Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 123 Super Saiyan VS Majin Buu

boom! boom! boom!

In a mountain range, Majin Buu was wreaking havoc and carpet bombing, as if to find something.

In a hidden stone crevice, Piccolo and Gotenks were hiding inside, watching Buu's destruction in the distance.

Damn it! That guy is so terrifying! Piccolo's eyes were filled with fear, and his expression was even more helpless.

Even Gotenks is no match for him, who else can defeat him now?

And now Goku and Gohan are gone, and even Vegeta has fallen. The only person on the earth who can stop Buu is Gotenks. It has to be said that Majin Buu's power has surpassed Gotenks. Si! It is simply impossible to deal with the opponent!

Uncle Piccolo, I want to go out and fight him! Gotenks regained his strength, then stood up and said arrogantly.

He was forced to hide here, which was already frustrating enough. He must not continue to be in this embarrassing situation!

No! Even if you go out, you are no match for him! In this case, you might as well outwit him! Piccolo said solemnly.

The two boys obviously wanted to cause chaos!

How could this happen? Don't underestimate my power! Gotenks clenched his fists, then exploded with anger, shouted angrily, and transformed directly into the third level Super Saiyan!

It’s over!

Piccolo couldn't help but cover his face! These two people were really upset.

Hey! Transformation at full power!! I feel full of power!! Gotenks grinned.

Oh? Suddenly, a head stuck out from the outside, showing a dangerous smile.

Majin Buu!! Piccolo's face changed drastically when he saw him.

Gotenks was not afraid at all, pointing at Majin Buu: Come on! Your death is now!!

Hehehe! Majin Buu giggled, but it was full of ridicule.

Ha! Gotenks shouted violently, and the place where they were was immediately exploded by a powerful force!


The next second, the two figures in the air directly collided at high speed. The speed was astonishing. Gotenks took the initiative to attack Majin Buu, but it could be seen that Majin Buu dodged with ease and did not let go of Gotenks at all. In the eyes.

Take my move! Gotenks fired a cannon into the sky!

Majin Buu didn't dodge and got hit right in the middle!


Suddenly, the sky cannon passed directly through Buu's body! There is a big hole in my belly!

But Buu didn't look like it was important at all. His body trembled and he immediately regained his physical body!

Damn it! Gotenks was a little unhappy and rushed towards the opponent.

At this moment, Buu suddenly showed a strange arc. Just when Gotenks was about to hit him, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the opponent's fist!

What? Gotenks was shocked.

Buu chuckled, then picked up Gotenks and hit him in the face with the other hand!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The punch hit the flesh, causing Gotenks to scream in pain.

Oops! Piccolo, who was watching the battle on the other side, suddenly changed his expression. He had already guessed that this would be the result.

Gotenks can't beat Buu now!

After a hammer blow, Buu withdrew his fist and looked at Gotenks with an evil smile.

At this time, Gotenks's face was red, and the huge pain made him unable to open his eyes.

Majin Buu didn't give him a chance to recover. He just grabbed the opponent and threw him around a few times before throwing him away.


Trunks smashed through several large rocks and was buried directly in the pile of rocks.

... Piccolo looked ugly.

The current situation is too deadly and there is no resistance at all.

Gotenks struggled to stand up. He looked at Majin Buu, a little depressed, why couldn't he defeat him? No reason!

The two brats who transformed into Super Saiyan III were extremely confident. They originally thought they could fight each other, but after the fight, the other side didn't use their full strength at all!

Majin Buu descended slowly, and then, he suddenly grinned at Gotenks and raised his finger at him: Come again!

Damn it! Are you looking down on me? Gotenks suddenly became upset. He looked at Buu, then violently raised his energy to the peak and rushed towards him!

call out!

But suddenly a figure appeared blocking his path.

Wow! Gotenks was startled and quickly braked.

Who is that? Piccolo looked at Luya who suddenly appeared and asked doubtfully.

At the same time, Goku and Gohan on Kaiowen both felt the appearance of a powerful aura and were immediately surprised.

What's going on? Why is there an unprecedented aura? Wukong asked in surprise.

The aura that suddenly appeared was so powerful that even he didn't dare to say he could defeat the opponent.

