Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 137 The Pride Team appears! The Strongest Jiren

In a short period of time, almost all the warriors from the nine universes had arrived, and the God of Destruction, the Angels, and the Kaioshin all landed in the audience.

Of the twelve universes, four universes do not need to participate in the battle, so the remaining eight universes will compete. The winning universe will survive, and the rest will be wiped out by the King!

The ones who don't have to fight are the first universe, the fifth universe, the eighth universe, and the twelfth universe! The average level of these four universes has reached above seven, so they have the value of existence, so they do not need to participate in this power conference. However, the level of the remaining eight universes is below seven, so they need to fight!

When the battle begins later, we must follow the plan and find out the strength of each universe first, otherwise we will easily suffer losses! Gohan suddenly warned.


At this moment, a ray of light fell, and immediately after, a group of red-clothed warriors appeared on the field!

As soon as they appeared, Wukong and others' expressions froze and they looked over warily.

Basically every player in Universe 7 can feel the enemy's aura, so in their opinion, this tight-fitting red-clad warrior who suddenly appeared has a good aura! Especially if there are individuals with unfathomable strength!

That's the warrior of Universe 11! Wukong said with a serious face.

Universe 11? Humph! That's interesting! Vegeta grinned and said proudly.

Luya glanced at Jilian with a meaningful look in his eyes. This hairy guy is very powerful. It can be said that no one in the field is his opponent! Not even if he could transform into Super Saiyan Red!

It seems that there will be a tough battle in the end!

I'm going to say hello! Wukong suddenly said, and after saying that, he walked directly to Universe 11.

Hey Wukong! Krillin wanted to stop him, but Wukong had already approached the Universe 11 camp.

Is Wukong familiar with them?

Gohan explained at this time: Master Quanwang held a sparring competition before, and my father fought against Toppo from Universe 11. The opponent was very powerful, and he was able to force his father to transform into Super Saiyan Blue. He fought against it, so Dad has a pretty good impression of him!

So powerful? Klin was a little shocked.

Because he knows that Super Saiyan Blue is Goku's unique move. That Toppo can actually force Goku to transform. This is a very difficult opponent!

It's interesting! Frieza's attention was also attracted by Universe 11: It seems that this tournament of power is not as boring as I thought!

Hi Toppo! We meet again! Wukong waved to Toppo.

Sun Wukong? Toppo looked at Wukong with a cold look in his eyes: How dare you come here!

What? He is Sun Wukong! The culprit behind this power conference?! A soldier said in surprise at this time.

Everyone's eyes were also fixed. They all knew that they would be wiped out if they lost the battle, so they had a very bad impression of the culprit, Sun Wukong!

Don't be so cold! By the way, Toppo, wait and continue the last battle with me! There must be a winner or lose between us! Wukong looked at Toppo and grinned.

Toppo glanced at Wukong, and then said calmly: Of course your existence needs to be eliminated, but I represent justice, and this time, I represent the entire eleventh universe, so if you want to fight me, of course you can , but I won’t do these trivial things because of personal matters!”

Why is this like this? Wukong was a little bored.

Suddenly, Goku noticed Jiren who was blocked by Toppo, and his eyes narrowed slightly because he felt the opponent's unfathomable power!


Wukong was shocked because he had never felt like this before! Even when facing Zamasu, he didn't feel this way!

The opponent's power must be very powerful!

Thinking of this, Wukong suddenly became excited. He looked at Jiren, raised his hand and said hello: That...

At this time, Toppo stopped him: Sun Wukong! You have crossed the line!

Goku glanced at Toppo, and then said: I just want to talk to him, after all, he is his future opponent!

Toppo's eyes were filled with anger.

Forget it! At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

When Toppo heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he had no choice but to put away his hand to block Wukong.

Wukong was overjoyed, and then walked up to Jiren: Hello, my name is Sun Wukong, from the seventh universe! You must be very strong, right?

Jiren glanced at Goku and said expressionlessly: Get away!

Wukong's face froze, and then he felt a little embarrassed. Is this guy so cold?

At this moment, a huge block suddenly flew towards this side.

Get away! Wukong! Klin and others were suddenly shocked.

Wukong was also startled, and then he subconsciously jumped up and jumped away from the block. However, at this moment, he noticed that Jiren did not move at all when facing the block that was about to hit him!

This makes Wukong very wary!

And suddenly, the moment the block was about to hit Jiren, it suddenly turned in a direction, finally filling the last flaw in the arena!

All this happened amid lightning and thunder, but Wukong's face was very serious at this time!

This guy has noticed the movement of that block a long time ago! What a scary guy! Wukong whispered, looking at Jiren with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes. The more he looked like this, the more he wanted to fight him. !

Hey! Old Sun! Come back! At this time, Piccolo suddenly shouted. Goku responded, then took a deep look at Jiren, turned around and left.

Is that Sun Wukong? It doesn't feel very good! At this time, a rabbit alien who looked a bit like Beerus suddenly said.

He is one of the warriors of Universe 11, the warrior who is best at speed! Tispo!

Toppo looked at Sun Wukong leaving, and then said seriously: Don't underestimate any opponent, especially this Sun Wukong, he will probably be our strongest opponent to win the championship!

What? That's not true, is it? General Kasaral said in disbelief.

To be honest, if I fight him and neither side holds back, I may not be able to defeat him easily! I can only say that the chance of winning is very low! Toppo said calmly.

The seventh universe is not easy either! Tispo sighed.

Toppo looked at Jiren, then hesitated and said, Jilen, I hope you can carry forward the spirit of the Proud Team and help us sweep away all our opponents!

Jiren glanced at Toppo, and then said calmly: I know.

Wukong returned to his own camp.

Dad, are you too reckless? Gohan said helplessly.

Haha, I'm sorry, I can't help it when I see the master. Wukong said with some embarrassment.

Kakarot, who is that guy? Vegeta suddenly asked, obviously he had been paying attention to the situation over there just now.

His name is Jiren. He is the ace warrior of Universe 11, and may also be our most difficult opponent to win the championship! So you must be careful! Luya suddenly said.

Eh? Luya, how do you know his name? Is it possible that you know him? Wukong asked with some confusion.

Lu Ya said calmly: It's normal to get to know your opponent a little bit, but I advise you not to find him, otherwise you will regret it.

Is it so serious? Teacher Wu Tian asked curiously.

The guy who can make Luya think he is troublesome must be very powerful! Wukong narrowed his eyes slightly, but his fighting spirit was extremely high.

Luya sighed, he could only advise, he could not interfere no matter what the other party did.

It should be interesting to see the situation! It's a little better than guarding animals. No. 17 said with a slight smile and looked around.

No. 18 glanced at him and then said: You seem to be doing very well these years!

No. 17 smiled slightly: It's not bad, but unlike my sister, you actually got married to this bald boy.

No. 18: ...

Klin was a little embarrassed. This brother-in-law loved to tell the truth. At this time, the great priest suddenly appeared above everyone. He glanced at everyone in the field, and then smiled and said: Okay, now that the arena has been completely repaired, let me explain the rules of the Tournament of Power!

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