goku suddenly said excitedly. After all, he also felt that Frieza was the most suitable guy!

Hey! Kakarot! Don't mess around! Vegeta warned.

Goku frowned a little: But now only Frieza is the strongest, and it is almost impossible to find someone more powerful than Buu now.

But isn't Frieza dead? Dad, are you serious? Gohan also broke into a cold sweat.

Hehe, this is simple. I can ask the fortune teller to resurrect Frieza for a day. Wouldn't that be enough? Wukong chuckled, feeling more and more feasible.

What if that guy messes up? Have you ever thought about it? Kakarot! Vegeta was still a little uncomfortable.

If he messes around, I will kill him with my own hands! What's more, isn't there a Lure? His power is not weaker than Frieza's! Wukong laughed.

Luya couldn't help but straighten his back.

It's true. Frieza's strength is indeed rare in the universe, so he can indeed act on behalf of our seventh universe, but we must also pay attention to the scale. His ambitions are very big, unless he has a handle. Of course, now This is the only way to do it, after all, if Universe 7 loses, then everyone will just keep their respects, and it will be meaningless then! Weiss suddenly said.

Very good! In that case, let me find him! Wukong grinned, and then used teleportation to disappear directly.

Everyone: ...

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