It seems that someone stepped forward to stop Majin Buu! the old Kaioshin said calmly.

Um, do I still want to practice? Gohan suddenly asked.

What nonsense can you say? We've already reached this point, so just sit down and calm down! the old Kaioshin taught him a lesson.

Oh! Gohan didn't dare to speak after hearing this, and sat quietly.

If I can be resurrected, I can go to the scene to see it! It's really nerve-wracking! Wukong said a little depressed.


In the battlefield, Majin Buu also looked at the sudden appearance of Luya in surprise, a little confused.


Luya glanced at Gotenks, then grinned: Hey, Gotenks!

Eh? Do you know me? Gotenks said in surprise.

Luya smiled and did not answer. At the same time, it was a bit complicated. The beginning of Dragon Ball Super seems to be after defeating Majin Buu. It seems that if you want to defeat Majin Buu, you still need to work hard.

Back then, when Goku defeated Majin Buu, he used vitality bombs. Of course, he also knew how to use vitality bombs with lures, but he couldn't use them because he was an outsider after all, and no one would believe him and transfer vitality to him.

How about leaving it to me to deal with it? Luya looked at Gotenks and smiled.

That's not okay! He's mine! Gotenks shook his head and refused. This guy made him so embarrassed, and he must get his place back!

Thinking of this, Gotenks crossed the lure and was about to rush over.


Suddenly at this moment, Gotenks suddenly split into two!

Eh? Why is this happening? It's time! Trunks said a little unhappy.

Hey hey hey! Majin Buu suddenly rushed towards the two brats!

Careful! Trunks! Goten! Piccolo's expression changed and he shouted quickly.

Wow! Trunks and Goten suddenly turned pale. They understood that without fusion, they were no match for Majin Buu!

Just when Buu was about to rush in front of the two brats, Luya suddenly appeared and blocked them, and at the same time kicked Majin Buu away!

Luya glanced at the two little ghosts, and then said: Hurry up and hide, leave this place to me!

After saying that, he fell in Buu's direction.

Who is that big brother? Wutian asked curiously.

Who knows? Come on Goten, let's go to Uncle Piccolo's place! Trunks greeted.

On the other side, Buu stood up, rubbed his face that was kicked, and then looked at Luya, his expression a little ugly.

Luya fell in front of him and said with a smile: What? Where is your silly smile? Show it!

Roar... Buu roared, and then suddenly stretched directly from the waist up to lengthen, and stretched towards the lure, very fast!

However, Luya was wary and disappeared when the opponent rushed in front of him. The next moment he appeared in the sky and dropped a cannonball from his hand!


With a burst of explosion, Buu's lower body was blown to pieces!

Majin Buu gritted his teeth, and then the pieces of meat merged together again.

But what no one noticed was that a small piece of minced meat was hidden.

Recovering his body like rubber, Buu rushed directly in front of Lua and punched out with his fist!


After a series of collisions, the two of them were fighting fiercely together!

Isn't it possible...that guy can actually be evenly matched with Majin Buu? Piccolo said in shock.

I hope he can hold on, and when our time comes to merge again, we can defeat Majin Buu! Trunks said arrogantly.

Piccolo: ...

Is this child still immersed in his invincibility?

Luya and Buu fought from the ground to the air, and from the air to all directions. The battle was extremely fierce!

At the same time, Luya discovered that Majin Buu was indeed very powerful. Even if he raised his normal combat power to a very powerful level, he still could not gain the upper hand against Majin Buu!

Majin Buu is very powerful, it can be said that he is even more powerful than the third level Super Saiyan at this time! Since the end of this enemy, although Goku and the others have improved a lot, they are still not as good as Majin Buu under normal circumstances! After all, Majin Buu almost killed a group of them!


Luya punched Buu's face until it was deformed, but the next second, he was entangled in Buu's hands!

Luya's expression changed, and the next moment Buu spat out, and a cannonball immediately blew the Luya straight to the ground!

Hehehe! Buu laughed proudly.


Suddenly, Luya below let out a loud roar, and then, a terrifying force shot directly into the sky! The golden aura is raging, extremely terrifying.

PS: After completing this mission, you will have to go to the Conference of Power. After the Conference of Power, you can slowly take the time and space route.

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